
If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

Xiaobian has been at the beach for many years, and the common seafood has basically been seen, but often in the seafood market, you can always find some fun or even strange seafood, and some people who have been fishermen for many years can't be named. Ground toad fish, a delicious but poisonous fish, can only be bought by anyone who can make it.

If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

The day before yesterday, Xiaobian was in the seafood market, and some vendors told Xiaobian that there are 2 kinds of rare seafood, so hurry up and take a picture. These 2 kinds of fish Xiaobian has indeed not seen, after asking an old fisherman to know, one is called ground toad fish, the other is called knife pomfret. The toadfish is ugly, but poisonous, and if the hand is punctured by it, it will be poisoned, and it also needs to be learned to eat this fish, and the vendor said that only those who can eat can sell it to him. Knife pomfret is very beautiful, old fishermen say they have not seen it for decades, it is also a kind of pomfret, the number is very small. No one has seen a knife pomfret for decades, like a knife don't you?

If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

Fugu fish has been heard of by many people, it is estimated that not many people have eaten it, puffer fish is very beautiful. In fact, some of the beautiful colors in seafood are warning colors, and the same is true of the animal kingdom. There are also some starfish that can be eaten, starfish with feet like chicken feet are delicious to eat, and starfish with bright colors like duck fins are poisonous and must not be eaten. Ask about some uncertain seafood when it is best to buy common ways to eat, and the vendors will tell you. The well-known puffer fish is it. (For more excitement, please pay attention to the headline number "Fish Eyes see the world")

If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

The vendor said that these were yellow croakers, and the editor did not look like them.

If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

This is a mixture of several stray fish, with light fish on both sides.

If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

This is silver carp, I don't know, right?

If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

That's the whole picture of the ground toadfish, remembered, poisonous, but delicious.

If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

These eight-banded bass were caught by the fishermen, and they thought that they were in the sea and were running amok.

If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

The fins on the back of the knife pomfret, if you swim in the sea, is not very imposing.

If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

This is a common clam (Shandong silver called Gala), sticking out your tongue and spitting out sand is not very beautiful?

If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

This is jellyfish head, crunchy to eat.

If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

Jellyfish skin, not the people of the sea have also eaten, basically cold mix eating method.

If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

This is a starfish that can be eaten, and the yellow that is eaten is peeled out.

If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

It was a cooked starfish, long claws, claws linked together poisonous and could not be eaten.

If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

Finally this small editor will drool when he sees it, called crab claws, pepper and vinegar marinated for a period of time, and wrap you to eat once and think about it once.

If you've seen or eaten these two seafood species, you can beat a fisherman with decades of experience

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