
Reflection on "Everything About My Wife": Marriage Swallowed by Time, What to Take to Crack the Love Curse Preface Text I, Reflection on the Marriage Brought to Us in the Movie II, Several Marriage Crises That Often Occur Iii, How to Break the Love Curse? epilogue

author:Miss Hu's OK bandage

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If one day someone told you that your love was cursed, how would you react?

In this article, you will be able to gain:

1. Reflections on marriage brought to us in the movie.

2. Several marital crises that often occur.

3. How to break the curse of love?

Reflection on "Everything About My Wife": Marriage Swallowed by Time, What to Take to Crack the Love Curse Preface Text I, Reflection on the Marriage Brought to Us in the Movie II, Several Marriage Crises That Often Occur Iii, How to Break the Love Curse? epilogue

The movie "Everything About My Wife": The male and female protagonists returned to Korea to get married after spending the ordeal together in an earthquake, and in the seventh year of marriage, with the arrival of the seven-year itch, the husband became more and more tired of his wife, thinking that the wife was a tasteless, temperamental and tough woman.

The husband even did not hesitate to hire a playboy to seduce his wife to make his wife cheat, but as the wife flew away because of her career and the farce of the playboy actually falling in love with his wife in the back, the male protagonist gradually realized his mistake, but unfortunately it was too late.

1. Boredom is a precursor to the destruction of a marriage

In fact, in the movie, when the husband began to dislike his wife in the seventh year, the marriage between the two had already laid a deep curse.

Reflection on "Everything About My Wife": Marriage Swallowed by Time, What to Take to Crack the Love Curse Preface Text I, Reflection on the Marriage Brought to Us in the Movie II, Several Marriage Crises That Often Occur Iii, How to Break the Love Curse? epilogue

At the beginning, the two did not have such contradictions, and with the arrival of the seventh year of marriage, the contradictions between the two suddenly increased.

On the one hand, this is caused by the natural laws in marriage, after all, the law of the seven-year itch is very common, but on the other hand, it is closely related to the tolerance of the husband, and without the husband's low tolerance for his wife, the marriage of the two may not develop in a more unfavorable direction.

2) Betrayal of marriage is often self-defeating

In the eyes of her husband, she wants to divorce her wife, but she is afraid that directly explaining the meaning of divorce will make her unable to get off the stage and damage her own interests and face.

So the husband came up with a dirty idea, hiring another man to seduce his wife and induce his wife to cheat, so that he could justifiably divorce.

However, people are not as good as heavenly calculations, and the abacus-filled husband never dreamed that his wife was actually unmoved by the playboy, and worse, when he missed his wife, the other party actually fell in love with his wife.

Reflection on "Everything About My Wife": Marriage Swallowed by Time, What to Take to Crack the Love Curse Preface Text I, Reflection on the Marriage Brought to Us in the Movie II, Several Marriage Crises That Often Occur Iii, How to Break the Love Curse? epilogue

3. Is marriage really only cherished if it is lost?

The most ironic thing in the film is that the husband tried everything to divorce himself and his wife before the divorce, but after the divorce, he developed a very strong attachment to his wife, and a reluctance.

The husband who had previously searched for death and worked hard to get rid of his wife did not feel a trace of happiness after the divorce, but became more and more sad because of the loss of his wife.

Does a partner in marriage really have to wait until he loses it to know how to cherish the other person?

1. The crisis caused by boredom

Boredom in marriage is recognized by sociologists as a chronic poison to marriage.

Although it seems normal for a couple to ridicule each other about the other half's inability or dislike for every aspect of their other half, this is often a precursor to the breakdown of the marriage.

Reflection on "Everything About My Wife": Marriage Swallowed by Time, What to Take to Crack the Love Curse Preface Text I, Reflection on the Marriage Brought to Us in the Movie II, Several Marriage Crises That Often Occur Iii, How to Break the Love Curse? epilogue

Countless examples of failed marriages tell us that boredom is the starting point for marriage breakdown.

The beginning of the marriage crisis is due to discord and variables, and these are the products of the accumulation of boredom in marriage, if two people have been attracted to each other, think that each other is very attractive, very passionate and fresh, it is not so easy to appear similar to the marriage crisis.

2. A crisis arising from a disagreement

There is also a type of marital crisis that arises from a disagreement, which is also called impulsive marital crisis.

Originally, the relationship between the two people was good, but once it may be bad luck or just when the two people are angry, quarrels and disputes broke out.

Unfortunately, such differences have not been resolved, but have intensified, and the parties may even make a decision to divorce in extreme anger.

When people are very different from their own because of each other's views and behaviors, they may indeed have the emotion of breaking off the relationship.

Reflection on "Everything About My Wife": Marriage Swallowed by Time, What to Take to Crack the Love Curse Preface Text I, Reflection on the Marriage Brought to Us in the Movie II, Several Marriage Crises That Often Occur Iii, How to Break the Love Curse? epilogue

3. The crisis caused by marital betrayal

Such a marriage crisis is the most serious, but also the most touching principle, and the often end is that there is only one way to divorce.

The birth of such a marriage crisis is basically the bitter fruit caused by the inability of one or both spouses to resist external temptations or an impulse to disregard the bottom line.

The marital crisis of betrayal is very unforgivable for any couple of lovers.

1. Remember the beauty of the past

In marriage and love, in the face of contradictions, the most direct and powerful solution is for the two to recall the beauty of the past together.

Generally speaking, the original intention of two people who finally choose to be together and enter the marriage hall together is precisely because of these beautiful things, precisely because of the sweetness and touching of first love.

Even if we are no longer young, our minds are no longer so clear, there is nothing that can deprive us of the good memories of the love we had when we were young.

Reflection on "Everything About My Wife": Marriage Swallowed by Time, What to Take to Crack the Love Curse Preface Text I, Reflection on the Marriage Brought to Us in the Movie II, Several Marriage Crises That Often Occur Iii, How to Break the Love Curse? epilogue

2. Summarize the previous years

Love is more like an expedition, and to get rid of the curse that the expedition will be swallowed up by disaster, we need a retrospective summary and rest.

We need to complete a summary of the love of the first seven years in a certain period of time, such as seven years for a period of time, we must see from the past days what are the beautiful places in our love, what are the deficiencies, and what places need to be improved and perfected by two people together, which will undoubtedly learn a lot of experience for our future road.

3. Conduct a frank communication plan

People who have no goals, people who are in a trance, are the most vulnerable to the curse of love.

Our love needs to be planned, it needs to have a general goal.

Reflection on "Everything About My Wife": Marriage Swallowed by Time, What to Take to Crack the Love Curse Preface Text I, Reflection on the Marriage Brought to Us in the Movie II, Several Marriage Crises That Often Occur Iii, How to Break the Love Curse? epilogue

And these can only be done through communication, we have to try to communicate with our partners again and again, to analyze the reality of the situation together, to help our future love planning and development.

For example, we need to set small goals, such as what we need to accomplish with our partner in the next few years, and how we will try to repair our personality in the next few months.

In summary, our love marriage is extremely susceptible to crises, and crises are various. To this end, we must strengthen the construction of our own love marriage in order to crush the conspiracy of these marriage crises and the curse of love magic.

Although marital love is the object of blessing, if it is not careful, it may also become the object of curse, and we have to guard against this.

Reflection on "Everything About My Wife": Marriage Swallowed by Time, What to Take to Crack the Love Curse Preface Text I, Reflection on the Marriage Brought to Us in the Movie II, Several Marriage Crises That Often Occur Iii, How to Break the Love Curse? epilogue

To get rid of the curse of love, we need to strengthen our marriage, understand our marriage, and be responsible for our marriage.

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