
"Everything About My Wife" - You never thought that nagging was because of loneliness

author:Old King C

Recently, I love to watch Korean movies, and I basically watch them one by one with a rating of 8.0 or above, but this movie I have bypassed several times. Its name wasn't special enough, so I always thought it was a heavy family ethics drama on rotten streets. After watching it today with the time of bathing, blowing hair, making masks, and manicures, I really felt that a name almost ruined a movie.

Sadahito and Do-hyun met in Japan after an earthquake. After a sweet period of love, they soon entered the marriage, but the seven-year itch came as promised, and Zhenren appeared in front of the audience in an aggressive and unobtrusive woman's posture, forcing Daoxian, who was on the toilet, to drink two glasses of juice, and then wiped the floor when Daoxian had not finished eating, because of a word or a little thing, he was hysterically clutching his husband. As a woman, I look at it to suffocate, let alone men who endure this kind of thing every day? So Do-hyun wants a divorce. However, in the face of his wife, he could not say it, and heard that the next-door neighbor was a man who had a heart and had never lost his hand, so he took the opportunity to ask the neighbor Zhang Shengji to seduce his wife to cheat and achieve the purpose of getting rid of her.

The plan was successful for 2 months, Jang Seung-ki gradually approached Jeong-in in various "encounters", and gradually fell in love with this beautiful woman, and Jeong-jin accidentally became a popular DJ due to the radio work arranged by her husband, was invited to Seoul to develop, his wife's nagging slowly faded away, Do-hyun also felt the change in his wife's feelings for Jang Seung-ki, began to realize his mistakes, he hoped to get his wife's forgiveness, and his wife made up her mind to divorce. At this time, Zhenren became quiet and sensible, while Daoxian became like Zhenren in the past, scolding the newspaper delivery, and angry at the restaurant waiter, when I saw this, I still didn't understand why this was the case. Finally, when Zhenren angrily accused Daoxian of not doing what he wanted, Daoxian smiled and said, "I miss it so much, your nagging, your voice, your nagging made me very humiliated before, I didn't know you were lonely, but I only knew your pain when I was lonely." "At this moment, I immediately burst into tears.

On the other hand, I used to be very much like Zhenren, anxious, uneasy, bitter and mean to my lover, self-righteous, but not so lucky to escape the seven-year itch. And why isn't that the case in most marriages today?

Instead of saying "Smecta, I love you," two people can be together forever. Married life is to run into each other, tolerate each other, and understand each other, and you can't be the queen of your life without any scruples. After a long time, the two people have nothing to say, maybe you say that your lover can not be interested, so you use aggressive and nagging ways to attract the attention of the lover, as everyone knows, your he has begun to dislike and avoid you.

Nagging is also a way of loving in front of the person she loves, so why doesn't she nag someone else? When you hate her, think about what she looked like when you first pursued her. She gradually becomes lonely in her married life, and you have an unshirkable responsibility. When you hate her and abandon her, naturally there will be another man who understands her and can share her joys and sorrows. When she stops nagging you, it's no use regretting it.

In love, no matter which party, it is lost to know how to cherish. After being together for a long time, you will always dislike some of the "shortcomings" of each other and infinitely enlarge them, and after leaving, you will begin to miss those "shortcomings", because those "shortcomings" are the most impressive places for you.

Don't forget your original intention, you have to be consistent.

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