
About All About My Wife

author:General Picture

When you live alone, when you come home, the first thing you always do is turn on the TV first, whether you watch it or not.

This is exactly the same reason for Zhenren to return home in the film to turn on the blender and vacuum cleaner.

"In a living home, there should always be some sound."

"Isn't silence more terrible than chattering?"

About All About My Wife

"Everything About My Wife" is a romantic comedy that does the opposite, and it tells the story of how the marriage of the hero and heroine fails.

In the first half of the film, it takes only 5 minutes and 30 seconds to explain the process of the hero and heroine from acquaintance to marriage.

After that, it enters the theme, through the male perspective, in an absurd and exaggerated way, presenting "my wife's nagging", "my wife's arrogance", "my wife's unreasonable teasing" and so on...

About All About My Wife

In the movie, the writer and director are both rational and true temperament.

They let the heroine Zhenren shine into the "love saint" Zhang Shengji's brief sunshine in the frustrated marriage, even if it is false, she really feels the serious, warm love, and also has a new examination of the marriage.

They also let the male protagonist Do-hyun wake up in time to keep love when he is about to lose this precious wife.

It couldn't be better to end up ending with happy.

About All About My Wife

Although the story of this film is told from a male perspective, it is more about showing the various aggravating postmarital problems encountered by the two sexes in their married life.

"Qinqi calligraphy and painting poetry hops, living by it will become chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea."

Yes, in a marriage, although the women's problems are not the same, the essence is the same.

She may not have children, give up socializing, but only want to watch variety shows with her husband on the couch; wash and cook, nagging just to get you to give encouragement; often complain, and argue with you is only afraid of being snubbed by you.

About All About My Wife

Every woman in a marriage has every reason to change herself from a cute girl with bright eyes, bright and warm eyes to a dirty, annoying strange woman.

One thing men never understand – many women nag only because they are lonely.

So I especially want to sincerely ask men who are not satisfied with their girlfriends and wives: Have you really ever seriously understood your lover?

About All About My Wife

A very clever twist in the later part of the film is that when the "love saint" pursues the heroine Renzhen, and Renzhen's life gradually improves because of the radio program, her husband Do-hyun begins to inexplicably copy Renzhen's previous behavior. Restless, nagging, suspicious, complaining.

But at this time, Renzhen's mentality also changed, and she looked at the uneasy Daoxian who was following behind her and only said lightly, no need to follow.

I think it's enough to say that all the madness, nagging, restlessness, clinginess, and so much despair, is not a woman's patent, but in the same situation, everyone will be like this.

It's just that men don't want to admit it.

About All About My Wife

In any case, the fact that women start to shine because of change is still full of positive energy.

No matter who it is, it will be very touching to see Renzhen getting better and better, to see her insist on communication, to say not to let her world be eroded by silence, and to recall her nagging and sloppiness at the beginning, she will applaud this woman.

About All About My Wife

Loneliness and communication, understanding and tolerance, these words that are headaches when you think of them, in fact, are not empathetic, you can solve it?

If you really know the horror of loneliness, you will not bear to leave your lover who is waiting at home all night; if you really understand the pain of playing the ox piano, you will not leave a complaint and end your communication; if you really understand the horror of bitterness, how can you be willing to speak ill of your lover.

About All About My Wife

I think the most important thing is that the negative emotions that the husband once brought to his wife, those bits and pieces and the beginnings and turns, and the pains that were once incomprehensible, are truly empathetic in the process of redemption.

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