
How mysterious is Xu Shu? Vowing not to sacrifice a plan for Cao Cao, why did Cao Cao still provide for him?

author:Deng Haichun

During the Three Kingdoms period, when the masses competed for supremacy, in that era when everywhere was an opportunity and every step was a trap, the kings and generals wrote history with their own lives. As a key link in the chain of the times, although his father died early, his family fell in the middle of the road, and he survived by selling and weaving mats, he still had great ambitions and ideals, wanted to support this decadent world, wanted to reshape people's hearts, and wanted to be a hero. In order to become a great cause, he made many friends and recruited many good generals and counselors, from Taoyuan Sanjieyi to the later Sangu Maolu, his team also laid a solid foundation for his foundation. These good generals were loyal to him, including Xu Shu.

How mysterious is Xu Shu? Vowing not to sacrifice a plan for Cao Cao, why did Cao Cao still provide for him?

Xu Shu's real name is Xu Fu, a disciple of the Han Dynasty. He avenged people in his early years, and after being captured and rescued, he changed his name to Xu Shu, so he began to seek the path of seeking the Tao from a teacher, and he learned something, and Xu Shu, who was very accomplished, could be said to be a hit! In the second year of Chuping (191), Dong Zhuo rebelled, and Xu Shu moved to Jingzhou for refuge and became acquainted with Zhuge Liang. In the sixth year of Jian'an (201), Liu Bei was defeated by Cao Cao and forced to go south to attach himself to Liu Biao and garrison Xinye. Xu Shu went to Liu Bei because Liu Bei was a cousin of the Han Dynasty and Liu Bei's reputation was far away, and Liu Bei also attached great importance to him.

How mysterious is Xu Shu? Vowing not to sacrifice a plan for Cao Cao, why did Cao Cao still provide for him?

During this period, Xu Shu also recommended Zhuge Liang to Liu Bei, and the three of them talked happily, often talking about their ideals in life all night. However, the good times did not last long, and in the thirteenth year of Jian'an (208), Liu Biao died of illness. At this time, Cao Cao led a large army south, and Liu Biao's second son Liu Chun took over Jingzhou and surrendered to Cao Cao. When Liu Bei heard of this, he fled south from Fancheng, but in desperation, they were chased by Cao Cao's army at Changbanpo in Dangyang. Xu Shu's mother was taken captive by Cao Jun, and Xu Shu was forced to bid farewell to Liu Bei and go to Cao Ying in order to save his mother.

How mysterious is Xu Shu? Vowing not to sacrifice a plan for Cao Cao, why did Cao Cao still provide for him?

Helplessly, Xu Shu could not get out after arriving in Xuchang, and his mother also committed suicide. Xu Shu had no choice but to stay in Cao Ying, which is what people call "being in Cao Ying's heart in Han". Xu Shu swore that he would never provide Cao Cao with any strategy. But the strange thing is that even so, Cao Cao still provided for Xu Shu, why is this?

First, Cao Cao offered Xu Shu to Cao Ying, in order to prevent Xu Shu from returning to Shu Han to serve Liu Bei. Cao Cao was a man of talent, and when Yuan Shao and Cao Cao clashed, Yuan Shao's adviser Chen Lin wrote a letter insulting Cao Cao, but after Yuan Shao's defeat, Cao Cao admired Chen Lin's talent and did not kill him. And in the face of Xu Shu, who was already in Cao's camp, even if he would not advise himself, Cao Cao would choose to provide for him, so that he would also end up with the reputation of a corporal who understood the righteousness and was a lixian corporal. A generation of tyrants Cao Cao is a clear-eyed person, how to do it he is very bottom-up!

How mysterious is Xu Shu? Vowing not to sacrifice a plan for Cao Cao, why did Cao Cao still provide for him?

Secondly, Cao Cao had the hope of influencing Xu Shu in his heart. As we all know, the reason why Xu Shu came to Cao Ying was because Cao Cao used Xu Shu's mother to threaten, and later Xu Shu's mother committed suicide. Cao Cao was ashamed of Xu Shu, and he also knew that Xu Shu had hatred for himself, and it was reasonable not to make a plan. Despite this, Cao Cao still fantasized in his heart that he could impress Xu Shu and make Xu Shu let down his guard and truly submit to him and serve him.

On the one hand, he inspired Xu Shu and hoped that he would serve his own life; on the other hand, he trapped Xu Shu and did not let him serve Liu Bei, and finally he could gain a reputation of loving talents, which can also be regarded as killing three eagles with one stone, why not enjoy it?

How mysterious is Xu Shu? Vowing not to sacrifice a plan for Cao Cao, why did Cao Cao still provide for him?

Although Xu Shu's final fate is sighing, it is always a good ending. After Xu Shu was forced to surrender to Cao Cao, after many years of Cao Wei's eunuchs, the official worshiped the right lieutenant general and Yushi Zhongcheng. Yushi Zhongshi (御史中丞) was the subordinate official of The Imperial Household Master , Rank Senseki , in charge of the affairs of the Hundred Officials , and belonged to the qing dynasty ; right lieutenant lang would be a subordinate officer of Lang Zhongling , responsible for commanding the emperor 's bodyguards , protecting the security of the imperial palace and other affairs.

Although Xu Shu held a high official position in Cao Wei, he was trusted by Emperor Cao Wei. But as a person who was forced to defect to Cao's camp, Xu Shu had such an achievement, which was really rare. Xu Shu had the talent of Wang Zuo, and if he was still assisting the government of Shu Han, he could fully achieve the position of prime minister, and it was really a condescending talent to be a right lieutenant general and a royal historian. Luo Guanzhong also commented on Xu Shu's talent: "I hate Gao Xian no longer meet, and I cry goodbye to two feelings." The words are like spring thunder, which can make Nanyang rise and lie down. According to legend, Xu Shu later lived in seclusion on an island in the North Sea of Lingshan Mountain, called Guziyang, whether it was true or not, and it is not known. However, xu Shu's final outcome, Yomo died of illness and was buried in Pengcheng.

How mysterious is Xu Shu? Vowing not to sacrifice a plan for Cao Cao, why did Cao Cao still provide for him?

When Xu Shu was young, he liked to practice swords and perform heroic deeds, and was arrested to avenge people, and then escaped and changed his name and surname to go to the school to study Confucianism. Although the people hated him for being a thief and refused to be with him, he did not care. He was conscientious and diligent, humble and courteous, and not only mastered a lot of Confucian knowledge, but also made many friends. He was heroic and courageous, "avenging people, chalking and being sent away"; he had great ambitions, devoted himself to great deeds when the building was about to fall, and longed to open up peace for the world; he said that he would bear fruit, and without a word, he would be full of stomachs and rotten breasts, and he would never give a plan for Cao Cao for life. In this chaotic era of the Three Kingdoms, like many heroes of the great shore, his name shines on the milestones of history. His morality and personality, which are difficult to peek at from the surface, are like exquisite amber, shining in the long sky of the human spirit.

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