
Dwarf: I am waiting for the wind this autumn, and I am also waiting for you 01.A little capable person has a long life 02.Exquisite and exquisite understanding of life 03.Happy to be kind and charitable to true fraternity

author:Shiyue Island

Speaking of dwarfs, I instantly thought of a fairy tale picture: this cute little cute, with their own justice and kindness to save the beautiful princess; speaking of dwarfs, I can't help but think of the pocket people who work hard for life, they use their optimism and strength to write the most beautiful picture of life.

But this autumn, with a slight autumn breeze, I am waiting for a different "Dwarf", a refreshing "you". You're a co-creator of Dutch writer Will Hagen and Dutch illustrator Ryan Putwood. At first, I thought you had come to awaken my "childhood dreams", but as I read the content, I found that you had come to give me popular science cognition.

Dwarf: I am waiting for the wind this autumn, and I am also waiting for you 01.A little capable person has a long life 02.Exquisite and exquisite understanding of life 03.Happy to be kind and charitable to true fraternity

In the book, through their own observations and records of your 20 years, the authors unreservedly present you to me and the vast number of readers: your food, clothing, housing, family society, medical care, emotional psychology, everything about you is so real, so interesting, so touching. No wonder you've been so popular since you came out in 1977 that you've been making it a huge hit on the New York Times bestseller list for more than a year.

I was surprised to hear that some people had never seen a dwarf before. I think these people are really pitiful. Maybe there's something wrong with their eyes. —Swedish writer Axel Mende

Your arrival was not easy, and it is said that it was approved and approved by the Dwarf Council after five years of serious consideration. It can be seen that you are still quite valued in the industry. That being the case, I don't want to enjoy your beauty exclusively, I want to take you to the public vision, let more people know you, like you.

Don't look at the dwarfs are small, the stage of actual history has long been there. It is said that around 1200 AD, a chic-shaped, well-preserved wooden statue of a dwarf was discovered by a fisherman of the Swede Fridley Woojaf. After testing, people were surprised to find that this dwarf statue was more than 2,000 years old, which was unbelievable, but it also confirmed the existence of dwarfs.

In fact, the dwarfs are not "rare" among the free peoples of Middle-earth, and can be called one of the longest-lived and oldest races. At first glance, the average height of only 15 centimeters they seem to be similar in appearance, men usually wear red pointed hats, wear blue blouses, white beards; women wear dark pointed hats, wearing gray clothing; weight is also similar, adults weigh between 250-300 grams.

Dwarf: I am waiting for the wind this autumn, and I am also waiting for you 01.A little capable person has a long life 02.Exquisite and exquisite understanding of life 03.Happy to be kind and charitable to true fraternity

However, if you look closely, you will inevitably find that the dwarfs in different regions have different personalities and habits, according to the saying that "one side of the water and soil raises one person", they can be roughly divided into six major categories: forest dwarfs, dune dwarfs, garden dwarfs, farm dwarfs, family dwarfs and Siberian dwarfs.

The division of species does not affect the characteristics of dwarfs, they are notoriously short but powerful people, and most importantly, they are mostly long-lived. Usually, their average life expectancy can live to about 400 years, of which the first 100 years are like our adolescence, innocent and romantic, carefree; after 100 years, they show signs of adulthood, beginning to fall in love, marriage and have children.

Receiving this, I have to mention an interesting thing about them. That is, on the day of birth, every dwarf receives a gift from his parents: "Oak Tree". Don't underestimate this tree, its age is a "magic weapon" to record the age of children, or a "witness" to witness the happiness of the newlyweds when they get married. If one day the dwarf dies, the oak tree that exists for him and witnesses life will also wither, is it not amazing?

I remember that teacher Pan Changjiang said such a sentence in the sketch: "Concentration is the essence." "After seeing the dwarfs, I think this sentence is too incisive, it is simply tailor-made for them."

As we said earlier, dwarves are capable and live long, and in addition to this, they are also particularly particular about life. From the perspective of the residences alone, we can't help but be amazed: they don't easily choose a place to stay, and they have to go through continuous exploration to finalize the location. After the address is finalized, they will begin to design the hidden entrance, the skunk trap and the excavation of the tunnel, the orientation of the room, the layout of the stair wells and sewers, each process is very rigorous and in place, from which it can be seen that the dwarfs are very pursuing the quality of life!

Dwarf: I am waiting for the wind this autumn, and I am also waiting for you 01.A little capable person has a long life 02.Exquisite and exquisite understanding of life 03.Happy to be kind and charitable to true fraternity

The outside of the house is thoughtful, and the layout inside the house is not inferior. From the welcome gong at the entrance and the door watch cricket to the large stove in the house, the sleeping cabinet, the bathroom, the toilet, the storage room, it is really all available; the carved doors and windows, the jewel-encrusted doors, and the golden toilet supplies all show the dwarf people's intentions and interest in life.

Hearing this, do you show envious eyes, but this is all the dwarfs carefully environmental protection in exchange. They skillfully use the leaf circulation mechanism to provide nutrients for their trees, so that their roots are deep and leafy, so that in the long past, they have shaped a beautiful home on which they live.

In addition to the dwarfs love to use their brains and diy daily necessities, they also like to cook a variety of cuisines, and the bread, jam, soup, and flower tea that people can see in their daily lives can be made by them with color and fragrance, which is mouth-watering; after marriage, the dwarfs also have romantic travel preferences, accompanied by animals and plants, and empty nest tree holes, and there is really a feeling of "poetry and far away" coexisting.

It is well known that people are accustomed to sympathizing with the weak. Supposedly, short dwarfs should be the object of everyone's protection, but they have welcomed the praise of others with their kindness and love.

It turns out that dwarfs have a special function, that is, to understand animal speech, so they will approach the animal world with a sense of responsibility and mission, communicate with them, and live in harmony. Today, the chicken is lost, the dwarfs send it home; tomorrow, the cow is abnormal, help her to do a "small operation"; the day after tomorrow, the rabbit is caught, help him unwind the trap set by the hunter, even in the cold winter moon, when everything in the world is quiet, the dwarf will still come out to do "good deeds" and feed the small animals..... It can be said that there are only unexpected difficulties, and there is no help that the dwarf refuses.

Dwarf: I am waiting for the wind this autumn, and I am also waiting for you 01.A little capable person has a long life 02.Exquisite and exquisite understanding of life 03.Happy to be kind and charitable to true fraternity

In the past, I often heard people say: "There is no charcoal in life, and there is icing on the cake." "It is inevitable that this society is too desolate. Now that I see the dwarf, I can't help but feel a warm sun coming over me, and I see the sunshine of love.

Romain Rolland once said, "Goodness is not a learning, but an act." "May we know the dwarfs at the same time, but also with them to evoke the long-lost tenderness in our hearts, with a little kindness to warm the world."

"Dwarf" 丨 A book that warms the heart like "The Little Prince" ¥96 purchase

(At the end of this article, the figure originates from the network, invaded and deleted)

I am @ Shiyueyu, willing to live with you, chat with you, grow together, and see life. Welcome to follow~

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