
Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

author:Encyclopedia of Farming

Potatoes are a very important tuber cash crop, which has been cultivated in a large area in the world, especially in some European and American countries. In addition to being vegetables, potatoes are also processed into potato chips, fries, and so on. Like there are several relatively large potato chip processing companies in Inner Mongolia, China, and the potato chips are sold well at home and abroad. But for small consumers, the size of potatoes is not much different, and it is often used in domestic home stir-fry, even if the appearance is uneven. But like some potato chip processing companies, all are mechanized operations, such as machine peeling, slicing, etc., there are clear requirements for the size and appearance of potatoes, potatoes are too large or too small and uneven appearance, etc. are not good, will affect peeling and slicing. But in the same situation, when growers manage potatoes, the best-case scenario is to obtain higher yields, better prices and better quality, so that there will be higher returns. So many growers may be concerned about these problems, what can be done to help them?

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

Potatoes, as a relatively high yield per mu of cash crops, have been growing larger and larger in the country in recent years, especially in Hebei, Shandong, Inner Mongolia, etc., so the market competition is also getting bigger and bigger. So how can you increase revenue? It can be analyzed from the following three aspects.

Increase yields. In order to improve the yield of potatoes per mu, we generally start from the aspects of varieties, planting density, planting methods, and pest management methods. These factors are mutually unified and constrained.

Improve quality. In order to improve the quality of potatoes, it is generally improved from the aspects of the size uniformity of potatoes and whether the appearance is flat. In particular, water and fertilizer drugs and the management of pests and diseases are important factors affecting the yield and quality of potatoes.

Staggered listings. The market is changeable, there is a very common phenomenon of "things are scarce and expensive", so in addition to ensuring the yield and quality of potatoes, in order to sell higher prices, you must play the wrong peak listing card. This requires a high level of planting management to promote the early marketing of potatoes.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

Therefore, in order to achieve the improvement of mu income, it is necessary to achieve "the same mu yield to see the quality and listing time, the same market time to see the mu yield and quality", then it is necessary to take a higher planting and management technology as the lead, then it is necessary to use advanced planting management technology to improve the income of growers. It is divided into the following 3 points.

1.1 Life habits of potatoes

Potatoes are annual tuber-based herbaceous crops that are mainly propagated by tubers when they are planted (when propagating with tubers, they need to go through steps such as sunning, germination, and seed mixing). The speed of germination of tubers is closely related to the temperature and humidity in the soil. Generally, the soil temperature stops germination below 5 degrees Celsius, and 15 °C-18 °C is the best germination temperature. From sowing to harvesting potatoes, there are six stages, namely germination, seedling, tuber expansion, nutrient reflux (also known as starch accumulation) and dormancy.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

After potatoes are planted, the humidity in the field has a great impact on the germination, growth and yield of potatoes. Studies have shown that ensuring 45%-55% of the moisture in the field tillage layer when potatoes germinate can be conducive to potato germination and rooting; field moisture of 55%-65% at the seedling stage is conducive to promoting the strong seedlings of potato roots; leafy branches; keeping the water in the field at the stage of tuber expansion is conducive to the expansion of potato blocks; ensuring that the field water drops to about 50% during the nutrient reflux period is conducive to nutrient reflux and increasing yield.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

Potatoes are generally divided into early ripening, medium ripening and early maturing varieties, but the same variety compared to the early listing to take the corresponding agricultural management measures to catch up with the planting season, the most used at present is the greenhouse to increase the ground temperature to create conditions suitable for planting potatoes, so that potatoes early planting, early germination, early harvest, so that you can occupy the market in advance, to the wrong peak of the listing time to win.

1.2 What is 4 Membrane Technology?

At present, there are three common shed film management measures in potato planting, namely one film, two films and three films, and in the past two years, four film planting technology has been introduced, and has achieved great success. So what is the difference between four-film planting and other lamination methods?

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

A membrane takes the way of mulch film to increase the ground temperature, and this method is also commonly used by many people. A film cover can increase the ground temperature by 2-3 degrees, promote potato germination, compared to the non-film can be planted in advance for about 10 days. However, in the seedling stage after germination, it is susceptible to the influence of spring cold, resulting in reduced yields.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

The second film adopts the method of mulch film + small arch to increase the ground temperature and growth temperature, which can be planted about 20 days in advance, which has a certain effect on preventing or alleviating the harm of spring cold.

The three membranes take the way of mulch film + small arch shed + greenhouse to increase ground temperature to promote germination, improve the ambient temperature to promote the growth and development of potato seedlings, can be planted about 30 days in advance, can play an obvious role in early planting and early harvesting.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

The four membranes are based on the original three membranes, and another layer of shed film is added between the small arch shed and the greenhouse, which can be planted for about 45 days in advance, and the germination, seedlings, potatoes and ripening of potatoes in all aspects can be promoted, and the harvest can be achieved for about 45 days in advance. During this period, the potato commodity market is in short supply, and promoting potatoes to mature in advance can occupy a price advantage after being listed, which has a very obvious effect on improving earnings.

1.3 Potato 4 film planting technology 4 points of superiority

1.3.1 The use of 4 membranes can be planted in advance, sprouted, seedlings, early maturity harvesting and listing, can occupy the price advantage in the market. After the basic potatoes are ripe, when the harvest standard is reached, the initial yield per mu can be about 7,000 jin, but for each extra week, the mu yield can be increased by 1,000 jin, and according to the price trend of previous years, it is sold in advance for 3-5 cents more per catty, and the income is better. However, it should be noted that the market price fluctuates with market time, and we must master the harvest period and harvest and sell at a high price level in time.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

1.3.2 Reduce the harm of pests and diseases. The use of indoor planting in the shed can control the temperature and humidity in the shed, reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, and is conducive to the growth of potato stems and leaves and the formation of potatoes. And the occurrence of pests and diseases is small, avoiding damage to the photosynthetic function of leaves, relatively prolonging the growth time, and can significantly increase the yield.

1.3.3 The potatoes are uniform in size and have a high commodity rate. Combined with the four-membrane planting technology, the temperature and humidity in the shed are relatively constant. And combined with the way of ridge planting is very good to control the growth and potato, can make the potato size even, the commercial fruit is greatly increased.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

1.3.4 It is conducive to the planting of crops with lower stubble. Potatoes are planted in advance and harvested early, compared with other farmlands that can be planted immediately after the stubble change, and the planting time and harvest can also be correspondingly advanced, which can catch up with the good market.

In general, each potato can be planted with 5-6, and 4000-6000 plants per acre can be planted. However, in many farmlands, although the yield is relatively high, the knotted potatoes often appear large, small and small, and there is no good uniformity. In particular, some of the potato chip processing companies mentioned above, they all like to purchase the size is relatively uniform, so it will lead to growers, especially large and small potatoes grown on a large scale, which are not easy to sell, so improving the uniformity of potatoes is also a trend that is conducive to future planting and sales.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

2.1 Causes of uneven potatoes

2.1.1 Uneven distribution of water and fertilizer in the soil. In many farmlands, there will be more or less soil problems, such as compaction, cracks, etc., on the one hand, it will cause poor soil permeability, which is not conducive to the germination and growth of the root system. On the other hand, it will affect the uniform distribution of water and fertilizer in the soil, resulting in uneven distribution of nutrients and moisture. Crops have a characteristic, in the process of growth where there is water and fertilizer in the soil, the root system will grow where, and rhizome crops are more obvious. Like potatoes, in the process of growing and expanding, it is necessary to use capillaries to absorb the surrounding nutrients to promote the expansion of tubers. Once the distribution of water and fertilizer in the soil is uneven, the capillary roots cannot absorb water nutrients uniformly, which will cause uneven distribution of nutrients in potatoes, resulting in potato deformities and different sizes.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

2.1.2 The degree of soil looseness and fertility varies in the degree of expansion. Potatoes are more suitable for fluffy and fertile soil conditions when growing, and have high permeability. On the one hand, it will be conducive to the germination and growth of the root system, on the other hand, it can promote the uniform distribution of water and fertilizer in the soil and improve the commodity rate of potatoes. In the third aspect, loose soil can reduce soil resistance when potatoes are expanded. In many potato-growing areas, such soil conditions are very rare, so it is common to say that the potatoes grown are different in size.

2.1.3 Potato stems and leaves have a strong growth. Higher water and fertilizer conditions are required in the potato cultivation process to meet the needs of the fruit when it is expanded. However, if there is a normal situation in the stem and leaf, it will cause nutrients to be consumed by the leaves in large quantities, and insufficient nutrient accumulation when the potatoes are expanded, resulting in uneven size and reduced yield.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

2.1.4 Hazards caused by pests and diseases. Potatoes are susceptible to heavy stubble, and yield and quality are greatly reduced. It is generally recommended that farmland should not be cultivated continuously, but due to the limitation of land resources in many areas, it is impossible to use new land to grow potatoes every year, so it is necessary to use specific methods to solve the problem of diseases and pests in the growing environment.

2.2 How to promote the commodity rate of potatoes

2.1.1 Carry out soil improvement to enhance soil fertility and permeability. Like many soils with compacted conditions, on the one hand, organic matter is supplemented for the field, such as some crop straws with fewer germs, which are first properly fermented and sterilized before returning to the field. On the other hand, the application of fungal agents and organic fertilizers to transform the growth environment of the roots in the soil and promote the germination and growth of potato roots is of great help to improve the yield and uniformity of potatoes.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

2.1.2 Control the growth of stems and leaves, reduce nutrient consumption, and promote the accumulation of nutrients in potatoes. When planting, it is necessary to plant seedlings according to the growth of potatoes, leave appropriate growth space, enhance the ventilation and light transmission of the field, and also help reduce the occurrence of diseases. To control the input of nitrogen fertilizer, it is recommended to combine balanced fertilizer and organic fertilizer in the early stage, and to flush fertilize mainly in the later stage (flushing high potassium fertilizer, must not use chlorine-containing fertilizer), take the form of organic and inorganic matching to meet the nutritional needs of crops, in order to prevent premature aging in the later stage due to the early growth of stems and leaves.

2.1.3 In view of the uneven distribution of water and fertilizer in the soil, it is recommended to use it with soil additives. Like the more popular polyglutamic acid, alkylated polyols on the market now, etc., can improve the penetration and distribution of water and fertilizer in the soil, uniformly wet the soil, is the potato in the expansion stage of all directions of capillaries can obtain balanced nutrition, promote the uniformity of potato knots.

In the process of potato planting, special attention should be paid to the occurrence and control of the following five diseases and pests, namely early blight, late blight, anthrax, aphids, and underground pests.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

3.1 High temperature and drought to prevent early blight. Early blight mainly harms stems and leaves as well as potato blocks, reduces photosynthesis, and affects quality and yield. In addition to controlling the temperature of the field, it is also necessary to properly water the potatoes according to the requirements of water at different times to avoid drought. At the beginning of the occurrence of premature blight can be used 64% oxyso cream. Manganese zinc (compounded by 8% xantholamine and 56% daisen manganese zinc) at 200-220 g per mu; or 52.5% oxenone. Cream urea cyanide (compounded by 22.5% oxazolone and 30% cream urea cyanide) at an amount of 40-45 ml per mu, used two to three times continuously.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

3.2 High temperature and low humidity to prevent late blight. Strictly in accordance with the appropriate temperature and humidity when potatoes are grown, enhance ventilation and ventilation, and reduce the temperature in the shed. In the event of late blight, it is recommended to use 68.75% fluorobacteria,Downy mildew (compounded by 6.25% flupiramide and 62.5% downy mildew) in an amount of 75-100 ml per acre; use two to three times continuously.

3.3 High temperature and high humidity anti-anthrax. In the high temperature and high humidity environment, we must pay attention to the ventilation and ventilation in the shed to reduce the humidity and temperature in the shed. In the prevention and treatment of anthrax with agents, it is recommended to use 50% benzo. Propiconazole (compounded by 25% propiconazole is good by 25% dipheniconazole) 10-15ml per acre; 30% pyrazole. Pentrazole (compounded by 18-pyrazole ether ester and 12% pentozole) 20ml per acre + 70% phenylethoconazole 5 g for uniform spraying, continuous use twice.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

3.4 Aphids. Aphids not only suck the juice of young leaves, but also spread viral diseases, which must be taken seriously. Prevent egg killing with 10% pyraprosate 10 ml/bucket of water at the beginning of aphid occurrence and 5% perchlorine after aphid occurrence. Acetamidine (controlled by 2% highly potency cypermethrin and 3% acetamidine) 20 ml/bucket of water or 22% perchlorofluoride. Thiamethiasis (controlled by 9.4 highly potency cypermethrin and 12.6% thiamethoxazine) 10 ml/bucket of water.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

3.5 Underground pests. The underground pests of potatoes are mainly golden needle worms, grubs and ground tigers, mainly golden needle worms, which seriously reduce production and quality. It is recommended to use 4.5% dioxin chlorpyrifos (compounded by 3% dimethoaters and 1.5% chlorpyrifos) at an amount of 3-3.5 kg per mu for control.

In the process of potato planting, it is necessary to combine planting technology and management, create suitable soil conditions and growth conditions, promote root germination at the same time, improve the uniform distribution of water and fertilizer in the soil, supply sufficient nutrition to crops, and strengthen the management and control of pests and diseases, and eventually the quality and yield will be greatly improved. And combined with the shed film planting technology, promote the early planting of potatoes and the morning market, bringing more benefits to growers.

Potato planting 4 film technology, combined with the management of the growth period, staggered peak listing to increase production and improve quality 1.With 4 film planting technology, improve the ground temperature to promote germination, to achieve the purpose of early listing and staggered market centralized supply. 2. Carry out soil improvement, promote the uniform size of potatoes, and increase the commodity rate. 3. Carry out comprehensive management of pests and diseases to ensure quality and yield.

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