
Later Jin Dynasty Emperor Shi Chonggui: Dreaming of recovering Yanyun, but was defeated by the reality of the surrender of 200,000 troops, the worst commander-in-chief, the second general, was martyred, the scum secretly gave birth to the third emperor, the emperor hunted in the north, and his wife and daughter were humiliated


In the autumn of the third year of the Later Jin Dynasty (946 AD), the Khitan lord Yelü Deguang paraded his troops at Zaolindian in Jizhou, preparing to invade the south again, and teaching the disobedient "grandson" The Jin Emperor Shi Chonggui.

Since Shi Chonggui ascended the throne, his attitude toward the Khitan was no longer as friendly as it had been during Shi Jingyao's time, and the Khitan had repeatedly invaded the territory, but they were all repelled by the Jin army, and even fought Yelü Deguang in the Battle of Yangcheng more than a year ago, and fled back to Youzhou. Before this dispatch, Yelü Deguang learned a lesson and adopted two strategies to confuse the Jin Dynasty: one was to let the government decree and Zhao Yanshou, the king of Wei, accept the Surrender of the Jin Dynasty and ask the Jin army to respond; the other was to let Liu Yanzuo, the assassin of Yingzhou, surrender fraudulently, saying that this autumn was rainy, there was too much water in the Area of Youzhou, and the main Khitan force had retreated north.

On the side of the Jin Dynasty, the opportunity must not be lost. On October 14, the Jin Emperor Shi Chonggui ordered that Tianxiong Jiedushi and Du Chongwei, who remained in Yecheng, should be envoys to the northern camp, and that the Tianping Jiedushi envoy and the guards and the guards and the ma infantry army would all command Li Shouzhen to be the commander of the camp and command the generals. At the same time, he issued an edict to China and foreign countries: "Send a special army to the level of captivity." First take Yingmo, and stabilize Guannan; the second fu Youyan, swing Ping Saibei. The generals of the camp in the north are as follows (Fu Yanqing was left by Shi Chonggui and did not go to the army), and the forbidden army in the capital almost followed Du Chongwei north.

Later Jin Dynasty Emperor Shi Chonggui: Dreaming of recovering Yanyun, but was defeated by the reality of the surrender of 200,000 troops, the worst commander-in-chief, the second general, was martyred, the scum secretly gave birth to the third emperor, the emperor hunted in the north, and his wife and daughter were humiliated

(Generals of the North Camp)

On November 12, the large army reached the outside of Yingzhou (present-day Hejian City, Hebei), only to see the city gate open widely, liu Yanzuo, who had been agreed earlier, disappeared, Du Chongwei was worried about an ambush, did not dare to enter the city, and heard that the Khitan general Gao Mohan had retreated, so he sent Liang Hanzhang to lead two thousand cavalry to pursue, and met the Khitan five thousand horsemen, but the enemy was killed, and the first battle was lost. When Du Chongwei heard this, he did not dare to fight again and hurriedly retreated to Hengzhou (present-day Zhengding County, Hebei).

Hengzhou was the great domain of Hebei, and in addition to Wang Zhou, the envoy of the Shunguo Festival, there was also Zhang Yanze, the envoy of the Zhangde Festival, who was ordered to assist in the defense. When Du Chongwei went to Wuqiang County, he learned that Yelü Deguang had led a large army from Yi and Dingzhou to Hengzhou, and decided not to go to Hengzhou and directly flee south from Ji and Beizhou. This move, while shameful, at least retained its strength. However, Zhang Yanze strangely ran from Hengzhou to Wuqiang at this time, saying that the Khitan could be defeated, causing Du Chongwei to change his mind and continue to advance towards Hengzhou.

On the twenty-seventh day, the army reached the Zhongdu Bridge, the bridge had been occupied by the Khitan army, Zhang Yanze led the cavalry to attack, the Khitan army was defeated, and the fire was burned on the bridge. At this time, if Du Chongwei could quickly cross the Tuotuo River and attack the Khitan army with Wang Zhou in Hengzhou City, there was still a possibility of victory. However, the cowardly Du Chongwei did not dare to take the initiative to attack, set up camp on the south bank, and sent Li Gu back to Huai and Mengzhou to supervise the transportation of grain and grass.

Later Jin Dynasty Emperor Shi Chonggui: Dreaming of recovering Yanyun, but was defeated by the reality of the surrender of 200,000 troops, the worst commander-in-chief, the second general, was martyred, the scum secretly gave birth to the third emperor, the emperor hunted in the north, and his wife and daughter were humiliated

(Later Jin Dynasty)

Yelü Deguang held a standoff with the Jin army at the north of the Tuotuo River, and on the other hand, he sent the generals Xiao Han and Liu Chongjin to bypass the Jin army and cut off the Jin army's grain route and retreat. Xiao Han raided Luancheng, tattooed the captives in the face with the words "Feng Zhi Do Not Kill", and then released them. After the grain transport team saw these people, they thought that the Khitan army had already fought, threw down the grain and grass and ran, passing ten, ten to a hundred, and panic continued to spread.

On the third day of December, Shi Chonggui learned that the army was in the middle. The next day, Du Chongwei's request for help also arrived, as mentioned earlier, the forbidden army had been taken away by Du Chongwei, at this time Shi Chonggui gathered hundreds of guards at the palace and sent them to the front of the army. On the fifth day of the first month, Du Chongwei sent people to complain again, and then the emissaries were captured by the Khitans, and the imperial court broke off contact with the army.

Back to moderate. At this time, Du Chongwei had a strong army in his hand, only five miles away from Hengzhou City, but he did not want to forge ahead, and secretly plotted with Li Shouzhen and Zhang Yanze to surrender the enemy. Feng Guodu commanded Wang Qing to lead 2,000 infantry as the forward, and then the large army followed and rushed into Hengzhou, Du Chongwei superficially agreed, sending Song Yanjun with him. The second general led his troops to fight to the north of the Tuotuo River, and the Khitan was once defeated, and the generals asked to lead the troops to follow, but du Chongwei stopped them. The Khitan mobilized a new army to encircle the second general, and Wang Qing led his troops to fight until dusk, but there was not a single reinforcement, and finally all of them died heroically. Song Yanjun jumped into the Tuotuo River and swam back by chance. The manager is like this, it is after the battle, the army is scattered.

On the day of Lapa Ba, the Khitan army surrounded the Jin army camp, and the grain and grass in the camp were exhausted. Du Chongwei sent his cronies to the Khitan tooth account to negotiate surrender, and Yelü Deguang said to him, "If you surrender, I will let you be the second Shi Jingyao." In the tenth month, Du Chongwei ambushed the soldiers in the tent, summoned the generals to come, and forced them to sign the descending form. Then, he ordered the army to go out of the camp, and everyone thought that they were going to fight the Khitans, but when they heard that they were going to surrender, they were stunned. The 200,000-strong army was disarmed, and the cries of pain echoed for a long time in the wilderness.

Du Chongwei was not ashamed, but proud, dreaming of the emperor, and ran to Hengzhou City to persuade Wang Zhou to surrender. Yiwu (Dingzhou) Jiedu made Li Yin, An Guo (Xingzhou) LiuFangtai, and Daizhou Shi Wanghui surrender one after another. Yelü Deguang marched from Hengzhou to Kaifeng, and along the way, as if entering no man's land, he sent Zhang Yanze to lead 2,000 cavalry to take Kaifeng first.

Later Jin Dynasty Emperor Shi Chonggui: Dreaming of recovering Yanyun, but was defeated by the reality of the surrender of 200,000 troops, the worst commander-in-chief, the second general, was martyred, the scum secretly gave birth to the third emperor, the emperor hunted in the north, and his wife and daughter were humiliated

(Khitan Army)

On the sixteenth day, Shi Chonggui received the news of Du Chongwei's surrender, and before he could panic, he heard that Zhang Yanze had crossed the Yellow River in the evening and urgently summoned the prime minister into the palace to discuss countermeasures. The next day, before dawn, Zhang Yanze entered Kaifeng, and there was chaos in the city, and the guards ma jun all commanded Li Yantao to lead five hundred forbidden troops to resist a little and then collapsed.

The helpless Shi Chonggui wanted to commit suicide, but was stopped by his subordinates, and the next day he was driven by Zhang Yanze to the Kaifeng Mansion to supervise him, waiting for Yelü Deguang to dispose of him, and also snatched the Chu Lady Ding of the harem.

On the first day of the first lunar month of the fourth year of Kaiyun (947 AD), Yelü Deguang led a large army to the outside of Kaifeng City, and the Hundred Officials of the Jin Dynasty knelt down to greet them, and the various feudal towns surrendered one after another, and later jin died. On the seventeenth day of the first month, Shi Chonggui and his mother-in-law Empress Li, his birth mother Empress An, Empress Feng, and more than a hundred other people were forced to "hunt in the north", and Yelü Deguang also gave him a title, called "Marquis of Negative Righteousness", which seemed to be better than "Duke Degong of Xia" and "Marquis of Chongxiao".

Later Jin Dynasty Emperor Shi Chonggui: Dreaming of recovering Yanyun, but was defeated by the reality of the surrender of 200,000 troops, the worst commander-in-chief, the second general, was martyred, the scum secretly gave birth to the third emperor, the emperor hunted in the north, and his wife and daughter were humiliated

(Portrait of Shi Chonggui)

After moving north, Shi Chonggui spent a long time in Liaoyang. In the first year of the Later Han Dynasty (948 AD), the new lord of the Liao state, Yelü Ruan, went to Liaoyang and forcibly married Shi Chonggui's younger daughter to his brother-in-law. In the second year of Qianyou, the party was placed in Jianzhou, and Shi Chonggui's two favorite concubines, Zhao And Nie, were taken away by the Khitan nobles. The Khitans carved a piece of land for Shi Chonggui and others to make them self-reliant.

Twenty-five years later, Shi Chonggui died in Jianzhou. At this time, the emperor of the Liao state had already changed three. This year was the seventh year of Song Kaibao (974 AD), when Shi Chonggui left Kaifeng, Zhao Kuangyin, who was only 20 years old, sent an army to attack the Southern Tang And basically unify the Central Plains, and a new era had arrived.

A year earlier, Chancellor Xue Juzheng presided over the completion of the revision of the History of the Five Dynasties. Xue Ju was already serving as a judge in Kaifeng during the Later Jin Dynasty, and when he commented on Shi Chonggui, he said: "The ugly people who have destroyed the country since ancient times are not as bad as the emperor. After a thousand years, it is like a shame. "The tragedy of Shi Chonggui's fall of the country can indeed be said to be unprecedented, but it is not a person who has never come after, and today, a thousand years later, the names of Hui and Qin Emperors are far more familiar than those of the Jin Dynasty Emperor."

Coincidentally, both the Jin Dynasty of the Sima family and the Jin Dynasty of the Shi family were destroyed by foreign invasions, and Zhao Guangyi's title before he became emperor was the King of Jin.

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