
After the fall of the country, the empress, who changed to a peasant woman, wanted to commit suicide by taking poison several times because she was humiliated, and the outcome is unknown

Comrade | Guevara

Whenever the Empire State Building collapses, not only the lives of the fallen monarchs are in danger, but also the fate of princes, grandchildren, concubines and princesses, who are either killed, humiliated, or displaced, and there are few people who are safe and peaceful and enjoy the rest of their lives. So, as the last empress of the Later Jin Dynasty, what was the final outcome of feng Shi, the wife of Emperor Shi Zhonggui of the Later Jin Dynasty?

Due to the lack of historical materials, the real name, origin, and year of birth of Empress Feng are unknown, and the early experience is even more blank. According to the few canonical records, we only know that Feng Shi was the daughter of Feng Mao, the deputy retainer of the Later Tang Dynasty, and had an older brother named Feng Yu, who was later promoted to chancellor by Shi Chonggui because his sister was an empress. In addition, Feng Seems to be very beautiful, although he does not dare to say that he has the color of falling into the country, but his appearance should belong to the middle and upper class, but his personality and knowledge are unknown.

After the fall of the country, the empress, who changed to a peasant woman, wanted to commit suicide by taking poison several times because she was humiliated, and the outcome is unknown

Feng initially married Shi Jingyao's younger brother and adopted son Shi Chongyin

Feng's status in the Shi royal family is relatively special, to be precise, it is very embarrassing. Initially, Shi Jingyin, because he liked his younger brother Shi Jingyin so much, actually adopted him as his adopted son and renamed him Shi Chongyin (or Shi Chongyin). During the Later Tang Dynasty (928-930), Shi Jingyao had a good relationship with his deputy Feng Meng and asked his adopted son Shi Chongyin to marry Feng Meng's daughter Feng Shi. In this way, Feng became Shi Jingyao's daughter-in-law and his de facto younger sister.

In May of the third year of the Later Tang Dynasty (936), when Shi Jingyao, then the envoy of Hedong Jiedu, launched a rebellion in Taiyuan, his eldest son Shi Chongying was serving as a general of the Right Guard in Luoyang, and his adopted son Shi Chongyin was serving as a deputy envoy to the imperial city. When the news of Shi Jingyao's rebellion came, Shi Chongying and Shi Chongyin fled to the minjia well for refuge, only to be searched and executed by the pursuers sent by the late Tang Emperor Li Congke, on the third day of July of that year. After Shi Chongyin was killed, the young Feng clan became a widow, and after the establishment of the Later Jin Dynasty, she was given the title of Lady of Wuguo.

After the fall of the country, the empress, who changed to a peasant woman, wanted to commit suicide by taking poison several times because she was humiliated, and the outcome is unknown

Images of Ishi Keijo

Shi Jingyao was called empress, because most of his sons were killed or died prematurely, and the only heir, Shi Chongrui, was still a young child in his infancy, and once he had an accident, the consequences would be unimaginable. To this end, Shi Jingyao adopted his nephew Shi Chonggui as his adopted son, and made him the King of Qi, the Yin of Guangjin, and the Concurrently Servant, and ordered him to assist him in the court. Unexpectedly, Shi Chonggui this boy was not authentic, after seeing the widow and widow fengshi, because he coveted her beauty, he actually disregarded human morality and secretly hooked up with the latter.

In the seventh year of Tianfu (942), Shi Jingyao fell ill and died, and before his death, he entrusted his young son Shi Chongrui to the chancellor Feng Dao, hoping that he could assist the young lord to ascend the throne and govern the country. However, Feng Dao, the general Jing Yanguang, and others, taking into account the internal and external troubles and the current situation of state affairs, abandoned Shi Chongrui and established the elderly Shi Chonggui as emperor. To the astonishment of the courtiers, the first thing Shi Chonggui did after ascending the throne was to marry the widowed and widowed aunt Feng Shi, and officially crowned her empress the following year (943). In this way, Feng became Shi Jingyao's daughter-in-law and niece-in-law.

After the fall of the country, the empress, who changed to a peasant woman, wanted to commit suicide by taking poison several times because she was humiliated, and the outcome is unknown

Shi Chonggui married his widowed aunt and widow Feng Shi as his wife, which was despised by the world

According to the historical records, after Shi Jingyao's death, there was no funeral, and Shi Chonggui could not wait to include Feng in the harem. Although the Qunchen despised Shi Chonggui's approach, he still pinched his nose to congratulate the new emperor. At this time, Shi Chonggui said to Feng Dao and the others: "The empress dowager said that you should not be too happy in front of Aiqing and others. After the courtiers left the palace, Shi Chonggui drank with Feng, and walked to Shi Jingyao's coffin, sprinkled the wine on the ground and said, "The empress dowager said that you should not be too happy in front of the former emperor." ”

Shi Chonggui's words made the attendants laugh, and he himself laughed so hard that he couldn't stand up straight, and then he said to the left and right: "How do you feel about being a new son-in-law today?" Feng Shi and the left and right attendants listened to the emperor's faint words and laughed loudly. When such absurd and absurd news reached Empress Li's ears, the old lady was angry and wanted to pass out, but because she could not restrain Shi Zhonggui, it was only in vain (for details, see Zizhi Tongjian, vol. 283).

After the fall of the country, the empress, who changed to a peasant woman, wanted to commit suicide by taking poison several times because she was humiliated, and the outcome is unknown

Feng Yu excluded dissidents, embezzled and accepted bribes on a large scale, and made the country a miasma

After taking the throne in the middle of the palace, Empress Feng often interfered in political affairs and promoted her brother Feng Yu to be the prime minister, and all important military affairs were entrusted to him. Feng Yu is a vulgar and greedy person, and has achieved nothing in the post of prime minister, only knowing how to exclude dissidents and embezzle and accept bribes ("Jade is the prime minister, the four sides are bribed, and the wealth is huge." "See "The History of the New Five Dynasties, Vol. 56"), which makes the country a miasma. At the same time, Feng Yu also supported the general Jing Yanguang's hostile attitude towards the Khitans, which led to a series of disasters between the two countries.

Not only that, as the emperor, Shi Zhonggui was dimwitted, incompetent, arrogant and lascivious, and in order to enjoy his life and solve the problem of military expenditure, he even plundered the major civil affairs, resulting in the domestic people not talking about life and complaining. In this case, the demise of the Later Jin became inevitable. In November of the third year of Kaiyun (946), Du Chongwei, the general who led a large army in the Northern Expedition, surrendered to the Khitans, the defense of the Beijing division was empty, and the Khitan lord Yelü Deguang sent a forward force to attack Bieliang, and almost effortlessly captured and captured Shi Chonggui's subjects, and later Jin perished.

After the fall of the country, the empress, who changed to a peasant woman, wanted to commit suicide by taking poison several times because she was humiliated, and the outcome is unknown

Yelü Deguang destroyed the Later Jin Dynasty and moved Shi Chonggui and others to the northeast

After Yelü Deguang entered the city of Bieliang, he counted the various sins of Shi Zhonggui, one of which was "Uncle Na's mother in the middle palace, the great ceremony of incest" (see "New Five Dynasties History, Vol. 17"), and made this crime known to the world, which made the fallen monarch lose face. However, Yelü Deguang did not execute Shi Zhonggui, and also appointed him as the Grand Master of Guanglu, the Inspector of The Inspectors, and the Marquis of Yiyi, and still enjoyed a relatively decent life.

Soon, Yelü Deguang moved Shi Chonggui and his family, eunuchs, palace people, and some officials to Huanglong Province (HuanglongFu, in present-day Nong'an County, Jilin Province), thousands of miles away, and when the gang had worked hard to reach their destination, they ordered them to move to Huaizhou (槐州, in modern Balin, Inner Mongolia), a thousand miles northwest of Huanglong Province. After Yelü Deguang died of illness and the new emperor Yelü Nguyen ascended the throne, Shi Chonggui's family was forced to move to Jianzhou (in present-day Chaoyang, Liaoning Province), two years after the fall of the kingdom and moved north (949).

After the fall of the country, the empress, who changed to a peasant woman, wanted to commit suicide by taking poison several times because she was humiliated, and the outcome is unknown

Shi Chonggui and others were escorted to the north

In Jianzhou, the Liao Emperor Yelü Nguyen cut off the supply of food and accommodation for Shi Chonggui and others, and allocated land to them locally, requiring the gang to rely on themselves and eat and dress with their hands. In this way, a very interesting scene appeared, only to see Shi Chonggui with concubines, eunuchs, palace women and exiled officials building houses on this land, dividing the land and cultivating the land, and living like ordinary farmers and peasant women. It is a great miracle that the king of the fallen country has turned into a farmer, and the queen of the fallen country has become a peasant woman.

Shi Chonggui's life in Jianzhou was very unstable, because the Khitan nobles often robbed his favored concubines, children, and retinues, and even Empress Feng was almost taken captive. At such a moment, Shi Zhonggui would only shed tears secretly, but he did not dare to fight, which was really extremely saccharine. Feng Shi was humiliated, and because he hated Shi Chonggui as a coward, he wanted to commit suicide by taking poison with her husband, but finally gave up because he could not find poison ("Later, he moved north with the emperor, mourned the humiliation of the emperor, asked for poison, wanted to drink with the emperor to die, and the medicine was not available."). See History of the New Five Dynasties, Vol. XVII).

After the fall of the country, the empress, who changed to a peasant woman, wanted to commit suicide by taking poison several times because she was humiliated, and the outcome is unknown

Empress Feng tried to commit suicide by taking poison several times

To say that Shi Chonggui lived really strong enough, even after repeated humiliations, he still lived tenaciously and healthily in Jianzhou for 25 years, until song Taizu Kaibao died in June of the seventh year (974) (according to the description of Shi Chonggui's epitaph), at the age of 61. However, there is no record of Empress Feng's ending, neither the canonical history nor the local chronicles, as if the human world evaporated ("I don't know the end of it later.") See History of the New Five Dynasties, Vol. XVII).


Xue Juzheng (Northern Song Dynasty): History of the Old Five Dynasties, Zhonghua Bookstore, 2015 edition.

Ouyang Xiu (Northern Song Dynasty): History of the New Five Dynasties, Zhonghua Bookstore, 2013.

Sima Guang (Northern Song Dynasty): Zizhi Tongjian, Zhonghua Bookstore, 2015.

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