
The historically alternative emperor Shi Chonggui: lucky to become emperor, exiled and survived for 28 years

Author: Chen Erhu

The historically alternative emperor Shi Chonggui: lucky to become emperor, exiled and survived for 28 years

1. Where did Emperor Shi Chonggui of the Later Jin Dynasty die

Kaiyuan is a land that fascinates me, the history is thick, "the mountains and rivers in the table", there were two (three) emperors who fell to the country after the promotion of the emperor Shi Chonggui, the Northern Song Dynasty Huizong Zhao Tuo and the Qinzong Zhao Huan were exiled here, whether it is local documents or folklore, there are their deeds or stories, and in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, they became the exile of "prisoners".

Shi Chonggui, the emperor of the Later Jin Dynasty, moved north after the fall of the country, and was sent to the northeast by emperor Taizong of Khitan Liao, accompanied by Empress Li (Shi Jingyao's wife), Princess An (Shi Chonggui's mother), Empress Feng, Emperor Shi Chongrui, sons Shi Yanxu and Shi Yanbao, as well as Shi Chonggui's concubines and daughters, Zhao Ying, the privy councillor Feng Yu (that is, the brother of Empress Shi Chonggui's Feng family), the guards Ma Jun, all commanding li Yantao and others, fifty palace women, thirty eunuchs, fifty eastern and western classes, one medical officer, four controlling cranes, and seven imperial cooks. Three members of the Tea and Wine Division, three personnel of the Yiluan Division, and twenty soldiers of the Sixth Army formed a huge northbound team, and Emperor Taizong of Liao specially arranged for three hundred cavalry escorts to stay in Liaoyang (present-day Liaoyang, Liaoning), Huanglongfu (present-day Kaiyuan, Liaoning), and finally placed in Jianzhou (present-day Chaoyang, Liaoning).

And where did the Later Jinshi Chonggui die? There has been no precise conclusion.

Since the later Jin Dynasty Emperor Shi Chonggui's epitaph was found in Chaoyang, so that the historical exiled king of the fallen country, where and when, died, has a definite answer, which makes the Kaiyuan historian and division commander Liu Xingye have a strong interest in this.

The historically alternative emperor Shi Chonggui: lucky to become emperor, exiled and survived for 28 years

Teacher Liu Xingye consulted a large number of historical materials and confirmed that Shi Chonggui was indeed exiled to the Kaiyuan area of today, "died in Huanglongfu (Kaiyuan) and was buried in Huanglonggang", which is recorded in local literature.

The newly discovered epitaph of Shi Chonggui records that Shi Chonggui "died of illness on June 18, 666, Emperor Baoning of Tianzan, and died at the age of 60."

Emperor Tianzan was Emperor Yelüxian of Liaojingzong, the sixth year of Baoning, that is, in 974 AD.

In the third year of the Later Jin Dynasty (946 AD), the Later Jin Emperor Shi Chonggui surrendered and was moved to Liaodong, where he lived for another twenty-eight years.

Shi Chonggui's former Hanlin scholar Fan Zheng wrote in his "Records of the Fall of the Jin Dynasty": "The Young Emperor (Shi Chonggui) first moved to HuanglongFu (present-day Kaiyuan, Liaoning), and later lived in Jianzhou (present-day Chaoyang, Liaoning), and died in eighteen years", which is a full ten years more than this record, Shi Chonggui became the elder of the Four Dynasties, and died by the death of Emperor Taizong of Liao, Emperor Yelü Ruan of Liaoshizong, and Emperor Muzong of Liao, and died when he was in Liaojingzong Yelüxian, it seems that life in Liaodi was still very good, and the Khitan people treated him as a "grandson" quite well, and also let a suspense case in history , the dust settles.

The historically alternative emperor Shi Chonggui: lucky to become emperor, exiled and survived for 28 years

Second, be lucky to become emperor

In June of the seventh year of the Later Jin Dynasty (642 CE), Shi Jingyao, the Shatuo who ceded the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun to the Khitan Empire and the founding emperor of the Later Jin Dynasty, died, and the throne was taken by his nephew Shi Chonggui.

Shi Chonggui's father, Shi Jingru, was Shi Jingyao's brother, who was originally a general under Emperor Zhuangzong of Later Tang, Li Cunxun, and when he died early, Shi Jingru treated this eldest nephew as a son and stayed by his side to cultivate him carefully.

It is said that this Shi Zhonggui has been quite obedient since he was a teenager, cautious in words and deeds, loyal and simple, tirelessly working hard, doing his best in everything, fighting and forgetting his life and death, charging ahead, good at horse archery, excellent in martial arts, big and majestic, quite the style of Shatuo's ancestors, deeply loved by Shi Jingyao, better than his own son.

At first, Shi Jingyao wanted to train him into a Confucian general who was both literate and martial, let him manage the civil affairs and learn governance, but Shi Chonggui was not interested in management, and was keen on battlefield conquest and killing the enemy.

When Shi Jingyao was guarding Taiyuan, he asked an old gentleman to teach Shi Chonggui to read classics such as the Book of Rites and the Analects, and Shi Chonggui had a headache when he heard about the great morality of "the one who cares about it", and he couldn't understand this profound meaning at all, and said to the old man: "This is not the cause I want to engage in!" ”

After the teacher was suspended, it just so happened that after the Tang soldiers and horses besieged Taiyuan, Shi Zhonggui put on his horse and braved the rain of arrows to charge and kill the enemy, without any fear, and even more shi Jingyao was weighted.

The historically alternative emperor Shi Chonggui: lucky to become emperor, exiled and survived for 28 years

Shi Jingyao, with the help of the Khitans, overthrew Later Tang, ascended to the throne, established The Later Jin Dynasty, and prepared to leave a town to guard his old nest, Taiyuan, and in order to curry favor with Emperor Taizong of Liao, yelü Deguang, the "father", he asked Emperor Taizong of Liao who was appropriate to stay.

Emperor Taizong of Liao said, "Call all your sons and let me see." ”

Shi Jingyao's son and Shi Chonggui both came to Liao Taizong, and Liao Taizong glanced at it, pointed at Shi Chonggui, and said, "Just this big eye!" ”

As a result, Shi Chonggui was entrusted with the heavy responsibility of guarding Taiyuan and handling the military and political affairs of the Hedong region with full authority, also because of the reason why Emperor Taizong of Liao chose Shi Chonggui, which made Shi Jingyao take a higher look at this big nephew, and constantly increased the use of officials, from the king of Zheng to the king of Qi, and the possibility of passing the throne to him.

After Shi Jingyao's death, Shi Zhonggui succeeded to the throne, and there may be an ulterior conspiracy in this. Shi Jingyao had six sons, either died prematurely or died in battle, two of whom were killed by Li Congke, the late Tang Emperor, leaving only one minor son, Shi Chongrui, before his death.

When Shi Jingyao was dying, he called Feng Dao, an old minister of the "Several Dynasties" of the Five Dynasties period, to the hospital bedside, entrusted Feng Dao, and asked Feng Dao to assist his young son Shi Chongrui, but as soon as Shi Jingyao died, Feng Dao and the guards who held real power commanded Jing Yanguang to change his mind and supported Shi Chonggui as emperor.

The historically alternative emperor Shi Chonggui: lucky to become emperor, exiled and survived for 28 years

Shi Chonggui became emperor, in fact, at this time, the national conditions of the Later Jin Dynasty were very bad, the ruling class was conspiring with each other, each with its own heart, corrupt from top to bottom, corrupt officials and corrupt officials wantonly plundering the people, fish and meat townships, natural disasters and man-made disasters, and the common people left their hometowns.

Before and after Shi Jingyao's death, there were serious locust plagues in Shanxi and Shaanxi, crops were eaten, grain was harvested, and fleeing refugees flocked to death, starving to death.

In the second year, the locust plague was even more severe, affecting Henan, Hebei, where locusts passed, grass and trees were eaten in an instant, and the locusts in the Kaifeng area of the capital city covered the sky and covered the mountains.

Shi Chonggui, the "eldest nephew", seemed to have changed his mentality as soon as he became emperor, the original pure and simple nature was gone, and his cautious and cautious words became crazy, and he did not consider the sufferings of the common people at all, and sent his ministers to various places to collect money for military supplies.

The historically alternative emperor Shi Chonggui: lucky to become emperor, exiled and survived for 28 years

Third, the absurd behavior of Shi Zhonggui

What is most despised by this stone is absurdity and shamelessness.

He had an uncle named Shi Chongyin, who took a beautiful woman Feng Shi. Shi Chongyin was not blessed to enjoy it, and soon after getting married, he died.

Shi Chonggui had long coveted this beautiful little aunt and secretly had some ambiguous exchanges.

As soon as Shi Jingyao died, he transformed into the king of a country, and there was no need to hide it, so he quickly took this little aunt Feng Shi to the capital and had no scruples about having fun.

After accepting the congratulations of the new emperor on his ascension to the throne, he said excitedly: "The empress dowager has a purpose, and all the aiqing do not have to celebrate so much." ”

He waved his hand and scattered the dynasty, because his mind was on Feng's body, and as soon as the ministers on the front foot left, he let the attendants put on the banquet, drank with Feng's heart, and soon got drunk and returned to the harem under the support of the left and right.

At that time, Shi Jingyao's coffin had not yet been buried, and after passing through the Zi Palace where Shi Jingyao stopped the spirit, Shi Zhonggui's drunken eyes remembered this uncle Shi Jingyao, patted the coffin and said: "The empress dowager has a life, and there is no need to celebrate with the former emperor!" The attendants on the left and right couldn't help but laugh out loud, such an absurd emperor, it is difficult to find in the world!

The historically alternative emperor Shi Chonggui: lucky to become emperor, exiled and survived for 28 years

Shi Chonggui heard the laughter of the attendants, seemed encouraged, and also laughed wildly and said to the attendants, "How about I be a new son-in-law today?" ”

The promiscuous Feng Shi laughed even more when he heard it.

Empress Dowager Li heard about Shi Chonggui's ugliness, and although she was very angry, a woman and a Taoist family could not do anything with him.

Then Shi Chonggui made this Feng empress, I don't know whether this Shi Chonggui has a special affection for the Feng family, or this Feng family has a unique charm, Shi Chonggui is obedient to this little aunt, Bai Yi Baishun, let her interfere in the affairs of the dynasty, Feng's brother is called Feng Yu, is a White Ding, at first was appointed as the Rebbe Langzhong, suspected that the official is too small, and promoted to Duanmingdian Scholar, Hubu Shilang, involved in the government, all the words and the like are ghostwritten by colleagues, he only barely copes with some daily affairs.

The biggest mistake of this Shi Chonggui was to listen to the lies of Jing Yanguang, who supported him as emperor and meritorious service, and to call the Khitan a grandson and not a subject, which was clearly self-deception. Shi Chonggui actually did it in accordance with Jing Yanguang's establishment, preferring to be a Khitan grandson than a Khitan vassal, which clearly meant the so-called face, was "grandson" bigger than "subject"?

This "grandson's" behavior immediately annoyed Emperor Taizong of Liao, which made Yelü Deguang boss dissatisfied, and Zhao Yanshou, who had been unsuccessful in the battle with Shi Jingyao for the lord of the Central Plains, had been staring at Later Jin's every move and did not give up replacing him, and the dream of the former emperor took the opportunity to stir up trouble in The Ear of Emperor Taizong of Liao, scolding Shi Chonggui, the unworthy "grandson", to give him some color to see, just at this time, the Later Jin general Yang Guangyuan also colluded with the Khitan and said that the Later Jin Dynasty violated the covenant, the whole country was extremely unstable, disasters occurred in the territory, and Shi Chonggui was unpopular. The army did not have fighting spirit, just took the opportunity to send troops, mixed up in the day, and entered the Central Plains.

The historically alternative emperor Shi Chonggui: lucky to become emperor, exiled and survived for 28 years

Yelü Deguang listened, it was precisely because he became the Khitan Emperor, his mother Shu Luping had been manipulating the government, which just allowed him to take the opportunity to have military power, and the crusade against Shi Chonggui was the best reason.

Therefore, Emperor Taizong of Liao sent Zhao Yanshou and Zhao Yanzhao's brothers to unify 50,000 horses and horses to the south, divided their troops into several roads, entered the Yanmen Gate, and drove straight in.

You don't have to say that this Shi Zhonggui really had two shots in the war, surrounded by all the generals, and really brought a lot of trouble to the Khitan people, and the first two times Yelü Deguang did not return.

After resting and preparing, Yelü Deguang raised his army for the third time and came with murderous spirits.

Shi Chonggui had the experience of defeating the Khitans twice, and he was even more satisfied, and with the confidence of victory, he appointed the general, that is, his uncle Du Chongwei, to recruit envoys for the northern camp, and united the army to meet the battle, and said in the edict: "First take Yingmo, stabilize Guannan; second restore Youyan, and swing the north of Pingsai", with great ambition to swallow mountains and rivers, recover the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun, which was ceded by his uncle Shi Jingyao, and promote the ambitions of the world.

However, this Du Chongwei was also a conspirator, and he also wanted to take advantage of the chaos to be the lord of the Central Plains, facing the Khitan soldiers and horses, not to attack but to retreat step by step, and to connive at the Khitan people to go south. When the soldiers fought, he still drank and enjoyed himself with his cronies in the army.

The Khitans besieged Du Chongwei and his soldiers and horses at Luancheng (栾城, in modern Luancheng, Hebei), and Du Chongwei did not resist at all, so he asked for surrender, but wanted Yelü Deguang to support him as emperor, and Yelü Deguang happily agreed.

Du Chongwei felt that he had achieved his goal, and summoned his generals to announce his surrender, and the generals listened, wept and lost their voices, and could not help themselves, and after one hundred thousand yuan overnight, the Jin army laid down their weapons and became prisoners.

The historically alternative emperor Shi Chonggui: lucky to become emperor, exiled and survived for 28 years

Yelü Deguang was also very good at playing, so he let Du Chongwei wear a yellow robe and circle around the military camp to satisfy his psychology of being an emperor, which was the same as playing Zhao Yanshou before, teasing you.

The Later Jin general Zhang Yanze showed loyalty and acted as a pioneer in attacking the Jin Dynasty, and with the banner "Red Heart As the Mainstay", he went straight to the capital of the Later Jin Dynasty.

Shi Chonggui's men had no soldiers to use, they were all handed over to Du Chongwei, and they wanted to self-immolate and martyr the country, not to mention that this point was still like a grandfather, who was held alive by the close attendant Xue Chao, who did not die but became a prisoner, and in desperation, he ordered Hanlin Scholar Fan To write down the table.

In the first month of 947, when Emperor Taizong of Liao arrived in Luoyang, the capital of Jin, Shi Chonggui had already sent his sons Shi Yanxu, Shi Yanbao, National Treasure, and Jinyin to surrender, knowing that Yelü Deguang had arrived in Luoyang, he was ready to greet him with Empress Dowager Li, and Yelü Deguang refused this request.

Zhang Yanze, who had attacked the capital and captured the old lord, thought that he would be rewarded heavily, but instead he was beheaded by Yelü Deguang. Because this boy killed innocents indiscriminately, the people were extremely indignant, and the later Jin Dynasty Wenwu officials all said that Zhang Yanze's crimes were unforgivable, and on the day of beheading, the common people rushed to cut his flesh and eat him.

Fourth, the tragic exile career

Shi Chonggui was given the title of Grand Master of Guanglu, Inspector Taiwei, and Marquis of Negative Righteousness, which meant humiliating his betrayal of the Khitan and dishonesty and injustice. Shi Chonggui was then escorted to the remote Bohai Sea (present-day northeast).

Shi Jingyao's family traveled north, ate and slept in the wind, and worked hard to come to the hometown of Huanglong Province (present-day Kaiyuan, Liaoning), and after a short rest, they were summoned to Huaizhou by Shu Luhou.

The historically alternative emperor Shi Chonggui: lucky to become emperor, exiled and survived for 28 years

Shi Zhonggui had to get back on the road, and he was lucky to hear the news of the new emperor's ascension to the throne on the way. It turned out that On the way back from Luoyang, Emperor Taizong of Liao, Yelü Deguang, died of illness in Luancheng, and yelü Ruan of Jin after the destruction of Emperor Taizong of Liao, that is, the son of Yelü Bei, the emperor of the State of Renguo and the brother of Yelü Deguang, the king of Yongkang, yelü Ruan, was proclaimed emperor by the generals accompanying the army, and it was for Emperor Shizong of Liao, who allowed them to live temporarily in Liaoyang, and various supplies were also guaranteed.

Sejong also came to Liaoyang to visit in person, and Shi Chonggui greeted him in a white-clothed gauze hat.

Shi Chonggui had a daughter, who was very beautiful and had not yet opened the door, but was caught by Sejong's brother-in-law Zen Nu Sheli, Shi Chonggui resigned because his daughter was too young, and Sejong Yelü Nguyen directly sent people to abduct him, along with those who were "good at singing in the eastern and western classes".

A few years later , during this period , Shi Chonggui moved to Jianzhou ( present-day southwest of Chaoyang , Liaoning ) . Halfway through, Shi Chonggui's biological mother, Emperor An, died of illness.

The historically alternative emperor Shi Chonggui: lucky to become emperor, exiled and survived for 28 years

Arriving in Jianzhou, Jianzhou "made Zhao Yanhui do his best to welcome him, and Emperor Guan was in the office", and then cut more than fifty hectares of land for Shi Chonggui to use, and Shi Chonggui ordered his party to build houses and divide the fields for farming.

Prince Shulu (also known as Emperor Taizong of Liao's son, later Emperor Muzong of Liao), heard that Shi Chonggui had a beautiful concubine, and forcibly married Shi Chonggui's young and beautiful concubines Zhao and Nie.

Shi Zhonggui dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, very helpless, a king of the subjugated country, is already the fish and flesh on the knife, let others slaughter, let it go.

Fortunately, this Shi Chonggui was also a more open person, rich and noble, honor and disgrace, all for providence, so that he could become a prisoner of the order, spent twenty-eight spring and autumn, died of illness in Jianzhou (present-day Chaoyang, Liaoning), and also drew a disgraceful end to his life, becoming a different kind of emperor in history.

The historically alternative emperor Shi Chonggui: lucky to become emperor, exiled and survived for 28 years

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