
I'll share with you a few touching shorts of love stories

author:Kun less emotional talker

1, 16 years old, she confessed to him, he refused, after graduation to run their own things. They experienced different loves. At the age of 26, in the crowd, he proposed to her. She asked him why you didn't agree in the first place. He said, I want to be your destination and not your first love. Now we understand what love is.

2) At the wedding, "Groom, do you have anything to say to the bride?" The master of marriage asked. First of all, I want to thank your parents for having such a perfect daughter and entrusting you to me. Then, I want to thank your ex-boyfriend, if it wasn't for him, how could I have met you. Finally, I want to thank you, my dear bride, for giving me the opportunity to accompany you for the rest of your life. He seemed to say without hesitation.

I'll share with you a few touching shorts of love stories

3. The boy walked into the school gate with his bag and was stopped by the girl. She said, classmate, your school card. The boy bypassed her and didn't take it. She followed up, please ask what is your class number? The boy answered. The girl looked at the boy's back and said, Finally know your class number. In the distance, the boy took the school card from his pocket and hung it around his neck.

4, the wife's small diamond ring was stolen. But she told me happily: fortunately, when I treated my mother the year before, I had already exchanged the real ring for medical expenses, otherwise it would really hurt! I said: Over the years, you have suffered with me, and I have not been able to keep the dowry ring. She said: Silly words, with you and the child around, I am not bitter. When I got up that night, I secretly threw the list that I ransomed last year into the toilet and washed it off.

5, he is with her, she is always unreasonable, everything depends on him, but he always admits it, every time he says "yes, yes, yes, my fault." Every time she was always very proud, one day, a friend asked him, "Obviously she is unreasonable, why do you still want to let her?" He laughed and said , "She's unreasonable to prove she loves me" Sometimes, women are unreasonable, all because they love you too much.

I'll share with you a few touching shorts of love stories

6, he likes her, but does not know her intentions, he looked at her quietly, said "I want to start a new life, I don't want to miss you." She smiled and said, "Be friends," and he could only agree. A month later, she said, "I don't know why, but it hurts my heart to see you joking with other girls." He said dotingly, "Then let's get started." The story begins here, with love.

7, that year, they were in their third year of high school. In the same school, and one is a science subject, one is a liberal arts subject. One day, as usual, he went to study early and suddenly saw her figure. It turned out she had moved downstairs to his house. Since then, he has been looking forward to the next night of self-study, so that he can follow her. In this way, the college entrance examination is over. Nor did he indicate. And she had been waiting for him.

8, this morning with my husband quarrel, angry and sad, while crying while packing things ready to go out, and then when the bed to take the bag lying on the bed on the husband suddenly with his legs clamped my waist, waste super power can not be opened, he also said: "You go, I will not stop you!" I just had to sit on the bed and cry, I don't know how long it took, my husband said: "You don't go well, I have been pinching my legs for half an hour and my legs are cramping!" "I don't know why I actually forgave him."

I'll share with you a few touching shorts of love stories

9, there is an older brother in the same village, always bullying her, no evil. As a teenager, her brother began to defend her short, and who bullied her, he was the first to raise his fist. Married early in the countryside, my brother married her after the college entrance examination, and then went to the city to study at university. She missed him, went to the city to look for him, found herself very shabby and afraid of losing his face, and told his roommate that she was his sister. The roommate laughed, "Who's to blame, your husband didn't mention you less." And in the distance, someone came shyly toward her.

10, she and he befriended because of the love of mountaineering, but in a mountaineering encountered an avalanche, hungry, he cut off flesh and blood to fill her hunger, he said: "If you don't eat, I think it hurts more than this cutting flesh." She ate it with tears in her eyes. Fortunately, rescuers rescued him, but he lost his arm. Others asked him where he had the courage to stab himself. He said, "Which is more important, the arm or the life?" No one knew that the "fate" he meant was her. She was his destiny.

11, they know each other. He still plays after marriage, and she doesn't care. One day he went to a nightclub with his buddies, a bunch of men and women, and was bumped into by her who went to play with her colleagues. His brothers all changed their faces, afraid that she would get mad. Who knew that she just smiled and patted him on the shoulder: the long-haired girl is good, but it is leisurely, and we are still ready to have a baby. After saying that he was about to leave, he pulled him aside: It is hard to pick a place where you come to let you bump into, can't you eat vinegar!

I'll share with you a few touching shorts of love stories

12 Someone asked them, "What is happiness?" He held him and said, "Every morning, go to eat together, and then I will send him to work; eat together at noon, go to the market together in the evening to buy vegetables and bargain, go home to cook and eat, watch TV, and then wash and sleep." "Aren't you happy with your loved one every day?" Is there anything else? ”

13, he liked others, so they broke up. After the breakup, the girl did not cry twice and hang herself three times, but based on helping others. Later, she became a famous philanthropist, and in an interview, a reporter asked her: "Why did you embark on the road of public welfare in the first place?" She thought about it for a moment and said, "Accumulate virtue and good deeds for the person I love the most in this life, and also for me to meet him again in the vast sea of people in the next life." ”

14, after the breakup she went crazy to work hard. Four years, professional first, party member, dance, guitar. She strives to be the best. She said, so that you could go to see him proudly. In March, spring blossoms, and she runs through most of the city to him. I saw his back in the distance and plucked up the courage to call him for a moment, but suddenly I couldn't remember his name. It turns out that in the time I have tried to love you, I have forgotten you.

At the age of 15 or 6, he stole a kiss and was beaten by her. At the age of 12, he stole her love letter and was scolded by her. At the age of 24, he stole her to be hated by her on the first night. At 36, he gave her a heart, and she said bastards with tears. At the age of 48, she found his note while reading a book. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to steal happiness from you!"

I'll share with you a few touching shorts of love stories

16) They broke up. She sat at her computer watching a movie. Suddenly the phone rang, she pressed the answer button, and said faintly: "Hello? A familiar voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hey, the reason I called today is because today is 5.20" She shook her head: "Hmm" "Well, then I hung up." "Hmm..." The phone hung up, and she stared at it and smiled.

17, they are very in love, but because of a misunderstanding broke up. They didn't say anything to each other, but they all waited for each other to bow their heads first. However, the stubbornness of his youth, who refused to compromise his parents, was already old, forcing him to marry. Forced by helplessness, he finally compromised. At the wedding, she smiled and said, "Congratulations." Then he took a sip of his wine glass and drank it all, but he choked on tears. Three years later, her mother introduced her to her, and she did not resist and obediently agreed.

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