
Taste the delicacies of the national banquet in the township - chicken soup and sea mussels

author:Meow recipes

If "Buddha Jumping the Wall" is the king of Fujian cuisine, then this chicken soup sea mussel can be called the queen of Fujian cuisine. The dish that tests the soup making technology is "boiled water cabbage" in Sichuan cuisine; if the Fujian cuisine, which is famous for soup, sends a representative, it must be this "chicken soup sea mussel".

Taste the delicacies of the national banquet in the township - chicken soup and sea mussels

Sea clams, also known as "Xi Shi Tongue", according to legend, during the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, the Yue King Gou practiced lying down and tasting the gall, sacrificed the West to the King of Wu, and used the "beauty plan" to outwit the King of Wu. After the destruction of Wu, the lady of Gou Jian always felt that she was inferior to Xi Shi's beauty, so she was jealous and jealous, and one day, she finally poisoned her hand, she sent someone to deceive Xi Shi, tied it to Xi Shi's body with a stone, and sank him into the sea. Since then, a kind of sea mussel resembling a human tongue has grown along the beach, so people call it "Xishi tongue".

Taste the delicacies of the national banquet in the township - chicken soup and sea mussels

The sea mussels produced in Changle Zhanggang Harbor, the scientific name is "Xi Shi Tongue", and experts say that only the sea mussels produced in Venice, Italy, can be compared in the world. "Zhanggang Mussel" is famous for its unique marine geographical environment and water quality characteristics along the Changle coast, making the sea mussels that grow, large individuals, high value, good taste and rich nutrition. Yu Dafu once wrote in the article "Diet Men and Women in Fuzhou": "The sea mussels in Fuzhou are abundant in February and March, and their fatness is counted as the mussel meat from Changle, and the divine product with good color and flavor is the tongue part of the sea mussel." ”

Taste the delicacies of the national banquet in the township - chicken soup and sea mussels

The taste of "chicken soup mussels" mainly comes from "Zhanggang mussels", the tip of each tongue of the sea mussels is sliced into 2 pieces, washed and placed in a colander, put into a pot of boiling water until six ripe, take out, remove the mussel membrane, put it in a bowl, add Shao wine to grasp the marinade, pour it in a colander to drain the wine juice, and put it into the soup bowl. The water temperature mastery and time control are very strict, the deficiency is soft, and the excessive is old. The color of the dish is white and transparent, there is no collocation, and it is all based on the quality and tender taste of the sea mussels.

The taste of "chicken soup mussels" mainly comes from chicken soup, which is "three mushroom soups", prepared: after the hen is slaughtered, the blood is left in the water and the chicken breast is cut. Cut the rest of the chicken into 4 pieces, put it on the plate with beef and pork tenderloin, add water, steam it for 3 hours on high heat, remove the meat for soup, skim off the oil slick, and filter out the impurities. Chicken breast minced into mushrooms, add an appropriate amount of chicken blood water and fine salt to grasp well, pinch into several water balls, cook with chicken soup for a few minutes, fish out the chicken balls, pour in the remaining chicken blood water to stir a few times, remove impurities, and then pour the chicken soup into the basin, put in the chicken balls, steam in the basket drawer for 1 hour to take out, filter into the exquisite chicken soup with net gauze. The chicken broth is boiled in an alcohol pot, mixed with white soy sauce and MONOS glutamate, served in a soup bowl filled with slices of sea mussel meat, and eaten with boiling chicken broth and eaten now.

Taste the delicacies of the national banquet in the township - chicken soup and sea mussels

This dish of "chicken soup and sea mussels" is a famous dish at the state banquet of the Great Hall of the People. This dish chicken soup is crystal clear, mussel meat like hibiscus in water, crisp and tender, delicious, excellent taste, long aftertaste, is really a god of good color and flavor.