
Chicken soup + sea mussels, this pot of soup is very fresh

author:Bai Xiaochun hahahahaha

When inland tourists come to the fujian coast, they often clamor to eat seafood, but Fujian people have always had a light taste, and the seafood dishes they make are of course light in taste, and almost no spices are put down, which makes mainland tourists who have always had some heavy tastes somewhat unaccustomed.

Chicken soup + sea mussels, this pot of soup is very fresh

Fujian people pay attention to the umami taste of seafood itself, the cooking method is basically hot and white-seared, with at most some soy sauce and vinegar mixing ingredients, and young people with slightly heavier tastes like to put some mustard in soy sauce vinegar. For foodies who are well versed in Japanese food, this seems to be a way to eat tyrannical things, but I have always been casual, just want to eat happily and casually at the moment, just like now, in the middle of the night, I suddenly miss a traditional Fujian dish in my hometown - Xi Shi tongue.

Chicken soup + sea mussels, this pot of soup is very fresh

On weekdays, it is not often eaten at home, and it is only a dish that will be served at wedding parties, and the opportunity to eat after coming to the north is even less and less. Speaking of this, you must be wondering what Xi Shi tongue is, Xi Shi tongue is actually a sea mussel, this sea mussel must be a triangular shell with a little yellow color, at the top of the shell to have a good purple, only this type of sea mussel is qualified to be called Xi Shi tongue. As for why there is such a name, of course, it is named because of its tender and smooth flesh.

Chicken soup + sea mussels, this pot of soup is very fresh

In the Qing Dynasty Xu Ke's "Qing Barnyard Banknotes", its taste is described: "Xi Shi tongue is Fujian production, and it is used as a soup, which is very fresh and plump." Mr. Yu Dafu, who has always been proud of Fuzhou people, also praised in his article "Eating Men and Women in Fuzhou": "The sea mussels in Fuzhou are produced in February and March, and their fatness is from the meat of Changle mussels, and the divine product with good color and flavor is the tongue part of the sea mussels." ”

Chicken soup + sea mussels, this pot of soup is very fresh

The meat of the sea mussels is tender and sweet, and the Min people have always paid attention to eating its original taste when eating seafood, and using chicken soup to make sea mussels is a way of eating invented by the Min people. A small cup of light and transparent chicken soup is placed in two inches of long white as jade sea mussel meat, which looks light, but it includes all the "light, light, fresh and crisp" that Fujian cuisine pays attention to. It takes a lot of effort to look at a simple dish to make.

Chicken soup + sea mussels, this pot of soup is very fresh

First of all, the chicken used to boil chicken soup must be an old hen raised by the farmer, leaving chicken breast and chicken serum stew at the same time to remove impurities in the soup, filter out the clear soup; secondly, the cooked chicken breast meat is chopped into meat, add chicken blood to knead into chicken balls, and the soup is then put into the basket drawer after steaming, and then go to the impurities, only after stewing, boiling, steaming three complicated processes, in order to achieve this bowl of clear as water but umami soup, according to the Min people, this is called "three mushroom soup".

Chicken soup + sea mussels, this pot of soup is very fresh

The second core link of chicken soup sea mussels is the sea mussel meat is broken, pay attention to the sea mussel meat to use the previous boiled clear soup to break the life, after the break, you also need to use the chicken steamed three mushroom soup sea mussel meat, let it into the taste after the three mushroom soup poured out, until the real table, will use the boiled three mushroom soup again to taste the sea mussel meat on the table, this time the chicken soup sea mussel will reach the highest level of Fujian cuisine often said by the Fujian people " light and crisp" and "mellow and eternal". On the weekend, you may wish to try it out and feel the unique flavor of Fujian cuisine.