
The Fall of the Angel (5)

author:Innocent happy baby

It has been raining lightly for a few days, I can't go out, I can only stay in heaven, some boredom, it rains for several days in a row, even at night. This morning, the eyes in sleep are a little uncomfortable, as soon as I open my eyes, I find that I have been hit by a ray of sunlight, I stretched down my loins, got up and looked outside, ah, the sky is sunny, I don't know when the rain has stopped, the sun is shining, the air is fresh, it is so comfortable! I flew into the garden, saw that the trees and flowers were fresh and clean, the flowers were more and more delicate in the sunlight, I sucked the dew on the grass leaves, smelled the fresh and soft flowers, and felt that the whole person was going to be drunk! At this time I saw that everyone was in groups of three or five as if they were talking about something, I listened in the past, oh, it turned out to be a male angel and a female angel in heaven fell in love the other day, today is going to have a wedding, haha, it is really a big happy event, there has been no happy event in the kingdom for a long time, it seems that we are going to be busy today, but we are all very happy! Our friends have discussed the allocation of tasks, and we will start to work! Some small partners are responsible for cleaning up the wedding room, some small partners are busy decorating the wedding scene, some small partners collect dew, some small partners pick petals, some small partners are where they need to run, haha, in short, everyone is busy and happy... After half a day of busyness, I am finally ready, and the wedding is about to take place! Everyone was in place, the music was playing, and the host said, "There's a bride and groom!" At this time, the groom came with the bride's money, it was really a talented woman, very well matched, and everyone applauded. Under the auspices of the host, they swore an oath, exchanged straw rings, drank a glass of dew, and kissed passionately, which was really sweet and happy, envious of others. After the completion of the newcomer ceremony, it is our little friends who send them blessings, some sing a song, some dance an elegant dance, some send their own handicrafts, some take out their own treasured items, in short, it is a good wish and hope for the newcomer, the newcomer is also very happy, very moved! At the end of the wedding, in the beautiful music, the groom took the bride to the center and danced, sometimes rotating left and right, sometimes flying up and down, like a pair of beautiful flying butterflies, the dance posture is light and graceful, and it is amazing. Unconsciously, everyone jumped up, accompanied by the beautiful music, dancing light wings, full of joyful laughter, and for a moment the whole kingdom of heaven was immersed in a sea of happiness and happiness...

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