
Seafood is delicious this way! Teach you to learn eight treasures of raw shell shells, dried hydrangea scallops and white grilled shark fin

author:Yun Mo pin food

Eight treasures of raw shell fresh shells

Seafood is delicious this way! Teach you to learn eight treasures of raw shell shells, dried hydrangea scallops and white grilled shark fin

【Dish name】


Lu cuisine


Beautiful shape, bright color, fresh taste.

【Raw Materials】

150 grams of fresh scallops. Pure winter shoots, 30 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 50 grams of prawn meat, cooked chicken, 50 grams of sea cucumber, 15 grams of ham. 15 grams of refined salt, 25 grams of soy sauce, 7.5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 30 grams of rice wine, 15 grams of minced green onion and ginger, and 300 grams of clear soup.

【Production process】

Wash the fresh scallop meat, rinse with boiling water and set aside. Winter shoots, mushrooms, ham, prawn meat, cooked chicken, water hair sea cucumber, sea rice, fresh abalone meat, all cut into small cubes, that is, eight treasure dins. Leftover winter shoots, sliced mushrooms. Beat the egg whites into a sherry paste, add starch and an appropriate amount of water and stir well. Take 12 fresh shells and put them into the 5% liquid to brush and wash, put in boiling water and boil, drain, evenly place around a large plate, steam for 10 minutes and take out. Add a small amount of peanut oil to the net wok, heat to 60% heat (about 150 ° C) when the onion, ginger and stir-fry slightly, then add eight treasures to stir-fry, then add salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, rice wine, clear soup to cook a little, with wet starch, drizzle with sesame oil to become the eight treasure filling. Place in a bowl and place the eight treasure filling evenly in the shell. Apply a layer of sherry paste and remove the parsley. Minced cake, steam in a basket for 2 minutes. Heat peanut oil in a wok and add green onions and ginger slices to fry the aroma, add clear soup, fish out the green onion and ginger, add fresh shellfish, mushroom shoot slices, add fine salt, shao wine and simmer slightly, then hook, drizzle with chicken fat, and serve in the center of the large disc.

Dried scallops of hydrangeas

Seafood is delicious this way! Teach you to learn eight treasures of raw shell shells, dried hydrangea scallops and white grilled shark fin

【Dish name】

Shaped like a hydrangea ball, fresh but not greasy, tender and juicy, luscious and moist.

200 grams of dried scallops. 100 grams of prawn meat, 50 grams of fatty pork, 25 grams of net winter shoots, 35 grams of spinach hearts. 12 grams of refined salt, 7.5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 30 grams of rice wine. 20 g of shallot ginger juice, 25 g egg white, 15 g sesame oil, 25 g wet starch.

The dried scallops are squeezed dry and kneaded into thin wires, and the ham, winter shoots and mushrooms are cut into 2 cm long filaments, blanched with boiling water, fished out of the controlled water and mixed with the dried scallops and set aside. Chop the prawn meat and fatty pork into a fine puree, add egg love, clear soup, salt, monosodium glutamate and sake. Onion ginger juice and sesame oil are mixed into a filling, then squeezed by hand into balls with a diameter of 25 cm, placed on the mixed dried scallops and dipped evenly, into a hydrangea shape, placed on the plate basket and steamed over high heat until tender, and decanted the soup. Add the broth, salt and sake to the wok. After MSG is boiled, skim off the foam, hook the wet starch into a slip, add sesame oil and pour over the dried scallop balls. Wash the spinach hearts, heat the peanut oil in the wok, add spinach hearts and stir-fry, add refined salt and MONOSM and fry, drizzle with sesame oil and place them around the dried scallops.

White grilled shark fin soup

Seafood is delicious this way! Teach you to learn eight treasures of raw shell shells, dried hydrangea scallops and white grilled shark fin

The soup is rich, the shark fin is soft and shiny, and the fresh flavor is mellow.

Shark fin soup 200 g. Hen meat, fat duck, pork knuckle 25 grams each, vegetable heart 50 grams, cooked lard 50 grams, chicken fat 25 grams, refined salt 5 grams, rice wine 10 grams. 10 grams of green onion, 10 grams of fresh ginger, 0.5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 30 grams of starch.

Wash and chop the hen, fat duck and pork knuckle into small pieces, put them in a pot of boiling water and blanch them, wash the blood foam and set aside. Add broth, salt, sake and shark fin to a wok and bring to a boil to drain. Then put the vegetable hearts in the pot and fish them out. Wash the shark fins with water, arrange them neatly, stack the bottom layer of a large bowl, on top of which are placed chicken nuggets, duck chunks, pork knuckle chunks and green onions, ginger slices, fine salt, rice wine, pour into the clear soup and steam, take out and pick up the chicken nuggets and duck chunks. Pork knuckle meat pieces, green onions, ginger it is used. Put the cooked lard in the wok, use medium heat to 60% heat (about 132 ° C), add green onion, ginger slices to burn out the aroma, then add refined salt, milk soup, Shao wine to fish out the green onion and ginger do not, put in shark fin, vegetable hearts, boil after skimming off the foam, switch to a low heat simmer, when the soup remains 1/3, put wet starch to hook, until the soup into a thick sauce, put MSG, drizzle chicken fat, large spoon and plate.

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