
Good books and recommendations | the social life of Jiangnan literati, just two words

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Good books and recommendations | the social life of Jiangnan literati, just two words

The Annals of You Dong

By Xu Kun

Fudan University Press

Taking You Dong's life as a clue, the "You Dong Annals" outlines a picture of the scholars in the early Qing Dynasty, and reproduces the vivid picture of the politics, life and social life of the Jiangnan literati in the early Qing Dynasty, which has important research value.

About the Author

Good books and recommendations | the social life of Jiangnan literati, just two words

Xu Kun was born in 1977 in Yangxin, Hubei Province. He graduated from the Department of Chinese of East China Normal University in 2006, and was a visiting scholar and associate professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) from 2010 to 2011. At present, he has published more than 20 professional academic papers in journals such as Journal of East China Normal University and Qiushi Journal, and published four monographs such as "You Dong Research". His main research interests include Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasty literature and the dissemination of opera culture.


Text | Tan Fan

Xu Kun's "You Dong Annals" takes You Dong's life as a clue, outlines a picture of the scholars in the early Qing Dynasty, and reproduces the vivid picture of the politics, life and social life of the Jiangnan literati in the early Qing Dynasty, which has important research value. Its characteristics and value can be considered from at least the following three dimensions.

First, as the "True Talent" (Shunzhi Emperor) and the "Old Famous Scholar" (Kangxi Emperor) of the early Qing Dynasty literary circles, You Dong had a generous personality and was famous for a while, and he had achievements in poetry, literature, words, music and other fields, and there are a total of 142 volumes of the "Complete Works of Xitang", "The Rest of xitang" and "Manuscripts of Heqitang", etc., "writing a lot of books, and at the same time Mao Qiling, very rare" (Deng Zhicheng's "Chronicle of Qing Poetry"). Regarding Youtong's annals, so far it is mainly his self-written "Annals of Repentance", but the content is too brief, and the details are old at the time of writing, and the details are inevitably wrong; especially when it comes to his associations with friends, gatherings and other activities, it is necessary to circumstantially prove his relevant materials, compare, analyze and explain. Therefore, as far as the study of YouDong is concerned, it is necessary to recompile a Youdong chronology.

Second, Yu Tong entered the Qing Dynasty from the Ming Dynasty and died at the age of eighty-seven, and his life almost ran through the six eras from Wanli to Kangxi. At the same time, his life traveled extensively, from the high-ranking officials and magnates to the commoners in the city, and almost all the three religions and nine streams had been subordinate, which can be described as the change of dynasties and social changes in the Ming and Qing dynasties, especially the evolution of the people's hearts and minds in the Jiangnan area. From the perspective of historical, cultural and regional nature, it is also an important research work to cut into the historical scene with You Dong's life deeds as the coordinates, and to observe and restore the intricate relationship network, cultural atmosphere, political climate and official ecology of the Jiangnan literary circle at that time.

Third, in recent years, through the joint efforts of several generations of scholars, the study of Qing Dynasty literature has made great progress. Many of You Dong's teachers and friends, such as Chen Weisong, Cao Erkan, Mao Qiling, Du Mao, etc., have attracted the attention of the academic community to varying degrees. The compilation of the You Dong Annals not only has the effect of throwing bricks and leading jade, but also can be said to be an indispensable link in this academic research chain.

Of course, the voluminous and trivial historical documents of the Qing Dynasty are well known, and sorting out and revising the annals is a spiritual labor that tests the will of individuals, and it is necessary to read a large number of works and documents that have not yet been proofread and sorted out, and to comb through the vast sea of ancient books. The compilation of Xu Kun's "You Dong Annals" is based on the original materials obtained from combing historical documents as evidence, and on the basis of examining the authenticity of the nuclear materials, it adopts the method of mutual verification between literature and history, takes the original materials themselves as the narrative object, and states the facts and analyzes the problems through the full collection, careful combing and careful comparison of a large amount of information from different historical materials.

To this day, the collation and publication of the annals of qing dynasty celebrities is still a work that needs to be deeply cultivated. Any macroscopic academic research should be based on a full grasp of the individual, if there is no careful collation and in-depth exploration of important cases, the study of Qing Dynasty literary history, Qing Dynasty history and other related fields will lack reliable and vivid historical details. The compilation value of Xu Kun's "You Dong Annals" not only combs through the sufferings of You Dong's life, but also outlines the faces of many scholars in the early Qing Dynasty, which can not only be used as a reference for future You Dong research, but also promote literary research and historical research in the early Qing Dynasty.

Excerpted from the prologue of the YouDong Annals, with abridgements

Good books and recommendations | the social life of Jiangnan literati, just two words

You Dong (1618–1704)

Zi Zhancheng, a character of the same person, in the early years of the self-title of sanzhongzi, also known as the penitent's temple, the late name of Genzhai, The old man of Xitang, the old man of Heqi, the old man of Meihua Daoren, etc., Jiangnan Changzhou (now Suzhou, Jiangsu) people. He was appointed as the governor of Yongping (present-day Lulong, Hebei), but was demoted for some reason and resigned and returned to Li. In the eighteenth year of Kangxi (1679), he held up the erudite Hongci Branch, taught the Hanlin Academy to review, and revised the "History of Ming", and kangxi returned to his hometown in the twenty-second year (1683). In the forty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1703), Kangxi toured the south, and because of his meritorious service in taking over the driving in the year of Dong, he was specially promoted to the rank of Hanlin Yuan attendant and promoted to the rank of Chengdelang. The forty-third year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1704) ended in illness.

As a well-known literary veteran and opera master, You Dong's works are abundant and voluminous, and there are 142 volumes of the "Complete Works of Xitang", "Yuji of Xitang", and "Manuscripts of Heqitang". You Tong has made achievements in poetry, literature, lyrics, music and other fields in the early Qing Dynasty, and has been praised by the Shunzhi and Kangxi Emperors.

Good books and recommendations | the social life of Jiangnan literati, just two words

"Crane Qi Tang Manuscript" book shadow

Wu Weiye's "Title You Zhan Cheng Shui Zhao Ting Fishing Chart" Zanyun: "Changyang Yuan Li Hu Caizi, Lone Bamboo City Side Dialect Ambassador." Moving to fishing is fishing, so the mountain is covered with a stream of clouds. Wang Shichen's "Collection of Xitang Of The Title You Repentance Nunnery" also said: "The West Hall is only adjusted to the ancient and unrelenting, and the jade weaving beads are eighty spring." ”

Regarding YouTong's article, Shen Xiong's "Liutang Words and Sayings" praises Yun: "Obscure (repentance) an ancestral system overwhelms the first generation. The "First Collection of Leaning Voices" co-edited by Wang Shichen and Zou Qimo also commented: "The works of Zhan Cheng, the characters are detached, and there is the cause of yao tiansheng crane." Regarding You Tong's poems, Shen Deqian's "Collection of Qing Poems" once selected 26 Dong poems, and praised them very highly, praising: "The volume of "Yongming Shilefu" is especially a work of god. All the people who have received in this election are those who have a voice, so that the people of the art garden can see it, and the consensus is the face of the West Hall. ”

In the history of songwriting, Yu Dong's contribution is particularly important. Chen Dong's "Treatise on the Music of Beijing Caotang" said: "The word to the West Hall is also a disguise. Zhou Qi wrote an inscription for Zhi Fengyi's "New Compilation of Repertoire": "The ancient talents gathered together to compile one, and You Wu li Jiang was the most pitiful (original note: The song produced by you Xitang, Wu Meicun, Li Kasa-weng, and Jiang Xinshe is the first in this dynasty). ”

In the early Qing Dynasty, Zou Shijin's "Three Episodes of Miscellaneous Dramas" and Yao Xie's "Selected Works of The Present Music House" in the Qianjia period were selected into YouDong's miscellaneous opera works, which fully affirmed Youdong's reputation and important position in the drama world.

You Dong's life deeds, the Qing people recorded Lin Lin's various deeds, such as You Tong's own "Annals of Regret", "Qing History Manuscript" volume 484, "Qing Shi Lie Biography" volume 71, "Stele Biography" volume 45, Wang Shichen's "Yuyangshan People's Feelings of the Old Collection" volume 4, Zhu Yizun's "Exposure Book Pavilion Collection" volume 76 "Hanlin Yuanshi Shuo Yu's Epitaph", Pan Qian's "Sui Chu Tang Anthology" volume 18 "You Shu Gong Zhai Biography", Li Huan's "Guo Dynasty Qi Dedication Class Initial Compilation" volume 119, Zhang Weiping's "National Dynasty Poets' SketchEs" Volume 1, Li Yuandu's "Outline of the First Serious Affairs of the State Dynasty", Li Yuandu's "Outline of the First Serious Affairs of the State Dynasty" Volume 39, Volume 2 of the "Biography of the National History Wenyuan", Volume 2 of the "Records of the Collected Documents", Volume 1 of the "Biography of the Famous Ruler of the Zhao Dynasty", and so on, the historical facts about the study of Youdong's life in later generations basically come from this.

From the late Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, You Tong's main activities were in the Qing Dynasty, the social relationship network was complex, and the life and communication were extremely extensive, and the total number of people mentioned in his poetry collection alone was nearly 400, of which the most important number reached as many as 30 or 40. In Xu Kun's "You Dong Research", You Dong's social travel has been divided into five major categories.

First, former sages such as Wu Weiye, Wang Chongjian and Gong Dingzi. Wu Weiye's "Title You Showed into the Water Pavilion Fishing Chart" Yun: "Sui Chu reopened the old hall, so the Xiang family sounded different talents." Mo Xiang Lulong dreamed of closing the plug, why paint the gimbal in this life. After Wu Weiye's death, You Tong wrote a preface to the "Words of the Plum Village" and wrote the "Tribute to Wu Sacrifice Wine" mourning clouds: "The servant tastes the scepter of the gentleman, and sees his wandering scene, and he is miserable and peaceful, and he is good and simple, and he does not worry about his sloppiness. You Dong has deep sympathy for Wu Weiye's embarrassment and helplessness in his life, and can be called Wu Meicun's confidant.

Second, Yanyou was in the same year. You Tong and Wang Shichen, Wang Shilu brothers, Zhu Yizun, "Southern Shi Northern Song", Xu Jun, Wang Huan, Wu Qi and Jiang Chao and other eye-catching figures in the early Qing Dynasty literary circles have all been subordinate, and the deeds of the exchange are mainly poetry, singing and singing.

Among them, You Dong and Wang Shichen usually sang poems and were particularly frequent, such as Wang Shichen's "Records of the Essence of Yuyang", Volume II, "Ji Fu Cao Zhi, Defu Wen, Zhan Cheng, And The Book of the Court", "Silkworm Tail Collection" Volume I, "Sending You Regret an Taishi Four Songs", "Silkworm Tail Collection" Volume VIII "Sending You Regret An TaiShi": "Jiangdong Qi Old, Middle Wu Old Man, now mr. Regret An is alone, and the poems are delivered at the right time." ”

You Dong's "Hundred Last Words" Volume 1 "Ru Meng Ling Ti Ruan Ting Rain Flower Map", Volume 2 "Begonia Spring Evening Makeup and Ruan Ting Rhyme", Volume 5 "Qinyuan Chun and Ruan Ting Even Xing Two Poems", "GenZhai Tired Manuscript Poetry Collection" Volume 4 "Wang Nguyen Ting Shilang Xicheng Villa Twelve Songs", "Title Ruan Ting Travels", Volume 8 "Wang Nguyen Ting Shilang Sends Four Poems, Yi Yun Feng Answers": "Wang Fuzi of Xincheng, the famous lord from the hall." Zhou Lifang is equal to the earth, and Tang Shi is unique. Envy the bearded purple halberd, laughing at my hair waves. The title Jiangnan is old, and xu zi will be required. ”

There is a sentence in the "Ten Poems of Xishan Looking at MeiZa": "Baiyun rises at dusk and wants Ruan Gonglai (original note: Ruan Ting calls himself a Fisherman of Yangshan)." "The Collected Poems of Gen Zhai Tired Manuscript" Volume IX "Four Poems of He Gu Xia Jun Xiao Xiuye": "The inscription poem is sent to Xie Wang Mojie, and the high lying ends up losing Pei Xiucai (original note: Mr. Ruan Ting's poem 'Sending Words to Xitang You Laozi, Jealousy Qu Gao Lying Too Wind', and answering it)." Volume 11 "Miscellaneous Verses seven absolute sentences" Yun: "Looking alone over the Xianghua Bridge, the poems of the deceased are in Yuyang (original note: Mr. Huai Nguyen Dinh). ”

In the forty years of the Kangxi Dynasty (1701), Wang Ruanting sent a book to Dong with a false return, and You Tong had the "Ruan Ting Si Kou False Return to have a book to send a message, giving this fenghuai": "Jiangdong Qi Old Wu He Dare, Shanzuo Fengliu Jun's unique name." ... Sometimes Xishu stall book sits, and when the day yuyang carries wine to welcome (original note: Ruan Ting has a Xicheng villa, self-proclaimed YuyangShanren). The strange pen Feng Hua did not pay attention, and the snow building overwhelmed Jinan Sheng. "Wang Shichen and You Dong have a very close text exchange, and have communicated in many aspects such as literary creation, human and material evaluation, and values.

Good books and recommendations | the social life of Jiangnan literati, just two words

Shadow of the Book of "Genzai Miscellaneous Sayings"

Third, the lord and the gentleman. You Tong was often favored and respected by some Jiangnan nationals or eunuchs of Jiangnan, and interacted with them. Among them were Gao Shiqi, Liang Qingbiao, Xu Qianxue, and Xu Yuanwen, who were quite powerful in the political arena in the early Qing Dynasty, as well as Song Jie and Cao Yin, who were local officials in Jiangsu and Zhejiang at that time. You Tong had contacts with the "Three Xus of Kunshan", namely Xu Qianxue, Xu Yuanwen, Xu Bingyi, etc., among whom Xu Yuanwen, who had been a scholar of the Sixteenth Year of Shunzhi and an official to wenhuadian University, also learned from You Dong when he was young. At the beginning of YouTong's "Xitang Anthology", there is Xu Yuanwenbao: "My master Zhan Chengfuzi is less skilled in his name, whips the embroidered tiger, dreams of Xiong Hanmo, and high-sighted spirit snakes." ”

Good books and recommendations | the social life of Jiangnan literati, just two words

Book shadow of the Book of Repentance

Fourth, the rivers and lakes are hidden. In YouDong's travels, a large part of them were clothed people who were hidden in the rivers and lakes and wandering in the mountains and forests, some of them were dissatisfied with the Manchu Qing Dynasty and became marginal people who wandered away from society; some did not have a career path, dived into the life of the common people in the city, and did not hold office in the Qing court. The more important such exchanges are Huang Zhouxing, Mao Xiang, Du Jun, Xu Ke, Guizhuang and Jin Shengsi. The friendship between You Dong and Huang Zhouxing can be described as a friend of Yiwen. You Tong's "Annals of Repentance" Kangxi Ninth Year (1670) contains: Huang Zhouxing once visited You Dong's home and gave ten poems, one of which is cloudy: "Every time and place are difficult in the clouds and dragons, people throughout the ages hate it." After stepping through Wu Men zhi several degrees, this dynasty began to see You Dong. ”

You Dong and Jin Shengsi also have a ruler on poetry, and You Dong's "Genzhai Miscellaneous Sayings" Yun: "To see the holy sigh to choose tang law,...... He even cut the first four sentences into one section and the last four sentences as one cut, and carefully annotated them. Yu was surprised: "Tang Shi he is guilty, and his waist has been cut off." Although these words were dramatic, they became holy and sighed. Jin Sheng sighed and said, "With You Zhan ChengDong": "The brother is not similar, people do not believe it, and it is really important to have Mr. Sanwu Caizi's words." ”

Fifth, the diplomatic tour of the side. You Tong's "Preface to the Poetry of the Shangren in the Line" Yun: "To the friends of many outsiders." "In his foreign friendships, there are many buddhist practitioners and monks who have become monks, such as Song Shiyi, Chao Yuan, Hongbi, Wu Chen, Wu Zhan brothers, and so on. In the interaction with these Buddhist practitioners, Yu Dong's thinking on the issues of fame and fortune, life and death, and prosperity and decline of the world is more profound, and his mentality is more impulsive and flat, especially the meaning of birth and detachment revealed in the literary creation of his later years has an important relationship with this.

Good books and recommendations | the social life of Jiangnan literati, just two words

Yu Dong statue

For example, You Tong's "Yu Jing Ji" volume San Ji Wei "Inscription Painting Two Songs" Prologue Yun: "Yu Nian Chao composed poems, there is a sentence 'Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan', Gai Si Guiye." After years of detention, he suddenly fell into a dream, because he begged for plums to couple the long map, in order to replace the lying tour, and the title of the second sentence was yi zhu gong and Yan. "Poetry:

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, Linchi has more water.

Poor Yu Xinkong Xiaoser, alone to Chang'an Dream Garden.

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, painting extremely dark soul.

Annoyed Jun added Ling Feng, a leaf of pu sails to the door.

The same gifters are Mei Geng, Wang Shichen, Shi Yanzhang, Wang Wan, Mao Qiling, Peng Sunsuo, Ni Can, and Wang Maolin.

Mei Geng and poetry

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, Yanmei October and Nanxuan.

Seeing that Elder Junxiang Chengming lived, he laughed at himself and said goodbye to the old garden.

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, the wind before the cabinet pen turned to hurt the soul.

Wu Ship does not send Si Gui to return guests, and the hundred-foot Chengtan is empty to the door.

Shi Yanzhang Yushan and poetry

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, Qianhe Zashui Fu Luoxuan.

Bai Tou gong is a prisoner, afraid to listen to the old garden in front of the bottle.

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, Frost Forest is full of eyes and souls.

Bian Zhou was tied to the hut, laughing at the old bamboo gate of Linji.

Wang Shi Chan Nguyen Ting and poetry

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, Lulu ShaShui xuan.

Yutang looked at the painting and turned over, and the short leaves and long strips looked like the old garden.

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, the wind in the picture is eclipsed.

The spring breeze rises under the Canglang Pavilion, and the fish fry water reaches the door overnight.

Wang Huan blunt and poetry

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, do not bother jiake stationed in Huaxuan.

But you have to take care of a long shovel, and take care of the mountain boy irrigation medicine garden.

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, the soul of the hometown in every dream.

At different times, he was also a returning guest, and if he was allowed to shoulder the bamboo door.

Peng Sun Sun envied the door and poetry

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, counting rafters Yuexie and Fengxuan.

Autumn came to mislead the long guest, and endowed with empty pity for the rabbit garden.

Home is in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, and it is unbearable to shake off and leave the soul.

The old garden is extremely worried and loses to the meixian old city gate.

Chen Weisong and his poems

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, Xiaojun only remembers Shui Zhaoxuan.

Yefu originally lived on Jingxi, and there were also grapes rising in the garden.

Home is in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, and the village scenery is the most soul-destroying at this time.

The plums did not fragrant trees, and wild ducks flew through the door.

Moltke Age can be and poetry

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, in front of the village there are guests every stop Xuan.

Only because he went to Lin Quan early, he grew up to Wuzhong Gu's Garden.

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, every festive season to break people's souls.

Poor Chao took cold food and returned to Dong ben Men on horseback.

Huang and Jian Ting table and poetry

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, the water is dissolved and the foot is open.

An official, Xiao Jian, can throw himself into the old age, scratching his head and remembering the old garden of The West Qing.

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, helpless to provoke the soul.

Good period to come to the chicken and dolphin society, Cuizhu Hansha knocked on the door.

Patten asks for a visit to Lian and poetry

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, Pu Lun Zheng went to Guixuan.

The painting left a smoke habit, twenty years of seclusion for a long time.

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, the east neighbor of the wanderer is the most hurtful.

The guest has already married the sheep, and the morning is drawn and closed.

Ni Can Min Gong and poetry

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, clear stream bishu around the front Xuan.

When lingbo went, carry wine and flowers back to the garden.

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, thorny tonghua hair is hurting the soul.

The mighty white gull can travel thousands of miles, and the crescent moon shines on the firewood door.

Wang Maolin Jiaomen and poetry

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, a pool of clearing is not completely muddy.

When I was young, I remembered to sit in Kaixuan, and the pink butterfly yellow flowers actually entered.

Home in Yangliu Village, Jiangnan, Baimeilu Orange Day wounded soul.

The grass returned to the field, and the eyes of the head were not fainted.

Source: Fudan University Press

Editor: Duan Pengcheng

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