
Looking at Qianlong from another perspective| the Qianlong "Poetry Conference" that is difficult to find, and Ji Huang has participated in it 25 times

author:Cover News

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Cover news reporter Zeng Jie Intern Liao Xueqiong

If you want to use an exhibition to connect the popular Qing Palace dramas, it is not the special exhibition of "Entering chonghua Palace". Shu Fangzhai in "Huan Zhu Gege", Empress Fucha in "Yanxi Raiders", as well as "Prime Minister Liu Luoguo" and "Iron Tooth Copper Tooth Ji Xiaolan" can all find cultural relics related to it in this new exhibition of Cheng Bo.

The Chengdu Museum and the Palace Museum jointly held a special exhibition "Entering the Chonghua Palace", through 88 pieces /sets of precious collections, under the guidance of the Forbidden City experts, displayed the Qianlong Hidden Residence "Chonghua Palace", which had never been open to the public, restored the place where the Qianlong Emperor lived, studied and grew up when he was young, and presented the process of a magnificent young man growing into a prosperous son.

The "Into Chonghua Palace" special exhibition is a global tour project launched by the Palace Museum in recent years, and Chengdu is its first stop in China. Exhibitions with the theme of the Qianlong Emperor have been held many times at home and abroad, and the exhibition reflecting his life during the imperial period is the first time in China. The exhibition will run until November 30 and will be free and open to the public.

Looking at Qianlong from another perspective| the Qianlong "Poetry Conference" that is difficult to find, and Ji Huang has participated in it 25 times

Chengdu Museum "Into Chonghua Palace" exhibition

Qianlong was a complete lover of poetry

From the eighth year of Qianlong (1743), the emperor chose an auspicious day at the beginning of the first month of the first month every year, and hand-picked poets such as the clan, university scholars, and inner court Hanlin to hold tea feasts and joint sentences at Chonghua Palace, taste Sanqing tea, and sing poems. The poems of the Qianlong Emperor on the tea feast are included in the first to fifth collections of imperial poems.

Qianlong wrote 40,000 poems in his lifetime and was a complete lover of poetry. He organized this tea feast to let everyone drink tea and chant poetry, and the degree of elegance is no less than the popular "poetry conference" now. Being able to accompany Qianlong to drink tea during the first month, and having a good poem and a chance to get a reward, so the cultural activities that connect the feelings of the monarch are simply difficult to find.

The "Qingwu Jintuo", "Yi Ugly Chonghua Palace Joint Sentence" Poem Book" and "Ujintuo", "Three Qing Tea Joint Sentences" poem book" displayed in the special exhibition restore the grand situation of the Chonghua Palace tea banquet joint sentence during the Qianlong period for the audience. Wang Ranying of the Chengbo Folk Customs and Cultural Relics Department told the scene of the tea banquet joint sentence, Qianlong held 44 tea banquet joint sentences in his lifetime, and Ji Huang, who was proficient in water conservancy, participated in as many as 25 times.

Looking at Qianlong from another perspective| the Qianlong "Poetry Conference" that is difficult to find, and Ji Huang has participated in it 25 times

Ujintuo's "Yi Ugly Chonghua Palace Joint Sentence" poetry volume

Kangxi Kai composed poems

According to legend, the earliest joint sentences began in the "Bailiangtai Poem" during the time of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the whole poem seven words, 26 sentences, respectively, by 26 people out of the sentence, a sentence and a meaning, connected, each sentence with rhyme, posterity also called it "Bai Liang body". However, there are also later generations who have decided that this poem is a forgery and is not reliable.

In the court of the Qing Dynasty, the emperor summoned ministers and literati to compose poems and sentences, which was not the first of Qianlong, but began with his grandfather Kangxi.

On the fourteenth day of the first month of the twenty-first year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1682), a banquet was held at the Qianqing Palace for hundreds of officials of civil and military affairs, and the sea was flattened and the soldiers were killed. In addition to the excitement, Kangxi ordered the participants to imitate Bai Liang's style to write poems, and more than 90 people participated at that time. Later, the Yongzheng Emperor also invited the princes and ministers and the courtiers of the inner court to drink and write poems at the Qianqing Palace.

During the Qianlong period, he may have felt that it was very indecent for the civil and military officials to drink drunkenly at the banquet, so he changed the drinking to tea drinking, and the "poetry conference" became a tea feast joint sentence, and established it as a family law that must be observed in future generations.

Qianlong wrote in the "Complete Collection of Imperial Poems of Emperor Gaozong": "It is because Xinzheng is still celebrating the new year here, and the Emperor and his courtiers are sentenced to the tea feast according to the custom, and they are happy with their care, and they are rare in the feast, and the future generations of descendants should obey the family law." The new Zheng wrote the auspicious here, gave Jian Geng Yin, ten thousand years long today, is not the Western Qing Dynasty good story, our country auspicious event also."

The Jiaqing and Daoguang emperors both held tea banquets, of which the Jiaqing Emperor held more than 10 times, but the Xianfeng Emperor and later emperors no longer held tea banquets.

Looking at Qianlong from another perspective| the Qianlong "Poetry Conference" that is difficult to find, and Ji Huang has participated in it 25 times

Ujintuo's "Three Qing Tea Joint Sentences" poetry book

The number of people attending the banquet is very exquisite

The poems of Ujintuo's "Yi Ugly Chonghua Palace Joint Sentence" is the first time that Qianlong has recorded the poetry collection of tea feast joint sentences into a book. The poems are very beautifully bound, with golden-green phoenixes wearing peony figures on the outside, and the chonghua palace joint sentence poems of the Qianlong Decade (B Ugly Age, that is, 1745).

One day after Lichun that year, Qianlong gathered 12 people, including Zhang Tingyu, Wang Youdun, Liu Tongxun, Liang Shizheng, Qian Chengqun, Li Zongwan, Zhang Ruoxiao, Ji Huang, Qiu Rixiu, Chen Bangyan, E Rong'an, and Dong Bangda. They created a joint sentence in Chonghua Palace with the theme of "Welcoming Spring", with five words per verse of the poem, and finally Liang Shizheng was enshrined in the edict.

Who can participate in the tea party?

The Qianlong Emperor moved the tea feast from the Qianqing Palace to the Chonghua Palace, and appointed the scholar and poet to enter the banquet, and the banquet was eighteen people, which meant that Tang Taizong "eighteen scholars ascended Yingzhou". Emperor Taizong of Tang set up a literary museum in Chang'an City, and the eighteen people in the imperial palace, including Du Ruyi, Jifu Fang Xuanling, Yu Shinan, Chu Liang, Yao Silian, Li Xuandao, the chief bookkeeper, Cai Yungong, Xue Yuanjing, Yan Xiangshi, Su Xun, the counselor, Yu Zhining, the tiance fu, Yu Zhining, the military counselor, Xue Shuo, the secretary of the chamber, Li Shousu, the assistant teacher of Guozi, Lu Deming, Kong Yingda, the xindu Gai Wenda, and the Songzhou governor Cao Xu Jingzong, often discussed political affairs and classics, which were called "eighteen scholars" at that time. Qianlong invited eighteen people to the banquet, and also saw Xian Siqi.

Later, Qianlong increased the number of people attending the banquet to 28, which is a metaphor for the number of twenty-eight stars. Qing Shenchu's "Notes on the Western Qing Dynasty" Yun: "The new Zheng Chonghua Palace is jointly named, and the first south study room enters the green head sign, listing the titles of the ministers, the military minister is a bunch, and the upper study is a bunch." The South Study Room is a bunch, the Foreign Court University Scholars, Shangshu, Zuo Du Yushi, and Shi Lang are a bunch, and the ministers of the General School of the Library when they are ordered to compile the Four Libraries are a bunch, waiting to be selected. Twenty-eight people were sent nearly. Or there are special appointees who are not signed outside the name. ”

Looking at Qianlong from another perspective| the Qianlong "Poetry Conference" that is difficult to find, and Ji Huang has participated in it 25 times

"Imperial Three Clear Tea" poem cover bowl

Ji Huang participated more than He Yan

How did the Qianlong Emperor express his trust and favor to his ministers? Of course, he was invited to a tea party. When it comes to Hezhen, readers will always think of Wang Gang and Zhang Guoguo's slippery and shrewd calculations, this Scholar of The WenhuaDian University and Minister of Military Aircraft, because he was good at observing and observing colors and shrewd and capable, won qianlong's trust. As a favorite courtier, he participated in tea banquets every year from the forty-fifth year of Qianlong (1780) to the sixty years (1795), and participated in as many as 16 times.

He Yan, Ji Xiaolan, and Liu Yong were all guests of the Qianlong Emperor's tea banquet, but among the many ministers, the person who participated in the tea banquet sentence the most was not He Yan, but Ji Huang, who participated 25 times, surpassing these ministers who often appeared in Qing Palace dramas. This at least shows that Ji Huang's high position of authority is the pillar of the country in Qianlong's eyes; in addition, Ji Huang's literary talent is remarkable, and he will not open his mouth at the "Poetry Conference".

Who is Ji Huang? Ji Huang (嵇璜), also spelled Shangzuo (尚佐), was a native of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, and the son of the university scholar Ji Zengjun. In the eighth year of Yongzheng (1730), he served as the governor of the South River and the East River, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Works, the head of the Hanlin Academy, the scholar of Wenyuange University and the president of the National History Museum. He worked in calligraphy and was proficient in water conservancy, and was known for his meritorious efforts in harnessing the Yellow and Huai rivers.

Ji Huang was favored by the Qianlong Emperor and followed Qianlong on his southern tour many times, attending tea banquets at Chonghua Palace as many as 25 times.

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