
ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

author:Stir-fried tomatoes with tomatoes

Text: Stir-fried tomatoes with tomatoes

Edited with tomatoes and fried tomatoes

In this world full of all kinds of stories, there are always some people's experiences that can instantly catch our eyes and touch the softest places in our hearts.

Anhui Bozhou's Internet celebrity "Inspirational Qichen" is such a special existence.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

On June 26, 2024, his wedding became a hot topic on the Internet, causing countless people's attention and discussions.

A man who has suffered from ALS for many years and is paralyzed with only two fingers can usher in such a beautiful moment on the stage of love, what is the unknown story behind this? And what made this beautiful woman come into his life willingly? Next, let's walk into the world of Qichen and explore the bits and pieces behind this special love.

Qi Chen's fate took a huge turn when he was 7 years old.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

That year, the ruthless disease, ALS, quietly befell this young life.

At that time, the doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue, which dealt a heavy blow to the family.

Doctors asserted that Qichen might not live to be 18 years old.

However, the cruelty of fate did not stop there.

At the age of 16, it should have been the age of youthful bloom, but Qichen could no longer walk and was paralyzed in bed ever since.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

Over the years, he has endured unimaginable illness.

The gradual atrophy of muscles and the continuous decline of physical functions made his life extremely difficult.

Now, in addition to talking and eating, he can move with difficulty with only two fingers.

Such a situation is an unbearable burden for any human being.

But Qi Chen, in this endless darkness, tenaciously searched for that glimmer of hope.

In the long struggle against the disease, Qichen never bowed to fate.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

He always maintained an optimistic and strong attitude, as if telling the world: "Illness can imprison my body, but it can never bind my soul!" ”

Faced with the difficulties of life, Qichen did not choose to feel sorry for himself.

He bravely tried to start a business through the Internet, and with his only two active fingers, he fought for a world of his own in the online world.

Every video he makes with his heart is full of love for life and vision for the future.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

His efforts not only attracted many fans, but also brought him a decent income, allowing him to lighten the burden on his family.

Perhaps it was this light that still bloomed in the face of adversity, this never-say-die attitude towards life, that became an important factor in attracting his wife.

How can a soul so resilient and so positive not be admired and loved?

In the years when Qichen was fighting against the disease, his mother was always his most solid backing.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

In those years, his mother gave all her heart and soul to take care of him.

Every morning, my mother wakes up early to prepare a nutritious breakfast for Qichen.

Then, she will patiently help Qichen massage the gradually atrophied muscles, hoping to delay the deterioration of the condition.

When he went out, his mother always carefully pushed the wheelchair and carried him in and out of the car, and every movement was full of endless love.

When the doctor announced Qichen's condition, his mother had also fallen into the abyss of despair.

But she quickly cheered up and told Qichen firmly: "Child, as long as mom still has a breath, she won't let you face all this alone." ”

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

This persistence and refusal to give up have become the beacon for Qichen to move forward in the dark.

Mother's love, like warm sunshine, illuminates every corner of Qichen's life.

It is this deep and great maternal love that gives Qichen endless strength and courage, allowing him to remain optimistic in the face of difficulties and bravely pursue his dreams.

In the vast online world, the red line of fate quietly connects Qichen and his lover closely.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

Qi Chen's wife, who was originally just browsing casually in the sea of the Internet, accidentally saw Qi Chen's powerful and warm video.

Qi Chen in the video, although his body was imprisoned by illness, the light in his eyes and the firmness in his words deeply attracted this woman who was far away in Guangxi.

She was moved by Qichen's spirit of not succumbing to fate, and was impressed by his positive three views.

She saw not a poor man tormented by illness, but a charismatic soul with a strong heart.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

So, she resolutely decided to cross thousands of miles from Guangxi to Anhui, just to meet Qichen.

They have only known each other for half a year, but the flame of love is burning so hot.

In this short period of time, they quickly fell in love, and their relationship heated up dramatically.

Now, the woman is pregnant, and the birth of a new life makes this love even more indestructible.

June 26, 2024, is the big day for Qichen and his wife.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

The wedding scene was very lively, with 80 tables of banquets, and relatives and friends came to send their most sincere wishes.

At the wedding, the mother made a touching promise to her daughter-in-law with tears in her eyes: "Child, from now on, I will love you as if you were my own daughter."

You are about to have children, don't worry about you, I will do my best to take care of everything. ”

These words moved everyone present.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

And the most touching moment of the wedding was when Qi Chen sat in a wheelchair and struggled to put on a ring for his wife with his two fingers that could only move.

At that moment, time seemed to freeze, they only had each other in their eyes, and the love made the whole world quiet and beautiful.

However, there is also a hint of worry hidden behind happiness.

Whether ALS will be inherited has become a big stone in Qichen's heart.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

Although the genetic mechanism of ALS is not yet fully understood, this unknown factor has always made him uneasy.

But Qichen was not crushed by his worries, he knew that he was short on time, and hoped to make money to support his family and create better living conditions for his family.

He worked hard day and night, fighting every minute for his family's future.

We wish them all the best and hope that their future life will be full of sunshine and laughter.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

No matter how much wind and rain lie ahead, they can work together to meet every new tomorrow.

Qichen's story is like a mirror, allowing us to see the tenacity and perseverance of life.

He used his own experience to tell us that courage is the sword to overcome difficulties, perseverance is the bridge to success, gratitude is the nourishment of the soul, and cherishing is the code of happiness.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

In our society, there are many ALS patients like Qichen, who struggle silently in the dark, longing for a touch of warmth and care.

We should give them more attention and support, so that they can feel the love and warmth of society.

When we are facing difficulties in life, we might as well think about the story of Qichen.

As long as we move forward bravely and have firm beliefs, happiness will surely be waiting for us not far away.

ALS Internet celebrity marries a beautiful wife! The whole body is paralyzed and only 2 fingers can move, and the woman is now pregnant

Finally, let us once again sincerely wish Qichen and his wife, and may their love be like a star, shining forever in the long river of life.

This special love story not only warms their own lives, but also brings each of us full of positive energy and yearning for a better life.

It convinces us that true love is invincible and hope lives on!

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