
Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

author:Bin Brother talk movie

Who said that Apple will only sell smart hardware devices such as mobile phones and computers, and it can also make as good movies as the five major Hollywood studios.

This movie, called Finch, is an unexpected surprise.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year


The director has a lot to offer.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

British director Miguel Sapsznik directed the classic game of Thrones.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

Science fiction movies like "Born Again" starring Judlow are also from his hands.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

The actors are more impressive.

Two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks performed a wonderful one-man show.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

Tom Hanks is a Hollywood-class performance artist, and his performance strength can be endorsed by a large number of excellent movies.

His starring role in "Forrest Gump" is too classic to say, and it is regarded by millions of English learning enthusiasts as one of the must-see English movies.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

"Seattle Sleepless", "Philadelphia Story", "Saving Private Ryan", "The Rest of the Desert Island", "Cat and Mouse Game" these movies that are both acclaimed and popular are also familiar masterpieces.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

With the aging of the years, the production of film works in recent years has not been much, but films based on major events such as "Captain Philip" and "Captain Sully" have memory points and their performances are recognizable.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

The film is 115 minutes long and is set against the backdrop of Earth in 2028, which has become a barren place due to an explosion of solar flares. Dust, smoke, temperatures of 70 degrees Celsius and ultraviolet radiation make it impossible for people to live and work normally during the day and can only stay indoors.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

There is only one central character, and that is Tom Hanks playing the elderly and solitary Finch Weinberg.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

With no family, no friends, no colleagues, the only thing that comforted and accompanied him was a puppy.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

Tom Hanks interprets the old man's seemingly strong exterior as a weak and helpless man on the inside.

There is a scene where Finch sits naked on the toilet lid after a shower in the bathroom, and the character's rapid coughing seems to be a precursor to his imminent death.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

The daytime work is to wear heavy UV suits, take dewey, a cleaning robot dog, and drive a motorhome to the abandoned target to do the cleanup operation. In the evening, he devotes a lot of time to developing robots.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

The purpose of this is not to change the world, such an exciting-sounding grand wish, but simply to worry that there will be no one to take care of the puppy after death.

In a modern society that pays attention to pragmatism, this may be considered by many people to be mentally ill, but he did just that, and through unremitting efforts, he actually succeeded.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

Finch then embarked on a road trip to San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge with his puppy and invented robot.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

The story is simple, pure and inspiring.

The male protagonist, Finch, works as a technician in a technology company, and because he is not accustomed to team work, he decides to work from home alone.

Humans kill each other for food, and Finch witnesses a nine-year-old girl being shot, but he hides in the shadows and does not dare to say a word.

It can be said that Finch is an "outlier" in human society, in the company he does not trust colleagues and superiors, in life he does not trust others. He was prejudiced and believed only in his own abilities.

He independently developed Dewey, a robotic dog that could do his job independently, and built Jeff, a humanoid robot that could take care of his puppies instead.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

In a way, Jeff is a high-level version of Finch that has escaped from the flesh and is eternal.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

Knowing astronomy on the top and geography on the bottom, its head was transmitted by Finch to the massive knowledge data of the encyclopedia.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

Walk upright like a human being, learn to obey the rules of society, and master the various skills of human survival.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

For example, if Finch's motorhome tire breaks, it acts as a jack.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

The gate is locked, and it is directly removed.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

In the face of a tornado, the motorhome and the ground need to be secured with steel ropes and screws, and with a hard slap, the screws are firmly rooted below the surface. After the tornado, the people and cars were unharmed.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

Being followed by others, it pushed the half-cut motorhome stuck under the pier to an undetected position, avoiding the disaster.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

In addition to learning about human social experience, Jeff also learned a variety of emotional experiences unique to humans.

When Jeff is reprimanded by Finch for driving his car out of the distance it was parked, he feels guilty for making a mistake.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

When Finch coughed up blood and lay in bed, Jeff would carefully take out a towel to cover his forehead like a nurse.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

When Finch shook his hand, he would snuggle affectionately into Finch's arms.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

On the road to life and death, Finch uses the artificial intelligence Jeff to solve the thorny problems that he may not be able to do, understands the trust that love brings, and establishes a trust and emotional bond with Jeff that transcends human friendship.

Jeff didn't understand what humans call "trust," but it wasn't until it went through all sorts of tests that he learned this value.

Trust is the willingness to do everything within one's power for the other person, even to give one's life as a trust. This is the highlight of the film.

The film is a deceptively simple story that reflects the deep-seated contradictions and conflicts in today's human society, which are caused by a lack of communication and trust.

At the end of the film, Finch's body is cremated, and Jeff wins the puppy's trust.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

Jeff continued with his puppy and eventually reached the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

Jeff hangs a postcard of the three of them on the Golden Gate Bridge, witnessing a beautiful journey of friendship and trust.

Apple Original, Game of Thrones director, Oscar movie emperor, the film is definitely the best English film of the year

As Joyce Brazes said, "The best proof of love is trust." ”

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