

 update ZZJG_DM a set v_pid=pid;
 update ZZJG_DM a set v_id=id;
 update ZZJG_DM a set JBDM=null;
 update ZZJG_DM a set JCDM=1;
 set row_count = -1;
 while row_count != 0
 update ZZJG_DM a,
 ZZJG_DM b, 
 (select id,pid,to_char(row_number() over (partition by pid order by id)) rn,
  row_number() over (partition by id order by pid) rm
  from ZZJG_DM) c
 set a.JBDM = concat(lpad(c.rn,4,'0'), nvl(a.JBDM,'')), 
  a.JCDM = a.JCDM+1,
 where a.v_pid = b.id and a.v_id = c.id and c.rm=1;
 set row_count=row_count(); 
 end while;
 update ZZJG_DM  set jbdm = '0000' where id = '00000000000';           
id(编码)       pid(上级编码)jcdm(级次代码) jbdm(级别代码)
00000000000                           1       0000
00000000010     00000000000           2       0001
00000000011     00000000000           2       0002
00000000012     00000000000           2       0003
00000100000     00000000000           2       0004
17900000000     00000000000           2       0005
17900000001     17900000000           3       0005 0001
17900000002     17900000000           3       0005 0002
17900000003     17900000001           4       0005 0001 0001     
17900000004     17900000001           4       0005 0001 0002
17900000005     17900000001           4       0005 0001 0003
17900000006     17900000002           4       0005 0002 0001     
17900000007     17900000002           4       0005 0002 0002     
17900000008     17900000004           5       0005 0001 0002 0001     
17900000009     17900000004           5       0005 0001 0002 0002
17900000011     17900000009           6       0005 0001 0002 0002 0001
17900000012     17900000009           6       0005 0001 0002 0002 0002
17900000013     17900000012           7       0005 0001 0002 0002 0002 0001
17900000014     17900000012           7       0005 0001 0002 0002 0002 0002
17900000015     17900000012           7       0005 0001 0002 0002 0002 0003
17900000016     17900000012           7       0005 0001 0002 0002 0002 0004

根据id 与 pid 上下级关系,逐层更新jcdm 与 jbdm。
jbdm:按pid分组的组内排序序号(不足4位补齐4位) 左边拼接上级的jbdm。           
select id
,new_jcdm as jcdm
,case when new_jcdm=1 then '0000'
    when new_jcdm=2 then nrank
    when new_jcdm=3 then concat(nrank2,nrank)
    when new_jcdm=4 then concat(nrank3,nrank2,nrank)
    when new_jcdm=5 then concat(nrank4,nrank3,nrank2,nrank)
    when new_jcdm=6 then concat(nrank5,nrank4,nrank3,nrank2,nrank)
    when new_jcdm=7 then concat(nrank6,nrank5,nrank4,nrank3,nrank2,nrank)
end as jbdm
     SELECT id,pid
            ,substr(concat('0000',to_char(nrank )),length(to_char(nrank ))+1,4) as nrank 
            ,substr(concat('0000',to_char(nrank2)),length(to_char(nrank2))+1,4) as nrank2
            ,substr(concat('0000',to_char(nrank3)),length(to_char(nrank3))+1,4) as nrank3
            ,substr(concat('0000',to_char(nrank4)),length(to_char(nrank4))+1,4) as nrank4
            ,substr(concat('0000',to_char(nrank5)),length(to_char(nrank5))+1,4) as nrank5
            ,substr(concat('0000',to_char(nrank6)),length(to_char(nrank6))+1,4) as nrank6
            ,substr(concat('0000',to_char(nrank7)),length(to_char(nrank7))+1,4) as nrank7
             SELECT /*+ mapjoin(t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7)*/ t1.id
            ,row_number() over(partition by t1.pid order by t1.id) as nrank
            ,t2.nrank as nrank2
            ,t3.nrank as nrank3
            ,t4.nrank as nrank4
            ,t5.nrank as nrank5
            ,t6.nrank as nrank6
            ,t7.nrank as nrank7
            ,t2.id as id2
            ,t3.id as id3
            ,t4.id as id4
            ,t5.id as id5
            ,t6.id as id6
            ,t7.id as id7
            ,case when t7.id is not null then 7
                  when t6.id is not null then 6
                  when t5.id is not null then 5
                  when t4.id is not null then 4
                  when t3.id is not null then 3
                  when t2.id is not null then 2
             else 1 end as new_jcdm
             FROM ZZJG_DM t1
                 left outer join(select id,pid,row_number() over(partition by pid order by id) as nrank from ZZJG_DM where yfq='201812') t2 on t1.pid=t2.id
                 left outer join(select id,pid,row_number() over(partition by pid order by id) as nrank from ZZJG_DM where yfq='201812') t3 on t2.pid=t3.id
                 left outer join(select id,pid,row_number() over(partition by pid order by id) as nrank from ZZJG_DM where yfq='201812') t4 on t3.pid=t4.id
                 left outer join(select id,pid,row_number() over(partition by pid order by id) as nrank from ZZJG_DM where yfq='201812') t5 on t4.pid=t5.id
                 left outer join(select id,pid,row_number() over(partition by pid order by id) as nrank from ZZJG_DM where yfq='201812') t6 on t5.pid=t6.id
                 left outer join(select id,pid,row_number() over(partition by pid order by id) as nrank from ZZJG_DM where yfq='201812') t7 on t6.pid=t7.id
            where t1.yfq='201812'
order by id;           

-- 暮角 15901445705 update at 20181224

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