METHOD create_badi_impl.
DATA: lo_enh_impl TYPE REF TO if_enh_tool,
lo_badi_impl_tool TYPE REF TO cl_enh_tool_badi_impl,
lt_existing_badi_impls TYPE enh_badi_impl_data_it,
ls_badi_impl TYPE enh_badi_impl_data,
ls_filter_value TYPE enh_badiimpl_filter_value,
ls_filter_impl TYPE enh_badi_filter_impl,
ls_filter_root TYPE enh_badiimpl_filter_root,
ls_filter_id TYPE enh_badiimpl_filter_id,
lv_natual_number TYPE int4,
lx_enh_root TYPE REF TO cx_enh_root.
* Try to find whether the enhancement implementation exists.
lo_enh_impl = cl_enh_factory=>get_enhancement(
lock = abap_true "Must lock it otherwise it cannot be deleted later
* lock_4_activate =
enhancement_id = iv_enh_impl_name
* ddic_enh =
* virtual_subobject =
* before_export =
* rfcdestination =
* suppress_lang_dialog =
* repairmode = 'U'
* upgrade_mode =
* run_dark =
* cwb_handling = ' '
* is_xversionable_object =
* versno =
* bypassing_buffer =
* find_version =
* find_version_date =
* find_version_time =
* log_srcsystem =
* logid =
* after_import =
* i_devclass =
* i_trkorr =
* suppress_repair_popup =
* request_language = SY-LANGU
* fallback_masterlang =
* If the enhancement implementation does not exist, the exception CX_ENH_IO_ERROR is thrown
* and value of lo_enh_impl remains the same as before the method is called.
CATCH cx_enh_root INTO lx_enh_root.
* Delete the enhancement implementation if found
IF lo_enh_impl IS BOUND.
* nevertheless_delete =
* run_dark =
* scwb_call = ABAP_FALSE
devclass = cv_package
trkorr = cv_change_request
lo_enh_impl->if_enh_object~unlock( ).
* Try to create new enhancement implementation
enhname = iv_enh_impl_name
enhtype = cl_abstract_enh_tool_redef=>credefinition
enhtooltype = cl_enh_tool_badi_impl=>tooltype
compositename = iv_comp_enh_impl_name
* scwb_call = ' '
* scwb_no_lock = ' '
* dark =
* orig_lang =
* check_mode = ' '
* genflag =
enhancement = lo_enh_impl
trkorr = cv_change_request
devclass = cv_package
* Enhancement is of type BAdI, so convert
lo_badi_impl_tool ?= lo_enh_impl.
lo_badi_impl_tool->set_spot_name( iv_enh_spot_name ).
* Prepare data for BAdI implementation creation
CLEAR ls_badi_impl.
ls_badi_impl-spot_name = iv_enh_spot_name. "Enhancement spot
ls_badi_impl-badi_name = iv_badi_def_name. "BAdI definition name
ls_badi_impl-impl_name = iv_badi_impl_name. "BAdI implementation name
ls_badi_impl-impl_class = iv_impl_class_name. "Implementation class
* Other implementation configuration are hard-coded
ls_badi_impl-active = 'X'.
ls_badi_impl-is_default = 'X'.
ls_badi_impl-impl_shorttext = 'BAdI implementation generated by FE Tool'.
* Create Filters
* Attention! only process string type filter with comparaotr '=' here.
IF ( is_simple_string_filter IS NOT INITIAL ).
* Filter root
lv_natual_number = 1.
ls_filter_id-filter_name = is_simple_string_filter-filter_name.
ls_filter_id-id = lv_natual_number.
ls_filter_root-root = lv_natual_number.
APPEND ls_filter_id TO ls_filter_root-filters.
APPEND ls_filter_root TO ls_badi_impl-filter_root.
* Filter value
ls_filter_value-id = lv_natual_number.
ls_filter_value-filter_name = is_simple_string_filter-filter_name.
ls_filter_value-filter_type = 'S'.
ls_filter_value-compare = '='.
ls_filter_value-filter_string_value1 = is_simple_string_filter-filter_value.
APPEND ls_filter_value TO ls_badi_impl-filter_values.
* Filters
ls_filter_impl-disj_idx = lv_natual_number.
ls_filter_impl-conj_idx = lv_natual_number.
ls_filter_impl-filter_name = is_simple_string_filter-filter_name.
ls_filter_impl-filter_type = 'S'.
ls_filter_impl-compare = '='.
ls_filter_impl-filter_string_value1 = is_simple_string_filter-filter_value.
APPEND ls_filter_impl TO ls_badi_impl-filters.
* Add BAdI implementations
lo_badi_impl_tool->add_implementation( im_implementation = ls_badi_impl ).
* Save
lo_badi_impl_tool->if_enh_object~save( ).
* Activate
lo_badi_impl_tool->if_enh_object~activate( ).
* Generate.
lo_badi_impl_tool->if_enh_object~generate( ).
* Unlock.
lo_badi_impl_tool->if_enh_object~unlock( ).
RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /SFT/cx_badi_impl_handling
previous = lx_enh_root.