
RxJS CombineLatest operator 的一个具体使用例子

CombineLatest 的使用场景:

This operator is best used when you have multiple, long-lived observables that rely on each other for some calculation or determination.

当有多个长时间存活的 Observable,且依赖彼此,共同完成某些计算逻辑时,适合使用 CombineLatest.

When any observable emits a value, emit the last emitted value from each.

RxJS CombineLatest operator 的一个具体使用例子

import { Component, OnInit, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { fromEvent, combineLatest } from 'rxjs';
import { mapTo, startWith, scan, tap, map } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';

  selector: 'app-combine-latest',
  templateUrl: './combine-latest.component.html'
export class CombineLatestComponent implements OnInit {
  readonly document: Document;

    // https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/20351
    @Inject(DOCUMENT) document: any) {
      this.document = document as Document;

  blackTotal: HTMLElement;

  ngOnInit(): void {
    this.redTotal = this.document.getElementById('red-total'); 
    this.blackTotal = this.document.getElementById('black-total');
    this.total = this.document.getElementById('total');
    this.test = this.document.getElementById('test');

    this.addOneClick$('black')).subscribe(([red, black]: any) => {
      this.redTotal.innerHTML = red;
      this.blackTotal.innerHTML = black;
      this.total.innerHTML = red + black;

    fromEvent(this.test, 'click').pipe(map( event => event.timeStamp), mapTo(1)).subscribe((event) => console.log(event));

  addOneClick$ = id =>
  fromEvent(this.document.getElementById(id), 'click').pipe(
    // map every click to 1
    // keep a running total
    scan((acc, curr) => acc + curr, 0),



  • 点击 Red 按钮,则 Red 计数器 和 Total 计数器 加 1
  • 点击 Black 按钮,则 Black 计数器 和 Total 计数器 加 1
RxJS CombineLatest operator 的一个具体使用例子
RxJS CombineLatest operator 的一个具体使用例子
RxJS CombineLatest operator 的一个具体使用例子
RxJS CombineLatest operator 的一个具体使用例子
RxJS CombineLatest operator 的一个具体使用例子
RxJS CombineLatest operator 的一个具体使用例子
RxJS CombineLatest operator 的一个具体使用例子