show catalyst 6000
To display the information about the Cisco ME6500 series Ethernet switch, use the show catalyst 6000 command.
使用这个命令显示 CiscoME6500 系列交换机相关信息
show catalyst6000 {all | chassis-mac-address | switching-clock | traffic-meter}
syntax description
all Displays the MAC-address ranges and the current and peak traffice-meter reading.
all 显示交换机MAC地址范围,当前和历史最高使用率
chassis-mac-address Displays the MAC-address range.
chassis-mac-address 显示MAC地址范围
switching-clock Displays the failure recovery mode of the switching clock.
switching-clock 显示交换机时钟的失败恢复模式(???不明白命令什么意思)
traffic-meter Display the percentage of the backplane (shared bus) utilization.
traffic-meter 显示这个背板利用率
Usage Guidelines
The switching-clock keywords are not supported on the Cisco ME 6500 series Ethernet switch. The cisco ME6500 series Ethernet switch has 64MAC address that are available to support the software features.You can enter the show catalyst6000 chassis-mac-address command to display the MAC-address range on your chassis.
cisco ME 6500 不支持 switching-clock 关键字,cisco ME 6500 有64个可用的MAC地址。可以使用show catalyst 6000 chassis-mac-address 命令查看交换机MAC地址范围。
This example shows how to display the MAC-address ranges and the current and peak traffic-meter readings:
switch#show catalyst6000 all
chassis MAC addresses: 1023 addresses from 0007.847b.c400 to 0007.847b.c7ff
traffic meter = 15% peak = 18% at 13:13:29 GMT Fri Sep 7 2007
switching-clock: clock switchover and system reset is allowed
switch#show catalyst6000
all show all Catalyst 6000 information
chassis-mac-addresses chassis MAC address range
switching-clock switching-clock failure recovery mode
traffic-meter current and peak traffic meter reading
| Output modifiers
switch#show catalyst6000 chassis-mac-addresses
switch#show catalyst6000 traffic-meter
traffic meter = 16% peak = 18% at 13:13:29 GMT Fri Sep 7 2007
switch#show catalyst6000 switching-clock