codewars 刷题第三道——shotrest!
Simple, given a string of words, return the length of the shortest word(s).
String will never be empty and you do not need to account for different data types.
ef find_short(s):
# your code here
str_list = s.split(" ") # 按照空格将字符串分割并存为列表
len_list = []
for i in str_list:
len_list.append(len(i)) # 遍历得到每个字符串并将其长度存入列表中
l = min(len_list) # 取出最短的那个长度
return l # l: shortest word length
# def find_short(s):
# # your code here
# str_list = s.split(" ")
# # print(str_list)
# len_list = []
# for i in str_list:
# # print(len(i))
# str_len = len(i)
# len_list.append(str_len)
# # print(len_list)
# print(min(len_list))
# l = min(len_list)
# return l # l: shortest word length
# test.describe("Basic Tests")
find_short("bitcoin take over the world maybe who knows perhaps")
find_short("turns out random test cases are easier than writing out basic ones")
find_short("lets talk about javascript the best language")
find_short("i want to travel the world writing code one day")
find_short("Lets all go on holiday somewhere very cold")