declare @Date datetime=getdate()
declare @DateString nvarchar(8)='20121225'
select convert(nvarchar(10),@Date,126) as [Date]
,CAST(@DateString as datetime) AS DateStringToDate
,CONVERT(datetime,@DateString,112) AS NvarcharToDate
,LEFT(@DateString,4)+'^'+substring(@DateString,5,2)+'^'+RIGHT(@DateString,2) AS OtherDateToDate
,datepart(weekday,@Date)-1 AS [Weekday]
,case convert(varchar,(DATEPART(weekday,@Date)-1))
when 1 then N'星期一'
when 2 then N'星期二'
when 3 then N'星期三'
when 4 then N'星期四'
when 5 then N'星期五'
when 6 then N'星期六'
when 0 then N'星期日'
else N'世界末日'
end as [weekday]
,case convert(varchar(10),(DatePart(weekday,CAST(@DateString AS Datetime))-1))
when 1 then N'星期一'
when 2 then N'星期二'
when 3 then N'星期三'
when 4 then N'星期四'
when 5 then N'星期五'
when 6 then N'星期六'
when 0 then N'星期日'
else N'世界末日'
end as weekday
select b.BranchName as WideBranchName ,a.BranchName
into #temp
from (
select BranchCode,BranchName,WideBranchCode from Branch where WideBranchCode is not null
) as a
join Branch as b on a.WideBranchCode=b.BranchCode
order by b.BranchName
select * from #temp
select BrandCode
from Brand
where BrandCode like '%E%'
select BrandCode
from Brand
where BrandCode like '%B%'
select BrandCode
from Brand
where BrandCode like '%B%'
intersect --且包含
select BrandCode
from Brand
where BrandCode like '%E%'
[email protected]的类型最好用 NVARCHAR(MAX)
declare @sql varchar(400)=''
set @sql='select *
from brand
where BrandCode like ''%B%''
select *
from Brand
where BrandCode like ''%E%''
execute (@sql)
select COUNT(*),COUNT(WideBranchCode) from Branch--count统计的是不为null的记录
select row_num,BrandCode,StyleCode,Price
into #tt
select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by brandcode,StyleCode,Price) AS row_num
from BrandPrice
where enddate='99991231' and brandcode='bc'
--- order by Price desc
) as a
-- select row_num
-- from #tt
-- order by price desc
--fetch first 10 ROWS ONLY
drop table #tt
---------------GROUP BY和HAVING--------------------------------
select brandcode, COUNT(*) as num
from EtcPay
group by BrandCode
-- having COUNT(*)>6
--having COUNT(*)=6 or COUNT(*)=2
having COUNT(*) in(2,6)
order by num desc
select 1+2
select '1'+'2'
select '''1'+'2'
select top 10 Birthday
,CONVERT(nvarchar(8), DATEADD(MONTH,-1,Birthday),112) as a
,case when (datepart(WEEKDAY,DATEADD(year,1,Birthday))-1) =1then N'星期一'
when (datepart(WEEKDAY,DATEADD(year,1,Birthday))-1)=2 then N'星期二'
when (datepart(WEEKDAY,DATEADD(year,1,Birthday))-1)=3 then N'星期三'
when (datepart(WEEKDAY,DATEADD(year,1,Birthday))-1)=4 then N'星期四'
when (datepart(WEEKDAY,DATEADD(year,1,Birthday))-1)=5 then N'星期五'
when (datepart(WEEKDAY,DATEADD(year,1,Birthday))-1)=6 then N'星期六'
when (datepart(WEEKDAY,DATEADD(year,1,Birthday))-1)=0 then N'星期日'
else 'unkown'
end as [weekday]
select nullif(StartDate,enddate) as chkdates---nullif--比较两个值如果不等价则返回第一个值,如果相等则返回第一个的类型的空值null
select BrandCode,Price,COUNT(*) --over() as num-- 对于查询结果的每一行都返回所有符合条件的行的条数。
from BrandPrice
where Price>500
group by BrandCode,Price
select BrandCode,Price
,COUNT(*) over(partition by brandcode) as num--表示对结果集按照BrandCode进行分区,并且计算当前行所属的组的聚合计算结果
,COUNT(*) over(partition by price)
from BrandPrice
where Price>500
with tt(BrandCode,Price)
select BrandCode,Price from BrandPrice where Price>=5000
select * from tt where Price >7000
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM SysColumns WHERE id=OBJECT_ID('SaleDtl') --查询一个表有多少列
WHEN 1 THEN N'星期一'
WHEN 2 THEN N'星期二'
when 3 then N'星期三'
when 4 then N'星期四'
when 5 then N'星期五'
when 6 then N'星期六'
when 0 then N'星期日'
else N'世界末日'
END AS N'Last Year Of The Week'---去年这周是星期几
alter function GetDay
(@StartDate datetime,
@EndDate datetime)
returns @Date table(Date Datetime,[weekday] char(1))
--create table #Date(Date DateTime)
while @StartDate<[email protected]
insert into @Date(Date,[weekday]) values(@StartDate,convert(char(1),datepart(weekday,@StartDate)))
set @StartDate=DATEADD(day,1,@StartDate)