We perturb the elastic properties and attenuation in the Arctic Mallik methane-hydrate reservoir to produce a set of plausible seismic signatures away from the existing well. These perturbations are driven by the changes we impose on porosity, clay content, hydrate saturation, and geometry. The key is a data-guided, theoretical, rock-physics model that we adopt to link velocity and attenuation to porosity, mineralogy, and amount of hydrate. We find that the seismic amplitude is very sensitive to the hydrate saturation in the host sand and its porosity as well as the porosity of the overburden shale. How-ever, changes to the amount of clay in the sand only weakly alter the amplitude. Attenuation, which may be substantial, must be taken into account during hydrate reservoir charac-terization because it lowers the amplitude to an extent that may affect the hydrate-volume prediction. The spatial struc-ture of the reservoir affects the seismic reflection: A thinly-layered reservoir produces a noticeably different amplitude than a massive reservoir with the same hydrate volume.