
2021-01-05 java-oop考前知识整理



  1. Class are constructs that define objects of the same type;
  2. Class contains {variables / constructor / method}


  1. State and behaviour


  1. Constructors are a special kind of methods that are invoked to construct objects.
  2. Constructor plays the role of initializing objects.
  3. 1. Constructor must have the same name as the class itself;

2. Constructor don’t have a return type---not even void;

3. Can be no-arg constructor

Abstract class:

  1. An abstract method can not be contained in nonabstract class.
  2. Class abstraction means to separate class implementation form the use of the class.


  1. The user of the class doesn’t need to know how the class is implemented. The details of implementation is encapsulated and hidden from the user.


  1. Avoid redundancy of the classes with many common features.
  2. The superclass’s constructor can’t be inherited. They are invoked explicitly or implicitly.


  1. An object of a subtype can be used wherever its supertype value is required.
  2. Casting: be used to convert an object of one class type to another within an inheritance hierarchy.
  3. Casting from superclass to subclass: explicit casting, may not always succeed.
  4. Casting from subclass to superclass: always succeed. The special methods in subclass can’t be used anymore.

Dynamic binding:

The JVM dynamically binds the implementation of the method at runtime.


The ability to create multiple methods of the same name with different implementation.


Subclass to modify the implementation of a method defined in the superclass.


  1. An interface is a class-like construct that contains only constants and abstract methods.
  2.  The intent of an interface is to specify common behavior for objects.(comparable cloneable edible )
  3. All data fields are public static final and all methods are public abstract in an interface.

Exception handling:

  1. Try-catch
  2. Throws-throw
  3. Unchecked error: errors and runtime exception

Event-driven programming:

Timer / event / listener /

Key words:

Instance of: to test whether an object is an instance of a class.

This: is the name of a reference that refers to an object itself.



Equals(): used to determine whether 2 objects have the same references.

==: compares the contents of two objects.

Public: the class, data and methods are all visible to any class in any package.

Private: The data or methods can be only accessed by the declaring class.

Protected: data or method can be accessed by any class in the same package or its subclass.