
matlab与c/c++ 混合编程之 MCR


MCR之前是 matlab component runtime的缩写,后更名为 matlab compiler runtime。MCR实际上是一组独立的共享库,也即是常说的动态连接库,所起的作用是使得你可以执行编译过的matlab文件,与matlab提供的另外两个库----数学库和图形库不同之处在于它支持matlab语言所有的特性,而不仅仅是数学计算和图形功能。换句话说他的作用就是给编译后的matlab文件执行提供一个环境。


The MCR is an engine for execution of compiled MATLAB code.As such, when a compiled application runs, there is sometimes a delayas the MCR is initialized. There can be a delay the first time yourun the application, although typically less than you experience runningon the MATLAB desktop.

MATLAB Compiler RuntimeMATLAB Compiler 4 uses the new MATLAB Compiler Runt