一. 用终端,过程如下:
1. Insert CD/DVD source
2. Fire up a Terminal, you can then determine the device that is you CD/DVD drive using the following command:
$ drutil status
3. Umount the disk with the following command:
$ diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk1Disk /dev/disk1 unmounted
4. Create the ISO file with the dd utility (may take some time):
$ dd if=/dev/disk1 of=file.iso bs=2048
5. Test the ISO image by mounting the new file (or open with Finder):
$ hdid file.iso
6. The ISO image can then be burnt to a blank CD/DVD.
hdiutil convert /path/to/filename.dmg -format UDTO -o /path/to/savefile.iso
Replace /path/to/filename.dmg with the path and name of the existing .DMG file, and replace /path/to/savefile.iso with the desired path and name for the converted image.
三. 用toast做toast镜像,然后重命名。
1. Launch Toast 7
2. Select Data tab along the top
3. Select ISO9660 in the left hand drawerYou may need to set the Preference to Show legacy formats and settings
4. Drag/drop files into main window
5. Choose File > Save As Disc ImageCopy image to PC and rename .toast to .iso.
四. 有一些免费软件可以做到,如:dvd imager,simplyburns
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