项目地址: xturbofan/Kanzhibo
简介:Android 手机直播聚合
虎牙的数据有点乱,因为需要兼容 YY 直播原先的数据接口(我猜的),所以还没搞完。
聚集了斗鱼,熊猫,全民,虎牙和战旗 5 个平台的搜索接口,用 leancloud 保存关注的直播房间列表。 其实就是最近学了不少东西,想练习下,嗯,基本上能用到的都用到了,话说 mosby 真的是个非常好的 mvp 框架,rxjava+retrofit 也是屌的不行,当然,也在逐渐摸索中,一个操作符就能炸的我半天晕晕乎乎的。
- [ ] 使用 realm 保存数据到本地
- [ ] 关注的直播开播推送提醒
- [ ] 6.0 以上的权限管理
- [ ] 搜索的优化
- [ ] 使用 tinker 进行热修复
- [ ] 美化意见反馈页面
- @张鸿洋
- @扔物线
- @drakeet
- @代码家
- @小鄧子
- @Jude95
- @泡在网上编代码
- @Freelander
- @xcc3641
Third-party Libraries
Project | Introduction |
bugly | 崩溃收集,超级好用 |
AndroidAutoLayout | 屏幕适配 |
RxJava | RxJava is a Java VM implementation of Reactive Extensions |
RxAndroid | Android specific bindings for RxJava |
Retrofit | Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square |
leakcanary | A memory leak detection library for Android and Java. |
BaseRecyclerViewAdapterHelper | Powerful and flexible RecyclerAdapter |
Gson | Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation |
glide | An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling. |
butterknife | Bind Android views and callbacks to fields and methods |
android-Ultra-Pull-To-Refresh-With-Load-More | This is a modification of the Ultra-Pull-to-Refreshlibrary which supports load-more for any view |
mosby | this library help you build modern android apps with a clean Model-View-Presenter architecture |