1. →: arrow
2. ±: plus or minus
3. 2*3: 2 times 3
4. 2/3: 2 divided by 3
5. ≈: is approximately equal to
6. 冒号: colon
7. 分号:semicolon
8. 单引号:single quotation marks
9. 双引号: double quotation marks
10. 连字符: hyphen
11. 圆括号:parenthese
12. 并集:union of
13. 交集:intersection of
14. 花括号:braces
15. 2的平方根:square root of 2
16. #: hashtag
17. *: star
18. 奇数: odd number
19. 偶数: even number
20. 十进制: decimal
21. 十六进制:Hexadecimal
22. 二进制: binary