今天建了一个工程,make后,报错 /usr/bin/ld: Caculator/Calculator.o: undefined reference to symbol 'pow@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
因为使用了mathematical functions,一开始我是在makefile里添加了-lm,但是仍报错,后来检查发现我用的是gcc,于是我把$(CC)改成g++后不报错了。我的工程本来是在Qt里面建的,今天改成自己写makefile管理,报了这个错,Qt工程创建的makefile是个很好的学习范例,我有些东西是看了Qt创建的makefile然后学来的,真的很好用。
@:~/Documents/InterviewSolution/InterviewSolution$ which cc
@:~/Documents/InterviewSolution/InterviewSolution$ ls -al /usr/bin/cc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 11月 8 19:59 /usr/bin/cc -> /etc/alternatives/cc
@:~/Documents/InterviewSolution/InterviewSolution$ ls -al /etc/alternatives/cc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 11月 8 19:59 /etc/alternatives/cc -> /usr/bin/gcc
If your code includes mathematical functions (like exp, cos, etc.), you need to link to the mathematics library libm.so. This is done, just like for serial compiling, by adding -lm to the end of your compile command, that is,
mpicc -o sample sample.c -lm
If you are working with C++ you should not compile using the C compiler, use g++