<a href="https://github.com/shmoopi/ios-system-services" target="_parent">https://github.com/shmoopi/ios-system-services</a>
<a href="http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c05ot1m" target="_blank">http://pan.baidu.com/s/1c05ot1m</a>
this is a singleton class to gather all available information about a device. it gives you over 75 methods to determine everything about a device, including:
hardware & network information
battery usage
accelerometer data
disk usage
running processes
memory usage
and a complete udid replacement based on unchanging device information.
本人已经过测试,除了一个方法 audiosessiongetproperty 要被弃用了以外,使用非常方便,可以检测越狱或者不越狱.
1.将文件夹 system services 拖拽至工程项目中
3.项目工程中引入头文件 systemservices.h
4.简单例子代码(本人在越狱的ios7 touch 7.0.4 设备上测试过)
systemservices *sysinfo = [systemservices sharedservices];
nslog(@"%@", sysinfo.allsysteminformation);
2014-02-27 10:16:59.376 testmyphone[8877:60b] ===========================================================
2014-02-27 10:17:08.767 testmyphone[8877:60b] {
accessoriesattached = no;
"activememory (formatted)" = "21.134186";
"activememory (not formatted)" = "108.207031";
applicationversion = "1.0";
batterylevel = "100.000000";
cfuuid = "ac0e443c-c1a3-4b64-b8c9-224726d69a9d";
carrierallowsvoip = no;
carriercountry = cn;
carrierisocountrycode = unknown;
carriermobilecountrycode = unknown;
carriermobilenetworkcode = unknown;
carriername = unknown;
cellbroadcastaddress = unknown;
cellipaddress = unknown;
cellmacaddress = unknown;
cellnetmaskaddress = unknown;
charging = yes;
clipboardcontent = "\u6210\u957f";
connectedtocellnetwork = no;
connectedtowifi = yes;
country = "zh_cn";
currency = "\uffe5";
currentipaddress = "";
currentmacaddress = "02:00:00:00:00:00";
debuggerattached = no;
devicemodel = "ipod touch";
devicename = phoenix;
deviceorientation = 1;
devicesignature = 7568320101100111zhas238328512ss;
diskspace = "28.01 gb";
"external ip address" = "";
"freediskspace (formatted)" = "28%";
"freediskspace (not formatted)" = "7.98 gb";
"freememory (formatted)" = "12.732697";
"freememory (not formatted)" = "65.191406";
fullycharged = yes;
headphonesattached = yes;
"inactivememory (formatted)" = "7.167816";
"inactivememory (not formatted)" = "36.699219";
jailbroken = 3429542;
language = "zh-hans";
longdiskspace = 30076624896;
longfreediskspace = 8571482112;
multitaskingenabled = yes;
numberactiveprocessors = 2;
numberattachedaccessories = 0;
numberprocessors = 2;
parentpid = 8875;
pluggedin = yes;
processid = 8877;
processname = testmyphone;
processstatus = 2;
processesinformation = (
flags = 512;
name = "kernel_task";
pid = 0;
parentid = "-1";
priority = 21;
startdate = "2014-02-20 23:45:27 +0000";
status = 2;
flags = "-2147467264";
name = launchd;
pid = 1;
priority = 24;
flags = 16384;
name = usereventagent;
pid = 19;
parentid = 1;
priority = 17;
startdate = "2014-02-20 23:45:36 +0000";
name = btserver;
pid = 21;
name = springboard;
pid = 26;
name = aggregated;
pid = 27;
name = backboardd;
pid = 32;
flags = 16392;
name = configd;
pid = 34;
name = "fairplayd.o2";
pid = 37;
name = fseventsd;
pid = 38;
priority = 50;
name = iaptransportd;
pid = 39;
name = identityservices;
pid = 40;
name = imagent;
pid = 41;
name = locationd;
pid = 42;
name = mdnsresponder;
pid = 44;
name = mediaserverd;
pid = 47;
name = lockdownd;
pid = 54;
name = powerd;
pid = 62;
name = sharingd;
pid = 65;
name = syslogd;
pid = 67;
name = wifid;
pid = 72;
flags = 16640;
name = baiduimd;
pid = 75;
name = notifyd;
pid = 131;
startdate = "2014-02-20 23:45:37 +0000";
name = distnoted;
pid = 140;
startdate = "2014-02-20 23:45:38 +0000";
name = networkd;
pid = 151;
startdate = "2014-02-20 23:45:39 +0000";
name = apsd;
pid = 163;
startdate = "2014-02-20 23:45:42 +0000";
name = tccd;
pid = 188;
startdate = "2014-02-20 23:45:44 +0000";
name = touchsetupd;
pid = 211;
startdate = "2014-02-20 23:46:00 +0000";
name = filecoordination;
pid = 240;
startdate = "2014-02-20 23:46:24 +0000";
name = calaccessd;
pid = 257;
startdate = "2014-02-20 23:46:34 +0000";
name = dataaccessd;
pid = 423;
startdate = "2014-02-21 00:07:06 +0000";
name = kbd;
pid = 542;
startdate = "2014-02-21 02:52:05 +0000";
name = mediaremoted;
pid = 594;
startdate = "2014-02-21 03:25:37 +0000";
name = escrowsecurityal;
pid = 1199;
startdate = "2014-02-21 15:47:13 +0000";
name = mobilemail;
pid = 2161;
startdate = "2014-02-22 11:19:28 +0000";
name = itunesstored;
pid = 3814;
startdate = "2014-02-23 23:36:45 +0000";
name = cvmserver;
pid = 4639;
priority = 40;
startdate = "2014-02-24 09:11:07 +0000";
name = gamed;
pid = 6872;
startdate = "2014-02-25 13:51:48 +0000";
name = duetlst;
pid = 7039;
startdate = "2014-02-25 14:21:38 +0000";
name = securityd;
pid = 7041;
startdate = "2014-02-25 14:21:39 +0000";
name = "networkd_privile";
pid = 7051;
startdate = "2014-02-25 14:21:44 +0000";
name = geod;
pid = 8440;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:09:21 +0000";
name = lsd;
pid = 8450;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:09:33 +0000";
name = installd;
pid = 8452;
name = sandboxd;
pid = 8454;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:10:38 +0000";
name = itunescloudd;
pid = 8457;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:10:51 +0000";
name = commcenterclassi;
pid = 8459;
name = medialibraryd;
pid = 8467;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:10:55 +0000";
name = accountsd;
pid = 8477;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:11:20 +0000";
name = aosnotifyd;
pid = 8489;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:12:39 +0000";
name = mobilegestalthel;
pid = 8496;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:12:41 +0000";
name = mobileassetd;
pid = 8506;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:12:50 +0000";
name = "com.apple.stream";
pid = 8514;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:12:59 +0000";
name = appleidauthagent;
pid = 8518;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:13:07 +0000";
name = librariand;
pid = 8522;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:13:08 +0000";
name = wirelessproxd;
pid = 8540;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:16:11 +0000";
name = routined;
pid = 8546;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:16:57 +0000";
name = storebookkeeperd;
pid = 8550;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:22:10 +0000";
name = timed;
pid = 8554;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:24:48 +0000";
name = adid;
pid = 8563;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:38:35 +0000";
name = xpcd;
pid = 8580;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:52:10 +0000";
name = imdpersistenceag;
pid = 8582;
startdate = "2014-02-26 23:52:11 +0000";
name = ptpd;
pid = 8623;
startdate = "2014-02-27 00:39:14 +0000";
name = afcd;
pid = 8625;
name = "mobile_installat";
pid = 8631;
startdate = "2014-02-27 00:39:15 +0000";
name = "notification_pro";
pid = 8633;
name = "syslog_relay";
pid = 8637;
name = xcodedevicemonit;
pid = 8639;
name = ubd;
pid = 8643;
startdate = "2014-02-27 00:39:16 +0000";
name = voiced;
pid = 8664;
startdate = "2014-02-27 00:53:37 +0000";
name = systemservicesde;
pid = 8862;
startdate = "2014-02-27 02:14:43 +0000";
name = syncdefaultsd;
pid = 8871;
priority = 32;
startdate = "2014-02-27 02:16:43 +0000";
name = debugserver;
pid = 8875;
startdate = "2014-02-27 02:16:44 +0000";
flags = 18432;
name = testmyphone;
pid = 8877;
parentid = 8875;
name = assistantd;
pid = 8878;
startdate = "2014-02-27 02:16:54 +0000";
name = "assistant_servic";
pid = 8882;
startdate = "2014-02-27 02:16:56 +0000";
processorbusspeed = 995;
processorspeed = 1026;
proximitysensorenabled = no;
"purgablememory (formatted)" = "2.330780";
"purgablememory (not formatted)" = "11.933594";
screenbrightness = "74.338623";
screenheight = 568;
screenwidth = 320;
systemdevicetype = "ipod5,1";
"systemdevicetype formatted" = unknown;
systemname = "iphone os";
systemversion = "7.0.4";
timezone = "asia/shanghai";
totalmemory = "512.000000";
uniqueid = 6hh135102210002s;
"uptime (dd hh mm)" = "3 18 35";
"useddiskspace (formatted)" = "71%";
"useddiskspace (not formatted)" = "20.03 gb";
"usedmemory (formatted)" = "44.140625";
"usedmemory (not formatted)" = "226.660156";
wifibroadcastaddress = "";
wifiipaddress = "";
wifimacaddress = "02:00:00:00:00:00";
wifinetmaskaddress = "";
"wiredmemory (formatted)" = "15.967560";
"wiredmemory (not formatted)" = "81.753906";
2014-02-27 10:17:08.809 testmyphone[8877:60b] ===========================================================