

11 格式化字串

1: <script language=”javascript”>

2: <!--

3: var myvariable = “hello there”;

4: document.write(myvariable.big() + “<br>”);

5: document.write(myvariable.blink() + “<br>”);

6: document.write(myvariable.bold() + “<br>”);

7: document.write(myvariable.fixed() + “<br>”);

8: document.write(myvariable.fontcolor(“red”) + “<br>”);

9: document.write(myvariable.fontsize(“18pt”) + “<br>”);

10: document.write(myvariable.italics() + “<br>”);

11: document.write(myvariable.small() + “<br>”);

12: document.write(myvariable.strike() + “<br>”);

13: document.write(myvariable.sub() + “<br>”);

14: document.write(myvariable.sup() + “<br>”);

15: document.write(myvariable.tolowercase() + “<br>”);

16: document.write(myvariable.touppercase() + “<br>”);


18: var firststring = “my string”;

19: var finalstring = firststring.bold().tolowercase().fontcolor(“red”);

20: // -->

21: </script>

12 创建数组

3: var myarray = new array(5);

4: myarray[0] = “first entry”;

5: myarray[1] = “second entry”;

6: myarray[2] = “third entry”;

7: myarray[3] = “fourth entry”;

8: myarray[4] = “fifth entry”;

9: var anotherarray = new array(“first entry”,”second entry”,”third entry”,”fourth entry”,”fifth entry”);

10: // -->

11: </script>

13 数组排序

4: myarray[0] = “z”;

5: myarray[1] = “c”;

6: myarray[2] = “d”;

7: myarray[3] = “a”;

8: myarray[4] = “q”;

9: document.write(myarray.sort());

14 分割字符串

3: var myvariable = “a,b,c,d”;

4: var stringarray = myvariable.split(“,”);

5: document.write(stringarray[0]);

6: document.write(stringarray[1]);

7: document.write(stringarray[2]);

8: document.write(stringarray[3]);

9: // -->

10: </script>

15 弹出警告信息

3: window.alert(“hello”);

4: // -->

5: </script>

16 弹出确认框

3: var result = window.confirm(“click ok to continue”);

17 定义函数

3: function multiple(number1,number2) {

4: var result = number1 * number2;

5: return result;

6: }

7: // -->

8: </script>

18 调用js函数

1: <a href=”#” onclick=”functionname()”>link text</a>

2: <a href="/”javascript:functionname"()”>link text</a>

19 在页面加载完成后执行函数

1: <body onload=”functionname();”>

2: body of the page

3: </body>

20 条件判断

1: <script>

3: var userchoice = window.confirm(“choose ok or cancel”);

4: var result = (userchoice == true) ? “ok” : “cancel”;

5: document.write(result);

6: // -->

7: </script>
