
Arquillian Cube Extension 1.5.1 Released

arquillian团队宣布 arquillian cube extension 组件 1.5.1 版本发布。

使用 arquillian cube,你可以自动或手动地控制 docker 镜像的生命周期,作为测试生命周期的一部分。



726 java.lang.classcastexception: java.lang.string cannot be cast to java.util.map


724 improve events handling in the defaultfeedbackprovider

723 add a namespace visitor, so that resources don't escape the target namespace

722 cleanup logging related with kubernetes and openshift namespace/project creation

714 docker machine cli not found

712 improvements on port forwarder

695 update to assertj 3.7.0 is causing docker assertions to fail