
Sentry 8.17.0 发布,Python 实时日志平台

sentry 8.17.0 发布了,sentry 是一个实时的事件日志和聚合平台,基于 django 构建。

sentry 可以帮助你将 python 程序的所有 exception 自动记录下来,然后在一个好用的 ui 上呈现和搜索。处理 exception 是每个程序的必要部分,所以 sentry 也几乎可以说是所有项目的必备组件。


added @mentions to comments

initial (internal) analytics abstraction.

turned on reprocessing by default

added basics for data forwarding integrations.

changed the grouping and default in_app values for cocoa events.

removed global dsym support.

removed support for legacy apple report format.

the threads interface now contributes to grouping if it contains a single thread.

added per-key (dsn) rate limits (project:rate-limits feature).

added tsdb statistics for events per-key.

added sentry.deletions abstraction to improve bulk deletions.

added basic workspace for visual studio code.

added hovercards for issue ids in activity entries.

added event count options to ignore.

added user frequency options to ignore.

schema changes

dropped grouptagvalue.group_id foreign key constraint

dropped grouptagvalue.project_id foreign key constraint

added deploy.notified column

added index on eventtag.date_added

added unique index on environment(organization_id, name)

added unique index on releaseenvironment(organization_id, release_id, environment_id)

added eventuser.name column

added userreport.event_user_id column