ngAfterViewInit Hook: 負責視圖渲染完畢後,執行handleFocus來使元素得到focus
nOnChanges: 當配置的refreshFocus指向的Component 屬性發生變化時觸發,重新整理focus
因為真實的使用場景中,refreshFocus指向的一般都是Component模型的uid或者key,不會initial,故單元測試MockComponent裡兩個元素的初始值,我也沒有賦成"", 而是A和B.
Some background of my latest commit:
handleFocus method is called twice in different hooks in different focus class, which have different focus:
in focus.directive.ts, ngOnChanges:
this hook is responsible to refresh focus whenever component property configured in focus configuration ( config.refreshFocus ) is changed.
in auto-focus.directive.ts, ngOnAfterViewInit:
this hook is called when the view is fully rendered, responsible to auto-focus an element with autofocus = true.
In real scenario, for example when we opened unit list in B2B, click one unit to reach unit detail page(unit-details.component.html), an element marked with [cxFocus]="{ autofocus: true, refreshFocus: model.uid }" will be focused TWICE, one in ngOnChanges and the other one in ngAfterViewInit hook.
I didn’t implement OnChanges in base-focus.directive.ts, but in focus.directive.ts instead.
The reason is, I checked in base-focus.directive.ts, the ngOnInit hook implemented there has some default logic. So if I implement OnChanges hook in base-focus.directive.ts, I don’t have any default logic to code there, thus will lead to warnings in Visual Studio Code. So I choose to implement OnChanges in focus.directive.ts instead, this is current design in my PR.
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