
ISUX 2019 校園招聘專屬通道


ISUX 2019 校園招聘專屬通道



ISUX是騰訊社交使用者體驗設計團隊,負責騰訊社交網絡業務的體驗與服務設計。更是一個設計與藝術齊備的國際化時尚設計IP。這就是極緻體驗 It iS Ultra eXperience,以此作為我們的設計信念。專業囊括使用者研究、互動設計、視覺設計、品牌設計、多媒體設計、UI開發、産品設計與市場研究等,至今ISUX分布于中國深圳總部、上海及南韓首爾。同時ISUX正在搭建能讓行業設計師和藝術家價值化的原創館設計生态,旨在推動與催化設計的價值與影響。




視覺設計師 x 5




1. 美術、設計相關專業大學或研究所學生,綜合素質紮實,熱愛設計行業;

2. 有一定的設計理論知識和對流行趨勢敏銳的洞察力;

3. 富于創新、思維靈活,并對先進的設計理念和技術有較強的了解學習能力;

4. 能夠熟練使用Sketch、Photoshop、Illustrator等設計軟體;

5. 掌握基礎的Flinto,Principle等原型制作軟體,具備3D或動畫基礎能力;

6. 良好的溝通能力和團隊協作精神,能承受高強度的工作壓力。

Visual Designer x5

Position Description:

ISUX is a multi-disciplinary team that plays an integral role in gathering the most outstanding visual designers and experts in the fields of products, websites, and branding in China and around the world. As a visual designer in ISUX, you will have the chance to collaborate with the most professional team to refine the products that people love while creating the leading-edge trends for the global Internet industry. The most effective methods and valued experience will be offered to push your career forward. Join us, your creation will be perceived by users all over China and your design will impact the world.


1. BA/MA degree in Design (Visual Communications, Products, Industrial Design, Graphic Design, etc.). Strives to achieve excellence in the design industry with strong aesthetic and practical skills.

2. Demonstrate sufficient design knowledge and innovative insights. Ability to understand and transform the latest trends into visual communication.

3. Shows an initiative and flexible ideation of creativity. Possess a strong understanding of advanced design concepts and technologies.

4. Proficient with Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator and other tools in Adobe Creative Suite.

5. Basic skills in industry standard prototyping tools (Flinto, Principle, etc.) and 2D/3D animation.

6. Excellent collaboration and communication skills. Deals constructively with frustration and stress.

互動設計師 x5




1. 工業設計、互動設計、計算機、人機互動、視覺傳達等相關專業大學及以上學曆,有相關實習經驗的優先;

2. 精通Sketch、Flinto、Principle等軟體,有動效設計能力的優先;

3. 熟悉體驗設計的基本流程和方法論,并能結合高品質的原型清晰地表達設計理念;

4. 具備大局觀,邏輯思維能力強,善于了解、溝通與協調項目,主動性高,抗壓能力強,有一定的文字表達能力;

5. 富有創造力和激情,對網際網路有敏銳的洞察力,對設計前沿理念和技術保持好奇心,喜愛動手實踐,并樂于嘗試不同的産品。

UX Designer x5

Position Description:

At Tencent, the UX design team creates innovative and elegant products for millions of users with precise logic and exceptional creativity. Thus, the main responsibility of a qualified UX designer is to understand users’ needs, behaviors, emotions while identifying the user scenarios, business goals and the barriers of feasibility through the prototyping process of product planning. The ultimate goal of user experience is to deliver a solution that perfectly addresses the pain points and touches the users’ mind.


1. BA/MA degree in Design (Industrial design, Interaction, HCI, Computer Science, Visual Communications, etc.). Relevant internship experience will be valued.

2. Demonstrate a high proficiency in Sketch, Flinto, Principle. Motion design skills will also be preferred.

3. General workflow and methodologies of user experience design are essential. Experience in presenting ideas through high-fidelity prototype clearly.

4. Shows a broad perspective and the ability of logical thinking. Proven self-motivation and collaboration skills. Deals constructively with frustration and stress. Skills in writing are advantageous.

5. Demonstrates passion, insights, and a wholehearted curiosity toward new design trends, technologies, and the Internet industry. Strives to explore and refine various products with a hands-on attitude.

品牌視覺設計師 x3




1. 熱愛設計行業,設計 / 美術相關專業大學或研究所學生優先;

2. 具備2D / 3D 設計能力,熟練使用Photoshop / Illustrator / AE / C4D 等軟體;

3. 具備創新力與激情,有不錯的學習能力和敏銳的洞察力,永遠保持好奇心,敢于嘗試新事物;

4. 良好的溝通能力及團隊協作精神,有不錯的抗壓能力。

Branding Designer x3

Position Description:

ISUX is a multi-disciplinary team that plays an integral role in gathering the most outstanding designers and experts in the fields of graphics, illustration, and branding in China and around the world. As a branding designer in ISUX, you will have the chance to collaborate with an international team to reshape the brands while creating the leading-edge trends of the global Internet industry. The most professional knowledge and a broader vision will push your career forward. This is an ideal opportunity for you as your work will be presented to the world.


1. Strives to achieve excellence in the design industry with strong visual and practical skills. BA degree in Design (Visual Communications, Fine Art, Products, Industrial Design, Graphic Design, etc.) or equivalent practical experience. Candidates with MA degree are preferred.

2. Strong Skills in 2D/3D design. Proficient with Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Cinema 4D and other softwares in Adobe Creative Suite.

3. Shows an initiative and flexible ideation of creativity. Possess a strong understanding and curiosity towards advanced design concepts and technologies.

4. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Deals constructively with frustration and stress, maintaining a professional and positive attitude.

ISUX還有6名實習生名額(視覺設計師 x2、互動設計師 x2、品牌視覺設計師 x2),尚未畢業的同學亦可在原創館建立履歷進行實習申請,申請方式與校園招聘方式保持一緻。