using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Move1 : MonoBehaviour
public float speed = 1;
void Start()
void Update()
transform.position += Vector3.left * 1/10;//水準勻速以速度1前進,放慢十倍
transform.position += Vector3.down * speed * Time.deltaTime/10;//豎直方向以加速度運動,放慢十倍
speed += 10 * Time.deltaTime;//速度随重力改變
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Move2 : MonoBehaviour
public float speed = 1;
void Start()
void Update()
transform.position += new Vector3(Time.deltaTime * 1,-Time.deltaTime * speed/2,0);//慢放2倍速度
speed += Time.deltaTime * 10;//g=10
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Move3 : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
void Update()
this.transform.Translate(new Vector3(Time.deltaTime * 1, - 10 / 2 * Time.deltaTime * Time.deltaTime, 0));
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Random = System.Random;
public class sun : MonoBehaviour
// Use this for initialization
private float x0;
void Start()
x0= this.transform.position.x;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
this.transform.RotateAround(Vector3.zero, new Vector3(0, x0/10, 2-x0/8), 20 * Time.deltaTime*x0/5);
this.transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * Time.deltaTime * 10000 * x0 / 5);
- 遊戲中的對象有:Priests,Devils,boat,one side,the other side
玩家動作 條件 開船 船在開始岸、船在結束岸、船上有人 開始岸牧師上船 船在開始岸,船有空位,開始岸有牧師 開始岸魔鬼上船 船在開始岸,船有空位,開始岸有魔鬼 結束岸牧師上船 船在結束岸,船有空位,結束岸有牧師 結束岸魔鬼上船 船在結束岸,船有空位,結束岸有魔鬼 - MVC架構:在Asserts目錄下分别建立Model,Control,View檔案夾
- 将遊戲中對象做成預制
- 整個遊戲僅 主錄影機 和 一個 Empty 對象, 其他對象由代碼動态生成:
- ControlGameObjects.cs
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class ControlGameObjects : MonoBehaviour { // Start is called before the first frame update public GameObject river; public GameObject boat; public GameObject leftDust; public GameObject rightDust; public GameObject priestOne; public GameObject priestTwo; public GameObject priestThree; public GameObject demonOne; public GameObject demonTwo; public GameObject demonThree; public int CountPeoPleOnBoat; public bool peopleOnBoatLeft; public bool peopleOnBoatRight; public int leftCoastDemonNum; public int leftCoastPriestNum; public int rightCoastDemonNum; public int rightCoastPriestNum; public bool pause; public bool haveEndedGame; void Start() { river = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/River"); river = Instantiate(river); boat = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/Boat"); boat = Instantiate(boat); leftDust = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/DustLeft"); leftDust = Instantiate(leftDust); rightDust = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/DustRight"); rightDust = Instantiate(rightDust); priestOne = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/priestOne"); priestOne = Instantiate(priestOne); priestTwo = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/priestTwo"); priestTwo = Instantiate(priestTwo); priestThree = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/priestThree"); priestThree = Instantiate(priestThree); demonOne = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/DemonOne"); demonOne = Instantiate(demonOne); demonTwo = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/DemonTwo"); demonTwo = Instantiate(demonTwo); demonThree = (GameObject)Resources.Load("Prefabs/DemonThree"); demonThree = Instantiate(demonThree); BeginGame(); } void BeginGame() { haveEndedGame = false; peopleOnBoatRight = false; peopleOnBoatLeft = false; leftCoastDemonNum = 0; leftCoastPriestNum = 0; rightCoastDemonNum = 3; rightCoastPriestNum = 3; pause = false; CountPeoPleOnBoat = 0; // 初始化所有對象 } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { // 如果檢測 if (haveEndedGame && !river.GetComponent<View>().gameEndOrNot) { haveEndedGame = false; BeginGame(); ReStartGame(); } if (!haveEndedGame) { allPeopleClick(); //處理所有人物點選函數 boatClick(); //處理船的點選函數 Checked(); } //檢查遊戲成功或者失敗情況 } public void boatClick() { // 當所有人物運動都是靜止的時候才可以開船; if ((boat.GetComponent<EventClick>().click && CountPeoPleOnBoat <= 0)) boat.GetComponent<EventClick>().click = false; if (boat.GetComponent<EventClick>().click && CountPeoPleOnBoat > 0 && allPeopleStanding()) { if (priestOne.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().onBoat) { priestOne.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().AcrossRiver(); CountPriestsNumOnEachCoast(); } if (demonOne.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().onBoat) { demonOne.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().AcrossRiver(); CountDemonsNumOnEachCoast(); } if (priestTwo.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().onBoat) { priestTwo.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().AcrossRiver(); CountPriestsNumOnEachCoast(); } if (demonTwo.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().onBoat) { demonTwo.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().AcrossRiver(); CountDemonsNumOnEachCoast(); } if (priestThree.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().onBoat) { priestThree.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().AcrossRiver(); CountPriestsNumOnEachCoast(); } if (demonThree.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().onBoat) { demonThree.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().AcrossRiver(); CountDemonsNumOnEachCoast(); } boat.GetComponent<EventClick>().MoveAcrossRiver(); } } public void Checked() // 測試有沒有一岸 魔鬼的數量大于牧師的數量 { //輸了的情況 if (rightCoastPriestNum < rightCoastDemonNum && rightCoastPriestNum != 0) { river.GetComponent<View>().GameEnd("*YOU LOSE*"); haveEndedGame = true; } else if (leftCoastPriestNum < leftCoastDemonNum && leftCoastPriestNum != 0) { river.GetComponent<View>().GameEnd("*YOU LOSE*"); haveEndedGame = true; } else if (river.GetComponent<View>().ShowTime == 0) { river.GetComponent<View>().GameEnd("*YOU LOSE*"); haveEndedGame = true; } //赢了的情況 else if (leftCoastPriestNum == 3 && leftCoastDemonNum == 3 && PeopleNotOnBoat()) // 且所有人不在船上 { river.GetComponent<View>().GameEnd("*YOU WIN*"); haveEndedGame = true; } } public bool PeopleNotOnBoat() { return (!priestOne.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().onBoat) && (!priestTwo.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().onBoat) && (!priestThree.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().onBoat) && (!demonOne.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().onBoat) && (!demonTwo.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().onBoat) && (!demonThree.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().onBoat); } public void ReStartGame() { priestOne.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().begin(); priestTwo.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().begin(); priestThree.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().begin(); demonOne.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().begin(); demonTwo.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().begin(); demonThree.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().begin(); boat.GetComponent<EventClick>().begin(); } public void CountPriestsNumOnEachCoast() { // 動态改變兩岸魔鬼牧師的數量 if (boat.GetComponent<EventClick>().leftSide) // 從左往右 { rightCoastPriestNum += 1; leftCoastPriestNum -= 1; } else { rightCoastPriestNum -= 1; leftCoastPriestNum += 1; } } public void CountDemonsNumOnEachCoast() { if (boat.GetComponent<EventClick>().leftSide) // 從左往右 { rightCoastDemonNum += 1; leftCoastDemonNum -= 1; } else { rightCoastDemonNum -= 1; leftCoastDemonNum += 1; } } public bool allPeopleStanding() { return (priestOne.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().pause && priestTwo.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().pause && priestThree.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().pause && demonOne.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().pause && demonTwo.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().pause && demonThree.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().pause); } public void allPeopleClick() //處理所有人物被點選的事件函數 { // 當船運動的時候所有人不許動 if (!boat.GetComponent<EventClick>().pause) return; if (priestOne.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().click) PeopleClick(ref priestOne); if (priestTwo.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().click) PeopleClick(ref priestTwo); if (priestThree.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().click) PeopleClick(ref priestThree); if (demonOne.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().click) PeopleClick(ref demonOne); if (demonTwo.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().click) PeopleClick(ref demonTwo); if (demonThree.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().click) PeopleClick(ref demonThree); } public void PeopleClick(ref GameObject gobj) { if (gobj.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().LeftOrRight != boat.GetComponent<EventClick>().leftSide) return; // 當船和移動的人物不在同一岸時不能移動 gobj.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().click = false; if (!gobj.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().onBoat) // 當牧師不在船上的時候 { if (CountPeoPleOnBoat >= 2) return; CountPeoPleOnBoat += 1; if (!peopleOnBoatLeft) { gobj.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().MovePeoPle(1); peopleOnBoatLeft = true; } else { gobj.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().MovePeoPle(2); peopleOnBoatRight = true; } } else { int onBoatLeftOrRight = gobj.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().onBoatLeftOrRight; if (onBoatLeftOrRight == 1) { peopleOnBoatLeft = false; } else { peopleOnBoatRight = false; } gobj.GetComponent<EventClickPeoPle>().MovePeoPle(onBoatLeftOrRight); CountPeoPleOnBoat -= 1; } } }
- EventClick.cs
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; public class EventClick : MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler { public bool leftSide; public bool pause; public bool click; public Transform boat; // public float time; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { leftSide = false; // true為左邊,false為右邊; pause = true; } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!pause) { if (leftSide) { boat.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(boat.localPosition, new Vector3((float)1.3, (float)0.4, (float)-1), (float)2 * Time.deltaTime); if (boat.position == new Vector3((float)1.3, (float)0.4, (float)-1)) { pause = true; leftSide = false; } } else { boat.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(boat.localPosition, new Vector3((float)-1.3, (float)0.4, (float)-1), (float)2 * Time.deltaTime); if (boat.position == new Vector3((float)-1.3, (float)0.4, (float)-1)) { pause = true; leftSide = true; } } } } public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) { if (!pause) return; click = true; } public void MoveAcrossRiver() { click = false; pause = false; } public void begin() { boat.position = new Vector3((float)1.3, (float)0.4, (float)-1); pause = true; leftSide = false; } }
- EventClickPeoPle.cs
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Security.Cryptography; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; public class EventClickPeoPle : MonoBehaviour, IPointerClickHandler { public bool pause; public bool onBoat; public Transform person; public bool LeftOrRight; //人在左邊還是右邊,左邊:true //以河的中心區分左右 public Vector3 onBoatPosition; public int onBoatLeftOrRight; //人在上船後,在船的左邊還是右邊;以在河的右邊為例。如果在河的左邊,則是鏡像。 1為右邊,2為左。0為不在船上 public Vector3 leftStartPosition; public Vector3 leftFirstDestination; public Vector3 leftMidDestination; public Vector3 leftFinalDestination; public Vector3 rightStartPosition; public Vector3 rightFirstDestination; public Vector3 rightMidDestination; public Vector3 rightFinalDestination; public bool leftZeroStep; public bool leftFistStep; public bool leftMidStep; public bool leftFinalStep; public bool rightZeroStep; // 從第一個位置點傳回起始位置 public bool rightFistStep; public bool rightMidStep; public bool rightFinalStep; public bool rightToBoat; public bool boatToRight; public bool leftToBoat; public bool boatToLeft; public bool leftAcrossRiver; // 從河的右邊到左邊 public bool rightAcrossRiver; // 從河的左邊到右邊 public bool finishAcrossed; // 是否度過了河 public bool finishOnBoatPosition; // 是否到船上準确位置 public bool click; // 被點選。與ModelGameObject互動 // public float time; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { changePosition(person.position); begin(); } public void begin() { onBoatLeftOrRight = 0; click = false; LeftOrRight = false; leftZeroStep = false; leftFistStep = false; leftMidStep = false; leftFinalStep = false; rightZeroStep = false; rightFistStep = false; rightMidStep = false; rightFinalStep = false; onBoat = false; pause = true; rightToBoat = false; boatToRight = false; leftToBoat = false; boatToLeft = false; leftAcrossRiver = false; rightAcrossRiver = false; finishAcrossed = false; finishOnBoatPosition = false; person.position = rightStartPosition; } public void changePosition(Vector3 position) { float para = 1; if (position.x < 0) para = -1; rightStartPosition = position; rightFirstDestination = new Vector3(position.x, position.y + (float)0.55, position.z); rightMidDestination = new Vector3((float)1.25 * para, rightFirstDestination.y, rightFirstDestination.z); rightFinalDestination = new Vector3(rightMidDestination.x, (float)0.8, rightMidDestination.z); leftStartPosition = new Vector3((float)-1 * rightStartPosition.x, rightStartPosition.y, rightStartPosition.z); leftFirstDestination = new Vector3((float)-1 * position.x, position.y + (float)0.55, position.z); leftMidDestination = new Vector3((float)-1.5, rightFirstDestination.y, rightFirstDestination.z); leftFinalDestination = new Vector3((float)-1 * rightMidDestination.x, (float)0.8, rightMidDestination.z); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (pause) return; if (rightToBoat) { if (!MoveToBoat(ref rightFistStep, rightFirstDestination)) return; if (!MoveToBoat(ref rightMidStep, rightMidDestination)) return; if (!MoveToBoat(ref rightFinalStep, rightFinalDestination)) return; if (!MoveToBoat(ref finishOnBoatPosition, onBoatPosition)) return; finishOnBoatPosition = false; onBoat = true; pause = true; rightToBoat = false; rightZeroStep = false; rightFistStep = false; rightMidStep = false; rightFinalStep = false; } else if (boatToRight) { if (!MoveToBoat(ref rightFinalStep, rightFinalDestination)) return; if (!MoveToBoat(ref rightMidStep, rightMidDestination)) return; if (!MoveToBoat(ref rightFistStep, rightFirstDestination)) return; if (!MoveToBoat(ref rightZeroStep, rightStartPosition)) return; onBoat = false; pause = true; boatToRight = false; rightZeroStep = false; rightFistStep = false; rightMidStep = false; rightFinalStep = false; } else if (leftToBoat) { if (!MoveToBoat(ref leftFistStep, leftFirstDestination)) return; if (!MoveToBoat(ref leftMidStep, leftMidDestination)) return; if (!MoveToBoat(ref leftFinalStep, leftFinalDestination)) return; if (!MoveToBoat(ref finishOnBoatPosition, onBoatPosition)) return; finishOnBoatPosition = false; onBoat = true; pause = true; leftToBoat = false; leftZeroStep = false; leftFistStep = false; leftMidStep = false; leftFinalStep = false; } else if (boatToLeft) { if (!MoveToBoat(ref leftFinalStep, leftFinalDestination)) return; if (!MoveToBoat(ref leftMidStep, leftMidDestination)) return; if (!MoveToBoat(ref leftFistStep, leftFirstDestination)) return; if (!MoveToBoat(ref leftZeroStep, leftStartPosition)) return; onBoat = false; pause = true; boatToLeft = false; leftZeroStep = false; leftFistStep = false; leftMidStep = false; leftFinalStep = false; } else if (leftAcrossRiver) // 從左到右渡河 { if (!MoveAcrossRiver(ref finishAcrossed, onBoatPosition)) return; pause = true; finishAcrossed = false; leftAcrossRiver = false; } else if (rightAcrossRiver) { if (!MoveAcrossRiver(ref finishAcrossed, onBoatPosition)) return; pause = true; finishAcrossed = false; rightAcrossRiver = false; } } public void AcrossRiver() { if (!onBoat || !pause) return; if (!LeftOrRight) { LeftOrRight = true; rightAcrossRiver = true; onBoatPosition = new Vector3((float)-2.5 + onBoatPosition.x, (float)0.8, (float)-1.1); } else { LeftOrRight = false; leftAcrossRiver = true; //leftAcroossRiver 從左到右渡河 onBoatPosition = new Vector3((float)2.5 + onBoatPosition.x, (float)0.8, (float)-1.1); } pause = false; } public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) { if (!pause) return; // 請求ModleGameObject響應 click = true; return; } public void MovePeoPle(int t_onBoatPosition) // On...: 1代表在船的左邊,2代表在船的右邊; { // 選擇路徑 if (!onBoat && !LeftOrRight) { rightToBoat = true; } else if (onBoat && !LeftOrRight) { boatToRight = true; } else if (!onBoat && LeftOrRight) { leftToBoat = true; } else if (onBoat && LeftOrRight) { boatToLeft = true; } bool right = false; if (rightToBoat || boatToRight) right = true; if (right) { if (t_onBoatPosition == 1) { onBoatPosition = new Vector3((float)1, (float)0.8, (float)-1.1); onBoatLeftOrRight = 1; } else if (t_onBoatPosition == 2) { onBoatPosition = new Vector3((float)1.5, (float)0.8, (float)-1.1); onBoatLeftOrRight = 2; } }else { if (t_onBoatPosition == 1) { onBoatPosition = new Vector3((float)-1.5, (float)0.8, (float)-1.1); onBoatLeftOrRight = 1; } else if (t_onBoatPosition == 2) { onBoatPosition = new Vector3((float)-1, (float)0.8, (float)-1.1); onBoatLeftOrRight = 2; } } pause = false; } bool MoveToBoat(ref bool step, Vector3 destination) { if (step) return step; person.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(person.localPosition,destination, (float)5 * Time.deltaTime); if (person.position == destination) { step = true; } return step; } bool MoveAcrossRiver(ref bool step, Vector3 destination) { if (step) return step; person.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(person.localPosition, destination, (float)2 * Time.deltaTime); if (person.position == destination) { step = true; } return step; } }
- View.cs
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class View : MonoBehaviour { // Start is called before the first frame update private float time; public int ShowTime; // 顯示時間是整數 public string ShowMessage; public bool gameEndOrNot; public bool gameReStart; void Start() { begin(); } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if(!gameEndOrNot) { time -= Time.deltaTime; ShowTime = (int)time; } } void OnGUI() { //小字型初始化 GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle(); style.normal.textColor = Color.white; style.fontSize = 20; //大字型初始化 GUIStyle bigStyle = new GUIStyle(); bigStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white; bigStyle.fontSize = 30; GUI.Label(new Rect(150, 0, 50, 200), "Priests and Devils", bigStyle); GUI.Label(new Rect(0, 30, 100, 50), "Time: " + ShowTime, style); bigStyle.normal.textColor = Color.red; bigStyle.fontSize = 50; // "*YOU LOSE*" "*YOU WIN*" // 遊戲結束 if (gameEndOrNot) { if (GUI.Button(new Rect(240, 110, 100, 50), "RESTART")) { begin(); } GUI.Label(new Rect(120, 50, 50, 200), ShowMessage, bigStyle); } } public void GameEnd(string t_showMessage) { ShowMessage = t_showMessage; gameEndOrNot = true; } public void begin() { ShowMessage = ""; time = 60; ShowTime = 60; gameReStart = false; gameEndOrNot = false; } }