1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
6 import os
7 import re
8 import csv
9 import time
10 import json
11 import jieba
12 from jieba import analyse
13 import pandas as pd
14 import itchat
15 import base64
16 from snownlp import SnowNLP
17 import requests
18 import sys
19 from collections import Counter
20 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
21 from pylab import *
22 from faceApi import FaceAPI
23 mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
24 from PIL import Image
25 import numpy as np
26 from wordcloud import WordCloud
27 from pyecharts import Pie, Map, Style, Page, Bar
29 def analyseSex(firends):
30 sexs = list(map(lambda x:x['Sex'],friends[1:]))
31 counts = Counter(sexs).items()
32 counts = sorted(counts, key=lambda x:x[0], reverse=False)
33 counts = list(map(lambda x:x[1],counts))
34 labels = ['不明','男性','女性']
35 colors = ['red','yellow','blue']
36 plt.figure(figsize=(8,5), dpi=80)
37 plt.axes(aspect=1)
38 plt.pie(counts,
39 labels=labels,
40 colors=colors,
41 labeldistance = 1.1,
42 autopct = '%3.1f%%',
43 shadow = False,
44 startangle = 90,
45 pctdistance = 0.6
46 )
47 plt.legend(loc='upper right',)
48 plt.title(u'%s的微信好友性别組成' % friends[0]['NickName'])
49 plt.show()
51 def analyseLocation(friends):
52 freqs = {}
53 headers = ['NickName','Province','City']
54 with open('location.csv','w',encoding='utf-8',newline='',) as csvFile:
55 writer = csv.DictWriter(csvFile, headers)
56 writer.writeheader()
57 for friend in friends[1:]:
58 row = {}
59 row['NickName'] = friend['NickName']
60 row['Province'] = friend['Province']
61 row['City'] = friend['City']
62 if(friend['Province']!=None):
63 if(friend['Province'] not in freqs):
64 freqs[friend['Province']] = 1
65 else:
66 freqs[friend['Province']] = 1
67 writer.writerow(row)
71 def analyseHeadImage(frineds):
72 # Init Path
73 basePath = os.path.abspath('.')
74 baseFolder = basePath + '\\HeadImages\\'
75 if(os.path.exists(baseFolder) == False):
76 os.makedirs(baseFolder)
78 # Analyse Images
79 faceApi = FaceAPI()
80 use_face = 0
81 not_use_face = 0
82 image_tags = ''
83 for index in range(1,len(friends)):
84 friend = friends[index]
85 # Save HeadImages
86 imgFile = baseFolder + '\\Image%s.jpg' % str(index)
87 imgData = itchat.get_head_img(userName = friend['UserName'])
88 if(os.path.exists(imgFile) == False):
89 with open(imgFile,'wb') as file:
90 file.write(imgData)
92 # Detect Faces
93 time.sleep(1)
94 result = faceApi.detectFace(imgFile)
95 if result == True:
96 use_face += 1
97 else:
98 not_use_face += 1
100 # Extract Tags
101 result = faceApi.extractTags(imgFile)
102 image_tags += ','.join(list(map(lambda x:x['tag_name'],result)))
104 labels = [u'使用人臉頭像',u'不使用人臉頭像']
105 counts = [use_face,not_use_face]
106 colors = ['red','yellow']
107 plt.figure(figsize=(8,5), dpi=80)
108 plt.axes(aspect=1)
109 plt.pie(counts, #性别統計結果
110 labels=labels, #性别展示标簽
111 colors=colors, #餅圖區域配色
112 labeldistance = 1.1, #标簽距離圓點距離
113 autopct = '%3.1f%%', #餅圖區域文本格式
114 shadow = False, #餅圖是否顯示陰影
115 startangle = 90, #餅圖起始角度
116 pctdistance = 0.5 #餅圖區域文本距離圓點距離
117 )
118 plt.legend(loc='upper right',)
119 plt.title(u'%s的微信好友使用人臉頭像情況' % friends[0]['NickName'])
120 plt.show()
122 image_tags = image_tags.encode('iso8859-1').decode('utf-8')
123 back_coloring = np.array(Image.open('face.jpg'))
124 wordcloud = WordCloud(
125 font_path='simfang.ttf',
126 background_color="white",
127 max_words=1200,
128 mask=back_coloring,
129 max_font_size=85,
130 random_state=75,
131 width=800,
132 height=480,
133 margin=15
134 )
136 wordcloud.generate(image_tags)
137 plt.imshow(wordcloud)
138 plt.axis("off")
139 plt.show()
141 def analyseSignature(friends):
142 signatures = ''
143 emotions = []
144 pattern = re.compile("1f\d.+")
145 print (pattern)
146 for friend in friends:
147 signature = friend['Signature']
148 if(signature != None):
149 signature = signature.strip().replace('span', '').replace('class', '').replace('emoji', '')
150 signature = re.sub(r'1f(\d.+)','',signature)
151 if(len(signature)>0):
152 nlp = SnowNLP(signature)
153 emotions.append(nlp.sentiments)
154 signatures += ' '.join(jieba.analyse.extract_tags(signature,5))
155 print(signatures)
156 with open('signatures.txt','wt',encoding='utf-8') as file:
157 file.write(signatures)
159 # Sinature WordCloud
160 back_coloring = np.array(Image.open('flower.jpg'))
161 wordcloud = WordCloud(
162 font_path='simfang.ttf',
163 background_color="white",
164 max_words=1200,
165 mask=back_coloring,
166 max_font_size=75,
167 random_state=45,
168 width=960,
169 height=720,
170 margin=15
171 )
173 wordcloud.generate(signatures)
174 plt.imshow(wordcloud)
175 plt.axis("off")
176 plt.show()
177 wordcloud.to_file('signatures.jpg')
179 # Signature Emotional Judgment
180 count_good = len(list(filter(lambda x:x>0.66,emotions)))
181 count_normal = len(list(filter(lambda x:x>=0.33 and x<=0.66,emotions)))
182 count_bad = len(list(filter(lambda x:x<0.33,emotions)))
183 print(count_good * 100/len(emotions))
184 print(count_normal * 100/len(emotions))
185 print(count_bad * 100/len(emotions))
186 print(count_good)
187 print(count_normal)
188 print(count_bad)
189 labels = [u'負面消極',u'中性',u'正面積極']
190 values = (count_bad ,count_normal,count_good)
191 plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['simHei']
192 plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
193 plt.xlabel(u'情感判斷')
194 plt.ylabel(u'頻數')
195 plt.xticks(range(3),labels)
196 plt.legend(loc='upper right',)
197 plt.bar(range(3), values, color = 'rgb')
198 plt.title(u'%s的微信好友簽名資訊情感分析' % friends[0]['NickName'])
199 plt.show()
201 def create_charts():
202 users = itchat.get_friends()
203 page = Page()
204 style = Style(width=1100, height=600)
205 style_middle = Style(width=900, height=500)
206 data = prov_stats(users)
207 attr, value = data
208 chart = Map('中國地圖', **style.init_style)
209 chart.add('', attr, value, is_label_show=True, is_visualmap=True, visual_text_color='#000')
210 page.add(chart)
211 page.render()
214 def prov_stats(users):
215 prv = pd.DataFrame(users)
216 prv_cnt = prv.groupby('Province', as_index=True)['Province'].count().sort_values()
217 attr = list(map(lambda x: x if x != '' else '未知', list(prv_cnt.index)))
218 return attr, list(prv_cnt)
220 # login wechat and extract friends
221 itchat.auto_login(hotReload = True)
222 friends = itchat.get_friends(update = True)
223 create_charts()
224 analyseSex(friends)
225 analyseSignature(friends)
226 analyseHeadImage(friends)
227 analyseLocation(friends)