
I called my parents at the airport and it left an old man sad

author:Horton and the Anonymous
I called my parents at the airport and it left an old man sad

That day, I was waiting for a flight at London Heathrow. I called my parents and told them I was fine now and was about to board a plane to the other side of the globe.

The phone rang for a full 20 minutes. At this time, an old English gentleman in his 50s sat down next to me. When I hung up the phone, the gentleman greeted me, "Hello, are you from India?" ”

"Oh yes. Listen to the accent Are you a local? ”

"Yes, I live in London. Were you just talking to your parents on the phone? ”


"Do you live with them?"

"No, I'm a software engineer working in Hyderabad. My parents live in a small town near Kolkata, more than 1,000 km from Hyderabad. ”

"Oh, it's hard to imagine. How often do you talk to them on the phone? ”

"At least twice a day. I just told them that I was safe and told them about the next flight. ”

"Twice a day!!! Are you sure? ”

"Uh... Yes."

"Aren't you impatient about this?"

"Why??!! I love talking to them, and I know I should be because they want to know what happens to us kids. Isn't it? As a father, you should know this better, right? ”

He was silent. I don't know if it hurt his feelings. With a sigh, he continued,

"My situation is a little different. My son lives in Reading, very close to London. But he rarely came to see me. I only called occasionally on weekends and I didn't hear him for many days. ”

I could see the tears in his eyes. I don't know how to do it. He continued,

"Your parents must be happy!" I envy them. You are a good son. You certainly haven't disappointed them, have you? ”

"Absolutely. Thank you. ”

(After a few minutes)

"Why don't you call your son, just a greeting, right now." You'll feel better. ”

He took my advice and called his son. I could faintly hear the voice at that end.

"Dad, what's the matter?"

"Oh, it's all right, I'm fine. I was just... It's just that... Want to give you a call. We're going to get on a plane to Dallas right away, and your mom is here. ”

"All the way, Dad. I'll call you later, now it's time for me to go. bye”

Then he hung up the phone.

The old man looked at me, "He's not like you." You're a good guy, a good son. ”

Then he walked back to the back seat with difficulty. I clearly saw tears falling from his eyes. I wanted to make him feel better, and by this time the radio had begun to notify him of boarding.

The most important thing you have to do when you're young is to keep in touch with your parents from time to time. They will be very happy when they hear your voice, believe me. On one side, I heard the happy voices of my parents on the phone; on the other, I heard the old man's feeble sigh. Ten minutes on the phone with your parents won't waste your time, but you can feel their thoughts and blessings. Be a good son/daughter.


This article is translated from Quora Q&A, if you like my translation, please pay attention to the WeChat public account: Horton and Anonymous.

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