
The police will promptly chase after the stolen red mushrooms

author:Information News
The police will promptly chase after the stolen red mushrooms

A few days ago, the Wan'an Police Station of the Le County Public Security Bureau, together with the police of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, returned the red mushrooms stolen in the two theft cases to the victims at the Wan'an Police Station.

In September this year, there were two consecutive thefts of red mushrooms in Wan'an Town, Jiangle County. The Wan'an police station reported the case to the criminal investigation brigade at the first time, and launched the "small case quick investigation" mode, which arrested the suspect who stole the red mushroom in the same month and recovered the stolen red mushroom in time.

(Huang Ye)

(Source: Straits Rule of Law Online) [For submissions and regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3469887933 within 24 hours to reply. 】


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Release date:2021-11-04 12:26:21 Category: News

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