
Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

author:Bing Ge's private cooking

Bingge private kitchen food original pictures, articles, without permission to prohibit the handling, plagiarism, violators will be investigated!

In October, Grandma skillfully processes fresh soybeans into a tempting delicacy, saves them and eats them slowly

Golden autumn October, autumn high and refreshing, fruit and vegetable harvest, with the drop in temperature, appetite increased significantly, as the saying goes, "heaven and man corresponding", the growth and development of the body is closely related to nature.

Autumn is rich in products, full of nutrients, coupled with mild sunlight, very conducive to replenishment.

Many people think that eating more chicken, duck and fish meat is to enhance nutrition, but this is not the case.

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

Harvest in October, soybeans have just been harvested, for soybeans everyone should be very familiar with it, but today Bingge to share a different dish, known as bean skin stewed red mushrooms.

Putian bean skin is well-known, and the local people love it for all ages. Bing Ge has always loved to eat, and he has a mouthful full of fragrance! The nutrient-rich bean skin runs through the life of our Putian people!

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

Today Bingge also had the privilege of witnessing its birth in Grandma's house, soy milk is ground with beans, soy milk and soybean skin that come out of this way can be said to be pure and can no longer be pure.

The small fire in the wood stove burns slowly, and a thin layer of bean skin appears on the soy milk. The old man gently picked it with a long bamboo that was washed clean, and the whole piece was picked up!

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

After drying, it is the kind of bean skin we buy in the supermarket, which is rich in nutrients, high in protein and amino acids, and regular food can improve immunity.

Red mushrooms have a unique flavor and are fragrant and refreshing. Its taste is unmatched by any mushroom, and it contains a variety of essential amino acids and other ingredients. Consumption can increase the body's immunity and strengthen the body.

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

Without further ado, let's take a look at how this bean skin stewed red mushroom Bingge is made.

【Ingredients required】:

Red mushrooms, bean skin, ginger, pork belly, chicken essence, salt, cooking oil, dried shrimp and so on

【Cooking Method】:

1, first soak the soybeans in water, until the beans are completely open, grind the soaked beans into soy milk, and then boil in the pot until the bean juice is ripe. Pour the bean juice into the jar and let it cool to a certain extent. It is then fixed and molded with an abrasive and bean-skin cloth. By squeezing, the water is pressurized off, and it is hung on the pole one by one, and the bean skin is formed.

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

2, then put the made bean skin in the sun, dry it and crispy, it is more delicious and delicious.

3, then, prepare other ingredients, prepare a small bowl, take out the appropriate amount of dried shrimp into a bowl for later, wash and cut the ginger into ginger slices, wash the pork belly, cut into small pieces, as shown in the picture.

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

4, prepare a bowl, put in the appropriate amount of warm water, cut off the red mushroom root, and then put it in the bowl to soak the hair, warm water is generally soaked for about half an hour.

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

5: Take out a pot, wipe it clean, pour in the appropriate amount of cooking oil, heat it to about 60%, put the cut pork belly into the pot and simmer.

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

6: Sauté the oil, the pork belly has no blood color, put the cut ginger slices into the pot, and stir-fry the aroma of the ginger.

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

7: Then, pour a large amount of water into the pot and bring to a boil over high heat.

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

8: After the excessively heavy water is boiled, put the prepared shrimp into the pot and turn to medium heat to cook.

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

9, then, make a sun-dried bean skin, according to the amount of their own needs into the pot, if the piece is too large, break a small piece into the pot and cook until.

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

10, at this time, and then put in the appropriate amount of chicken essence and salt for seasoning, the soup itself is very delicious taste does not need too many spices to freshen.

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

11: After stirring slightly, wash the soaked red mushrooms, drain the water, put them in the pot, and cook them together with the ingredients in the pot to make the taste more delicious.

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

12: Keep simmering on medium-low heat, simmer until boiling, after the ingredients in the pot are cooked, the color of the soup base will become red, and then turn off the heat and get out of the pot.

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

13. Finally, put the stewed soup into a prepared bowl and carefully place it on the table to call on the family to enjoy it.

Harvest october, freshly harvested soybeans to make it is just right, the protein is extremely high, and the red mushroom stew is perfect

Complete the above steps, this bean skin stewed red mushroom is completed, the soup is brightly colored, delicious, nutritious and delicious, and the preparation method is very simple. If you like it in front of the screen, you may wish to give it a try when you are free at home.


In advance, the dried red mushrooms are soaked in warm water at 45 degrees Celsius, and a spoonful of sugar is added to the soaked water, so that the red mushrooms will soon be soaked, and the dried red mushrooms soaked out by this method will be more delicious and delicious.

When the article arrives here, I have to say goodbye to everyone. Have the friends in front of the screen learned to stew red mushrooms in bean skin? Or do you have any good practices, remember to share it with Brother Bing!

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