
Red mushrooms are so expensive, so many people like to eat, who can eat, how to eat, you know?

author:Take advantage of the young and hard work hard 3953

What is Red Mushroom?

Red mushrooms are also known as large red mushrooms, positive red mushrooms, have a unique rich aroma, rich in nutrition, sweet and delicious, the umbrella cover is dark red or slightly purple, the central color is dark, the edge is slightly lighter, and the umbrella cover will be very stable or with yellow spots. The thickness of the folds is slightly silvery gray, and the folds are fine and uniform. Solid bacteria are dry, and the feet are sometimes wormholes due to heavy food, which does not affect the use.

Wild red mushroom is a relatively rare wild fungus, the growth environment requirements are very strict, weather, temperature, humidity, soil pH, etc. affect the growth of red mushrooms, and red mushrooms can only grow in the primary forest, the conditions are very harsh, every year before and after the Dragon Boat Festival, red mushrooms will grow out, red fungus cover, very bright.

Red mushrooms are so expensive, so many people like to eat, who can eat, how to eat, you know?

Nutritional value of red mushrooms

Red mushroom has the title of king of mushrooms, red mushroom is a natural nutritional product, it contains beneficial blood circulation, lower cholesterol and anti-cancer substances, slow down aging. Tonify the kidneys and nourish the yin, improve human immunity, but also prevent rickets in children with dyspepsia, has a good blood tonic effect, especially suitable for pregnant women and anemia people to eat.

Red mushrooms are so expensive, so many people like to eat, who can eat, how to eat, you know?

The best time to pick red mushrooms is between summer and autumn every year, before the red mushroom umbrella cover is about to open and not open, and those that come over or even crack will not be picked and left as a breeding source. Fresh red mushrooms are perishable, so they have to be dried in time.

After the red mushroom is dried, the shelf life is 18 months, in fact, there is basically no expiration of this situation, because the red mushroom has not been artificially cultivated The demand is much more than the yield, most of the red mushrooms are not enough to sell within one year of the market. The storage of red mushrooms is mainly moisture-proof, generally sealed on it, and does not need refrigeration, but it is easy to return moisture after refrigeration.

Red mushrooms are so expensive, so many people like to eat, who can eat, how to eat, you know?

How to cook red mushrooms

The bone horns of fresh red mushrooms are relatively fragile, and the general picking process is dug out with bamboo skewers, so the mushroom feet are soiled, if they are not cleaned, the taste is crunchy!

However, do not underestimate the soil on the feet of this mushroom, used to boil water, treat children's stomach pain is really curative, so it is recommended to scrape the soil of the mushroom horn with a knife before use, and keep it for later.

Red mushrooms are so expensive, so many people like to eat, who can eat, how to eat, you know?

When cleaning, it is best to use running water to quickly rinse each part. After washing, soak the hair with water, generally the mushrooms should be soaked for a longer time, 15 minutes to half an hour or so. In addition to soaking water, there is another role, that is, to precipitate the remaining soil, when soaking, the pigment of the red mushroom will slowly spread out in a band, so the next pot is this water can not be poured, together with the pot, of course, the precipitation is not needed.

There are many ways to eat red mushrooms, you can stew, fry, steam, braised and other methods, especially suitable for chicken and duck and other meats with the best cooking taste, is a must-have dish for the New Year's Festival. As for cooking, don't cook for too long, about ten minutes, too long tasteless and flavorful.

Red mushrooms are so expensive, so many people like to eat, who can eat, how to eat, you know?

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