
Health soup sharing: pig's trotter peanut goji berries, river mussel salted meat pot, wild red mushroom stew chicken simple method pig's trotter peanut wolfberry soup river mussel salted meat pot wild red mushroom stew chicken

author:Healthy food

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > pork trotter peanut goji berry soup</h1>

Health soup sharing: pig's trotter peanut goji berries, river mussel salted meat pot, wild red mushroom stew chicken simple method pig's trotter peanut wolfberry soup river mussel salted meat pot wild red mushroom stew chicken

Pig's trotters, peanuts, goji berries, ginger, garlic, green onions, salt, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate

The steps are explained in detail

1 pig's trotters are bought and the boss is chopped, sliced with ginger and patted open with garlic.

2 peanuts and rice washed and set aside.

3 Pig's trotters put in water to boil a bloody water, wash clean.

4 Turn on the heat, pour the pig's trotters into the pot, add the ginger slices, stir-fry the garlic together.

5 Add some cooking wine and salt and continue to stir-fry for a while.

6 Put the pig's trotters into the pressure cooker, add the right amount of water, and the pig's trotters can be used.

7 Put the peanuts into a pressure cooker, put an appropriate amount of goji berries, cover with air, and then press on low heat for 30 minutes.

8 Sprinkle with an appropriate amount of green onion, a little MSG can come out of the pot.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > river mussel bacon stew</h1>

Health soup sharing: pig's trotter peanut goji berries, river mussel salted meat pot, wild red mushroom stew chicken simple method pig's trotter peanut wolfberry soup river mussel salted meat pot wild red mushroom stew chicken

River mussel meat, lettuce, black fungus, bacon, salt, ginger, salad oil, chicken essence, cooking wine

Peel 1 lettuce, cut into hob pieces and set aside.

2 river mussel meat with salt to grasp well, then wash with water, put water in the pot, add river mussel meat blanched water to drain the water, set aside.

3 slices of bacon, soak in boiling water for 5 minutes, wash and set aside.

4 black fungus foam hair, wash and set aside.

5 Pour in an appropriate amount of salad oil in a wok, heat the oil and then simmer the ginger slices, pour in the river mussel meat and stir-fry for a while.

6 Put the river mussel meat into a casserole dish, add the appropriate amount of water, cooking wine, salt, boil and add black fungus, then turn to low heat and simmer until the soup is thick and white.

7 Simmer for 30 minutes, pour in the chopped lettuce, turn to high heat, bring to a boil and turn to low heat until the lettuce is cooked through and ready to go.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > wild red mushroom stewed chicken</h1>

Health soup sharing: pig's trotter peanut goji berries, river mussel salted meat pot, wild red mushroom stew chicken simple method pig's trotter peanut wolfberry soup river mussel salted meat pot wild red mushroom stew chicken

Chicken nuggets: 1/2, lean meat: appropriate amount, wild red mushrooms: 10-15 flowers, salt: appropriate amount

1 Red mushroom soak for 3-5 minutes, wash and cut off the mushroom peduncle. Drain

2 chicken chopped pieces, lean meat cut into square pieces

3 Put all the soup ingredients into a crock pot.

4 Add boiling water

5 Bring to a boil on high heat and simmer on low heat for 2.5-3.5 hours. When the water comes to a boil, use a spoon to remove the oil stains.

6 Continue simmering. Stir the broth with a long spoon halfway through to avoid sticking to the bottom of the pan.

Add table salt after 7 to the time. enjoy

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