
Expert investigation: The three grandchildren who killed and poisoned two cats in Pingyuan County are suspected to be this wild red mushroom

author:Beiqing Net

Last Saturday, a poisoning incident of eating and picking wild mushrooms occurred in Shenai Village, Shangju Town, Pingyuan County, in which the grandmother, mother and a 3-year-old child, three grandchildren, were poisoned and sent to the hospital, and the rescue was ineffective and died. The 2 cats who ate the remaining mushroom soup at home were also poisoned, what kind of poisonous mushroom is this? Why is it so toxic? Yesterday, the reporter went into the mountains with provincial experts from Guangzhou and the staff of relevant departments in our city to look for poisonous mushrooms.

In order to find as many mushroom varieties as possible, the reporter, together with provincial experts, Meizhou Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Pingyuan County Health bureau, Pingyuan County CDC and town and village cadres and other relevant personnel, came to Pingyuan County To raise the town of She's brain village Xiaoshe into the mountains to find mushrooms.

Expert investigation: The three grandchildren who killed and poisoned two cats in Pingyuan County are suspected to be this wild red mushroom

Just into the mountain, experts found mushrooms in a mountain forest, experts said that this smell of fragrant mushrooms are poisonous, but this mushroom after drying, and eat red mushrooms look very similar, but experts told reporters that this red mushroom belongs to one of the stinky red mushrooms, its toxicity belongs to the gastrointestinal type, symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea.

Expert investigation: The three grandchildren who killed and poisoned two cats in Pingyuan County are suspected to be this wild red mushroom

4 hours into the mountain, experts in a large number of wild mushrooms to find dozens of wild mushroom varieties, the reporter saw that these mushrooms or grow in the dead leaf pile, or grow next to the water zhen, different colors, different shapes. Experts introduced to reporters that many of these mushrooms are poisonous mushrooms, and the toxin types of poisonous mushrooms are divided into: acute liver damage type, acute renal failure type, neuropsychiatric type, gastroenteritis type, hemolytic type, rhabdomyolysis type and photoallergic dermatitis type, etc. After accidental consumption, different poisoning symptoms will occur.

Expert investigation: The three grandchildren who killed and poisoned two cats in Pingyuan County are suspected to be this wild red mushroom

Experts told reporters that common poisonous mushrooms have deadly amanita and sub-dilute fold red mushrooms, of which the fatal amanita is very damaging to the liver, and the fatality rate is relatively high. In addition, such as the small cicada grass that grows under the grapefruit tree, people will be dizzy when they eat it, which also has an impact on the stomach and intestines, and it is easy to diarrhea.

Expert investigation: The three grandchildren who killed and poisoned two cats in Pingyuan County are suspected to be this wild red mushroom

Many people know that Pingyuan is rich in red mushrooms. Experts soon discovered four species of red mushrooms on the mountain, two of which were poisonous and one of which was deadly.

Expert investigation: The three grandchildren who killed and poisoned two cats in Pingyuan County are suspected to be this wild red mushroom

Source: Meizhou TV Minsheng 820

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