
How many wild red mushrooms are known as the king of mushrooms Do you know?

author:Make tea and talk about history
How many wild red mushrooms are known as the king of mushrooms Do you know?

Wild red mushrooms

In our daily life, there are many high-end supplements such as ginseng, deer antler velvet, bird's nest, cordyceps and so on. As everyone knows, there is a wild fungus that is extremely rare and extremely precious, it is a wild red mushroom known as "ginseng in mushrooms" and "king of mushrooms".

Wild red mushrooms are extremely precious wild fungi, mostly growing in the ecological forest primary forests in the south, such as Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi, Hubei, Fujian and other regions, especially in the Nanping, Sanming areas of Fujian, the most famous red mushrooms, growing in the original ecological high-altitude areas.

How many wild red mushrooms are known as the king of mushrooms Do you know?

Wild red mushrooms have a unique flavor of natural nutrition, containing the necessary multiple amino acid components of the human body, have the effect of nourishing the yin and tonifying the kidneys, beautifying the face, invigorating the blood and lungs, etc., containing a variety of anti-cancer substances, regular consumption can play a role in strengthening the body, prolonging life.

Wild red mushrooms can not be cultivated artificially, so it is doubly precious, because the hyphae can not be separated from the mushroom stem is not brittle and tough, there are many kinds of wild mushrooms in the deep mountains and old forests are also red, but it is very different from the real red mushroom.

The cover of wild red mushroom mushrooms is slightly thicker than the thicker mushroom legs, and the center of the mushroom lid is dark red or red black, the mushroom legs are solid and the hard mushroom folds are thicker, the taste is slightly astringent, the soup is red, and other red wild mushrooms are not available.

How many wild red mushrooms are known as the king of mushrooms Do you know?

At present, there are many so-called red mushrooms on the market, most of which are false after dyeing and processing, the price is far from the red mushrooms, there are dozens of pounds on the market, hundreds of pounds, there are thousands of them, but there are few real products, the real wild red mushrooms are more than thousands and rare, because the production of rare things is rare, I hope that the majority of friends to buy to polish the eyes, do not be deceived by unscrupulous traders.

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