
Zhao Jiaxuan's "Hey, Little Bones" was released, and Zhao Benshan's girlfriend lacked acting skills and less appearance, and the quality of the work was poor

author:Ma Qingyun

Text/Ma Qingyun

On July 12, the movie "Hey, Little Bones" was finally released on the legitimate video platform. This online movie has entered the platform to be broadcast list as early as last year, but it has not been released publicly. This release has finally unveiled the mystery. The film is starred by Zhao Jiaxuan, Chen Xinzhe and Lin Zicong, and the lineup is already relatively strong in the network movie.

Zhao Jiaxuan's "Hey, Little Bones" was released, and Zhao Benshan's girlfriend lacked acting skills and less appearance, and the quality of the work was poor

However, after watching the film, the old editor believes that this is a "fantasy" work without disease and moaning, but it is just a low-grade version of "Sansheng III Little Goblin". The biggest problem with "Hey, Little Bones" is that the story is not passed, and secondly, it is the appearance and acting skills presented by actor Zhao Jiaxuan, which is a lose-lose situation.

Let's start with the story level. A large number of monster and demon stories, the final story line, are the love stories of male and female protagonists, in addition to love, can not find other effective plot points. In the long run, the audience is naturally very tired and tired. This "Hey, Little Bones" has not escaped this strange circle, and at the story level, it has been making a fuss about the love content between the two little demons, and lacks other content that is more effective.

Zhao Jiaxuan's "Hey, Little Bones" was released, and Zhao Benshan's girlfriend lacked acting skills and less appearance, and the quality of the work was poor

Really good magic films, of course, there will be love, but love will not become the only mainstream content. On the contrary, this kind of magic story, so the creation is relatively free, so it is more willing to use its own big story to allude to some realist content. This is also the basic background of traditional Chinese magic stories, and even novels with obvious fantasy colors such as "Fengshen Yanyi" are a kind of magical expression based on social reality.

In contrast, this "Hey, Little Bones" can not find any other effective sociological content except for the love of life and death. This is a very awkward way of dealing with the script, and it also shows that the film is shoddy at the script level. Of course, this kind of demon and ghost story, which has no other than love, has become the mainstream of the current network movie works. This network movie starring Zhao Jiaxuan and others is completely unknown to everyone and has no merit.

Zhao Jiaxuan's "Hey, Little Bones" was released, and Zhao Benshan's girlfriend lacked acting skills and less appearance, and the quality of the work was poor

In terms of shooting scenes, this work also maintains the average level of online movies. A very interesting thing, this batch of online movies like to do relatively well in martial arts, special effects and other scenes, rather than seriously polishing at the script level. In fact, take out more costs to do the script, the quality of the film works presented may have a qualitative leap, and with these costs for special effects visuals, the net is still the level of the net, and it can never be compared with the cinema movie.

In this movie, Lin Zicong made a cameo appearance as a fish demon. This character basically has no value in the content of the script, and there is no inevitable connection between the main story, one more is not more, one less is not much. Poor quality scripts, it is easy to appear such roles. At the performance level, Lin Zicong still upholds his bad film acting skills, and there are no surprises to speak of. This actor is only funny in Stephen Chow's films, which is an interesting thing.

Zhao Jiaxuan's "Hey, Little Bones" was released, and Zhao Benshan's girlfriend lacked acting skills and less appearance, and the quality of the work was poor

The male protagonist Chen Xinzhe still has acting skills. The young actor knows how to laugh and perform content and present lines. But he is far from the level of people making a play. Under the biggest premise that the script quality of "Hey, Little Bones" is too poor, even if Chen Xinzhe, the male protagonist, works very hard, he is still powerless to return to heaven. Too often, the quality of the film is eroded, and the actors really shouldn't be blamed.

Of course, this time, in "Hey, Little Bones", Zhao Jiaxuan must be blamed. Although such a magical film work can only focus on love content, if the heroine has enough "love emotional appeal", the film work is also watchable. For example, Wang Zuxian's "Ghost of a Lady" is a classic memory of a generation. Zhao Jiaxuan is obviously not enough to support a love magic drama, whether it is acting skills or appearance.

Zhao Jiaxuan's "Hey, Little Bones" was released, and Zhao Benshan's girlfriend lacked acting skills and less appearance, and the quality of the work was poor

In terms of appearance, this is determined by the innate conditions of the actor. Uncle Benshan gave the girl more comedic temperament, but Zhao Jiaxuan obviously wants to find a beautiful route in this film work. In this way, it seems very contrary. If Zhao Jiaxuan plays some slang and funny comedy roles, it may make the audience temporarily forget the problem of her appearance. Any actor at the level of appearance should have a role that meets his own, not to the hero of the value of the face, but to force some roles that require high value, that is, the actor's own is not.

In terms of acting skills, Zhao Jiaxuan is still crying and mourning her face or expressionless to perform. Many of our traffic artists perform in this way. And this expressionless face is not the need of the role, but the actor's own poor acting skills, can not provide more accurate expressions. This kind of dull performance will cause the lack of plot flavor. The bridge section needs the actor to render the emotions, Zhao Jiaxuan has been this cold expression, and the emotional sense on the bridge section has been lost. Uncle Benshan's superb acting skills have not been effectively inherited by Zhao Jiaxuan.

Zhao Jiaxuan's "Hey, Little Bones" was released, and Zhao Benshan's girlfriend lacked acting skills and less appearance, and the quality of the work was poor

At present, Zhao Jiaxuan is already in a state of continuously unable to come up with masterpieces. Through this kind of weak network of plots, it is not enough to achieve Xiao Zhao. And Xiao Zhao himself, in terms of acting skills, should still go home and learn more from old Zhao.

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