
Qian Xiaojia happened to meet the rich woman boss who wanted to eat soft rice, netizen comments: Does Zhou Sihan know?

author:Game Radio

The heart of gossip is universal, and the gossip lace news of public figures will be paid attention to by the general public and infinitely magnified. Whether it is a celebrity or an anchor or even some bloggers, their private lives will receive some attention. The comeback of outdoor anchor Qian Xiaojia after three years of silence has not only brought a lot of familiar and fresh live broadcast content, but also a sweet love that occasionally brushes the sense of existence in the live broadcast of words.

Last week, when Qixi was in place, Qian Xiaojia gave his girlfriend Zhou Sihan a big surprise, one is to record the love journey of the two, the other is to show that he has created a lot of surprises, and he has been ignored by male and female fans, but some of the money ability Qian Xiaojia has made a battle that is definitely not something that ordinary people can learn, and the feelings of this thing, the heart to do their best!

Qian Xiaojia happened to meet the rich woman boss who wanted to eat soft rice, netizen comments: Does Zhou Sihan know?

However, this back and forth can indeed be seen that Qian Xiaojia has some strict attributes of his wife, after all, he is still quite serious about this feeling. But in recent days, Qian Xiaojia has actually drifted a little, and fans have watched the hilarity is not a big deal: Does Ah Han know?

This matter still has to start from Qian Xiaojia's recent live broadcast in Shanghai, Shanghai Entertainment Road he is quite familiar with, this time to Shanghai is not only to do live broadcast play, but also to Shanghai Entertainment to talk about some cooperation, before he came to inspect the work of this small anchor quite senior veteran style.

Qian Xiaojia happened to meet the rich woman boss who wanted to eat soft rice, netizen comments: Does Zhou Sihan know?

However, this place is indeed a bit remote, the surrounding business circle has not yet developed, there is a hot pot restaurant is not bad, the hostess is far-sighted, feel that the loss to a certain extent will be bitter, the fact is true, she not only grasped the business opportunities and people over fifty still have charm.

Qian Xiaojia praised the boss lady and said that she looked a bit like Mao Amin and didn't look like a person in her fifties at all, and the crazy praise made the beauty smile. However, Qian Xiaojia came with a friend, and when he caught up with the boss lady to chat, his two beautiful girlfriends also caught up, watching the hilarity and saying that they would add a WeChat chat.

Qian Xiaojia happened to meet the rich woman boss who wanted to eat soft rice, netizen comments: Does Zhou Sihan know?

At this time, Sister Wang also played the round field and said that walking with Jia Ge was purely because she saw the handsome man and couldn't help but say a few more words, but Jia V's words were afraid that her husband would be angry, and Qian Xiaojia's desire to survive was full and said that I was also afraid that my wife would be angry. However, this v was eventually added, because there is indeed cooperation to be discussed. Qian Xiaojia, who has always been poor, did not forget to tease Sister Wang a few words: You are so beautiful, and your husband has several.

Qian Xiaojia happened to meet the rich woman boss who wanted to eat soft rice, netizen comments: Does Zhou Sihan know?

When I heard that the boss lady also planned to continue to open a branch, and even planned to go to micro-plastic surgery to make herself more beautiful, as well as the pursuit of love, Qian Xiaojia began to encourage her little brother to pick up this beautiful sister, the boss lady quipped that you and my son are about the same age, but we can both form a cp, now not all popular words, age is not a problem!

Qian Xiaojia happened to meet the rich woman boss who wanted to eat soft rice, netizen comments: Does Zhou Sihan know?

Qian Xiaojia still has the consciousness of non-single people. The joke is about to end, silently follow behind the big troops to feel the love of life, this move is still quite gentlemanly, and he is really good at playing with the terrier, such a high-quality anchor is difficult not to like, right?