
1600 tons of gold sank to the bottom of Lake Baikal, why has no one salvaged it so far? Expert: Don't dare to touch it

author:Letter to the third brother

The ancient text mentions: Who appreciates the West Lake well, the good scenery is always good. The meaning of this sentence is that many people appreciate the beauty of the West Lake, mainly because the scenery of the West Lake is so charming. In fact, there are many famous lakes in China, such as Dongting Lake, Poyang Lake and so on. There are also many famous lakes internationally, such as Lake Baikal.

1600 tons of gold sank to the bottom of Lake Baikal, why has no one salvaged it so far? Expert: Don't dare to touch it

There are many legends about Lake Baikal, such as the fact that there are 1600 tons of gold at the bottom of Lake Baikal. In 1917, when Tsarist Russia was close to the number of gas, many nobles representing the old feudal forces managed to bring a lot of treasure and migrate all the way to the west. Passing through Lake Baikal, they were chased by the enemy, and the nobles sank directly to the bottom of Lake Baikal by adding up a total of 1600 tons of gold.

If this legend is true, then why didn't anyone go salvaging it? Experts said that they did not even dare to touch it, because there are three reasons behind this that directly indicate that people do not want to salvage, but do not dare to salvage. Experts said: The first reason is that they dare not bet. In 2015, data detected that the deepest point of Lake Baikal could reach 1637 meters, and the total capacity of the lake exceeded 2.36 billion cubic meters.

The huge data directly shows that if this legend is false, then the government or individual units have invested a lot of salvage power, and in the end, it is a failed investment. No one dares to easily invest so much manpower and material resources to follow a legend. The second reason is that the salvage of Lake Baikal is very difficult, and the scientific and technological forces that need to be invested are naturally more.

1600 tons of gold sank to the bottom of Lake Baikal, why has no one salvaged it so far? Expert: Don't dare to touch it

Lake Baikal is also the junction of seismic zones, and the data shows that earthquakes of magnitude 6 or so occur every 10 years or so, and catastrophic earthquakes of magnitude 9 or so occur every 30 years or so. The two major earthquakes recorded in history are 1862 and 1959. In 1960, a 9.5 magnitude earthquake appeared in Lake Baikal, and after this large earthquake was not easily ended, the geological water level directly dropped by 15 to 20 meters due to the impact of the earthquake.

And there will be some surface radiation, which will also increase crustal fracture. So if technology can't be used as a basis for salvage, who dares to easily get involved? Reason 3: Who does the gold belong to? In 1996, Lake Berga was selected as a World Natural Heritage Site, and from this point of view, Lake Baikal seems to belong to everyone and belongs to all mankind.

But the ethnic group that has been living in the Lake Berga region is the Irkutsk minority. If one looks at the demarcation line of the national border, Lake Baikal is again the dividing line between the Republic of Buryatia and the Irkutsk Oblast. So there's no way to come up with a relatively more unified statement – who does Lake Berga really belong to? If anyone is counted as who is salvaged, it is estimated that the powerful international forces will want to bite the fat meat. Of course, in addition to these three main reasons, there are also some niche reasons.

Lake Baikal, for example, is a natural biological chain. For underwater animals, Lake Baikal is a complete world. If Lake Baikal is destroyed, these biological and plant resources and even mineral resources may be affected. This may be a loss for humanity as a whole. Therefore, whether this legend is true or not, as long as the technology is not developed, no one dares to think about the salvage.

Source: Happy travel

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